
A Sorceress Struggle

They say that hard work always pays! And that people always reap what they sow! Those were the words Tania beloved in and took as a principle for life. This is the story of a girl who lost her life and is struggling for her own good.

Ares_Hide · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 2: The Abyss, suddenly kicked to another world.

Why is it so dark in here? Am I dreaming?

Just moments ago, I got confessed to and confessed back to Derick.

I am sure I was still holding hands with him just moments ago...why am I here?

If I remember correctly, I confessed my feelings, then I felt this sharp pain in my back and then I slept...

Oh my gosh! Derick! He was crying and screaming! Did something happen?! He wouldn't make such expressions unless...

At that moment I came to a sudden realization...

I, Tania Spark...Am dead.

How did I know I died...I don't know, the idea just came to me...And that I am right now in a place called the "Heart of the Abyss"...

Wait! How do I know this?!

Suddenly, I heard a noise...

The noise was like of...birds flapping their wings inside the darkness.

And the more the noise approached, the more pressure I felt.

{New Host, aquired}

Wait what?! What was that sound???

Those words, that voice came out of all directions. It was overwhelming and impossible to know if it was a man or woman that spoke...

{Initiating the Host Character Creation}

Right after those words, I felt a hellish pain.

It was like pure torture, my entire being was torn appart and reassembled in an unending cycle of pain and torment for what it seemed like an eternity.

But if only it stopped at the physical pain, my mind was going through far worst!

Thousands of images, flushed through my head. Memories and knowledge I had no idea where it came from, flooded my mind, digging it's way to my memory by force.

I wished I could scream or call for help...but I was denied any sound.

The darkness that shrouded me, was suffocating...but it was also peaceful in a way.

I don't know for how long I have been in there, stuck in that neverending torment until I heard that voice speak once more...

{Host Creation 50% Complete}

{Initiating the inheritance}

The pain stopped and what came after it, was a surge of power.

It was like cold poison crawling it's was deep into my veins and then burn me from the inside out with an unbearable heatstroke.

That also took for a very long time until it stopped...

{Character Creation process 86%}

This time I had to face an unending flood of emotions.

The only way I could describe it is that I experienced all kinds of emotions one after another in a very extreme way...and for some reason the negative feelings were much worse to deal with than anything else.

For the negative feelings came with a poisonous feeling like if my entire being was corrupted.

With anger, envy, greed and other negative emotions...came power and superiority! It was unimaginably euphoric!

{Initiating the #@=•√##}

This time, the voice spoke incomprehensible words. And what came after those words...was light.

It was incredible, as if I was blind and then I gained eyesight all of a sudden.

This place that was once dark like a pitch black hole, was filled with colors. The scenario was unimaginable, it was like a symphony of colors, dancing on a chaotic yet...beautiful.

A chain of butterfly like beings shrouded in darkness and light, flew, flapping their wings in a trail heading toward an unknown direction...

Each butterfly looked so unique...and they were all pleasant to sight.

The voice spoke once more in an unknown language again

{#@#+@#=|`~~##@} I couldn't understand a thing of what it said and I didn't have the time to think about it, because the moment that voice resonated, the chain of butterflies stopped and changed its direction towards me.

The trail of butterflies, flew in circles around me like if they were dancing however the origin of the voice wanted them to act.

Curious, I reached for one of the butterflies with my hand...

It was a butterfly, shrouded in a beautiful purple light. It was so mystical and the more I looked at it the more I wished to reach for it...

And when I touched it, it blew up.

The purple butterfly blew up releasing a powerful shock wave that pushed all the other butterflies away leaving nothing but a mystical gem the size of an apple radiating in purple...

The crystal drew me closer, and then it dug it's way into my chest. My ears started ringing and the whole space began shaking, with each heartbeat came a powerful shock wave that brought even more chaos to the abyss.

This time, the surge of power was far more painful than the first time. I screamt to the abominable pain and ended up blacking out...

The last thing I could remember was hearing a voice...the same voice say something about "Incarnation".

AND~~ that's how I ended up waking up here in this fancy room.

The room I was in was that of mansion located in the Evanson's duke territory of a country called "Regulus Empire".

A white haired girl with a pair of eyes like embers sighed on her bed, clenching on her long white nightgown saying <Just...what kind of irony is this!>

The girl suddenly stood up and threw the pillow across the room and approached a mirror.

There she looked at her reflection...

Same facial features, same face same body shape...except for the Ember eyes and the white hair like spider threads...

I remember everything that happened in the abyss...I know that this is my body and that I have been sent to another world.

I also have memories of a life I didn't live! Of a girl who's called Satiana Von Evanson...

20 years of memory I had undoubtedly never lived. The memories of a girl who lived a very very sad life.

She turned her back and walked toward the window, it was still night time and the sky was still under the cover of darkness.

She knew where she was and who she was, everything was given to her before she came to this world.

She knew that the abyss somehow manipulated reality and gave her a life in this world...

<Tales of Regulus...to think that world actually existed and not only in games?> she sighed and brushed her white hair back with both hands.

I died! I freaking died and came back to the world of a game! What irony is this?! What kind of cosmic joke is this?!

She began chuckling and then hysterically laughed out loud before bursting into tears

She fell on her knees looking at the sky and cursed at her fate.

<AHH! How cruel can my life be?! To be torn from the one I loved and sent to another world, how crazy can the world be!>

She sobbed and cried and when she stood up she grabbed the first thing her hands could reach and began trashing the room.

She entered a state of grief, and threw or broke anything she could destroy with her hands.

Flipped the table, broke decoration, tore the curtains, ripped the bed, broke the mirror...

She kept screaming until a group of people wearing servants clothing, men and woman, entered the room.

An old man in his late forties wearing his glasses and a fancy butler suit with tails tried calming the girl <Miss, please calm down, we fear you could injure yourself>

I stopped and spoke <Calm down...? How can I calm down?! Is that even possible?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN!!!?> I grabbed a chair and threw it towards them.

The butler suddenly raised his hand and said <Wind shield> before summoning an invisible shield of wind that stopped the chair for hurting anyone and said <Stop this young miss, we do not wish to hurt you>

<Hurt me...?! Hurt ME?! How funny is that! I am already hurt!> She said before taking a few steps back and approaching the window.

The butler feared the worst and said <Miss, please, calm down and get away from the window>

Why do I have to calm down? I have lost everything I held dear!

Is there a point for working so hard anymore?

Is there a reason for me to strife for a better life when I have been brutally torn from my hardly earned life?

This feeling of despair...this grief that is eating away my soul, I don't even know who should I blame for this?!

Starting by how I was stabbed in the back and died in the arms of the man I love?

Or the entities that rule over this world and brought me here?!

Or should I blame myself for being so powerless?

I don't know anything anymore...I just...can't...

At that moment, the girl's eyes shed tears of grief and her irises flew in red. a dark crimson red color.

Sparks of dark purple energy cracked around her like an omnious aura.

The servants tried to approach and when they did they got hit by the dark purple energy.

<Everything...Everything...is over now...> with those words said, she closed her eyes after releasing a powerful shock wave akin to an explosion before passing out one more time.

Thank you for Reading this chapter! A few explanation for what happened to the female lead will come on the next chapters but here is a little info for you.

The abyss took Tania body and soul and made her undergo a process of rehabilitation making her able to have Mana inside of her like all mages in the world of Regulus After the rehabilitation Tania touched a butterfly Wich made her gain something more than what the abyss had planned for her and then it modified reality to give a place to live

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