
A Soul Flies Free

To wake up in another world, one can only dream. But what happens when dreams turn into reality and eventually lead to a nightmare? This is a story about a lone soul that traveled through the barriers of impossibility, passing through dimensions, to end up crossing paths with the fates of new people. Was it all a coincidence, or a scheme by the gods of heaven?

Cloudoir · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Hello, I'm Cloudoir, but you can call me Cloud. No preference on pronouns, keep it simple. This chapter is a quick rundown with some reminders.

About 'A Soul Flies Free':

This story focuses on character and world building, so expect a bunch of details and development. There might be info dumps, plot holes, and grammatical errors—I'll try to minimize those.

The Setting:

We're in a steampunk world. I did my research, but if you're a steampunk enthusiast, feel free to share tips. It won't be super accurate; it's fantasy, not a history lesson. No strict adherence to physics—I'm not good at it.


I'm open to feedback. If something seems off, let me know.


It's fantasy, so logic takes a backseat.


1. Romance?

Maybe, but not in the early volumes. We'll see where it goes.

2. Harem?

Nah, not happening. I know it's a thing, but not here.

3. Edgelord MC?

Nah, just a curious dude exploring.

4. Wanna-be Hero?


5. Simp MC?


Length and Updates:

Around 200+ chapters. About 2,000 words each. Updates? Well, no strict schedule, but if I can update regularly then in the future threre will be a proper schedule.


Keeping it formal, 3rd person perspective

Reminders: (I Don't think there's a need for this but I'll put it anyway)

1. People get offended so easily now so be respectful

2. No politics

3. Be open-minded

4. Spoiler alert

5. From now on you all are my raindrops.

6. Patience, I'm lazy.

7. Enjoy