
A Soul's Promise

Author: Jendt
Fantasy Romance
Ongoing · 5.6K Views
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What is A Soul's Promise

Read A Soul's Promise novel written by the author Jendt on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Fantasy Romance stories, covering reincarnation, magic, superpowers, villain, survival. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


Two flawed people, fated to meet, are stuck in the same body. The first, unsure of her identity, search for her purpose. The other, even though traumatized by her past, seeks revenge. Follow their story as they go through dilemmas, make decisions, meet new people and say their farewells. "Crossing lines I know I shouldn't I'll make them pay for their sins Not with money, but with blood For I am your desire incarnate" -Riva This thing has been rebooted a lot. It was previously called, "The Last Kin of the Cold-blooded Night-folks" (Lilith-chan) Maybe don't expect much of Isekai tropes (although it is one). Just a fantasy story I've had for a long time, and carefully being layed out (really slowly). Hopefully, I can do it justice. Have a fun read.

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