
A Song to Forget

"In the depths of winter, I found within me, an invincible summer." Chi Yun was the best student at an esteemed music school and once had a bright career ahead of her as a talented pianist. But she had to take a long break from her education due to an unfortunate tragedy. Now that five years have passed, she is at last going back to school. However, she quickly finds herself embroiled in a heated argument with Wang Zhanyan, a disturbed student with a twisted past and a propensity for disruption, as soon as she arrives. Excerpt... Chi Yun sized up Wang Zhanyan and teased, “My, my. How could Chef Lu ever fancy you with a weak body like yours? Have you seen the difference? Which chef does not have a strong body?” Was Chi Yun belittling his strength? Wang Zhanyan grew indignant. “You really shouldn’t think so little of me. I beat up Cheng Xin and the others. Have you forgotten?” Chi Yun thought about it and agreed. Although Wang Zhanyan appeared frail and gaunt, he did possess some modicum of skill. Wang Zhanyan thought Chi Yun did not believe him, so he lifted his shirt and grabbed Chi Yun's hand, running them down his abdomen. “Hah! Can you feel them? I’ve got six-pack abs; count them if you don’t believe me!” The sudden warmth and firmness under her touch sent a jolt down Chi Yun's spine. She tried to retract her hand, but Wang Zhanyan, incensed, refused to let go and insisted she felt his abs. Thankfully, there was no one around. Otherwise, Chi Yun felt she would probably have to find a hole to hide in. It was so mortifying she would not have had the face to greet anyone. “Wang Zhanyan, unhand me!” Chi Yun hissed through gritted teeth. ... Highschool romance x entertainment industry. Two-faced fl x troublemaker ml

Rhaini · Teen
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11 Chs

Scary Chi Yun (2)

The arrogance on Lin Mu's face disappeared instantly. His face paled, and he looked at Chi Yun with terror.

When Chi Caishen saw this, he let out a huge laugh. Suddenly, his chest didn't feel as congested as before.

"Who the hell are you?" Lin Mu held the door handle for support. He was surprised to see that his attacker was a girl. He instantly glared fiendishly at Chi Yun. The girl looked very familiar to him, but he couldn't place her at that moment.

"I'm Chi Yun, his sister."

Chi Caishen's lips opened, but this time he didn't say anything.

Lin Mu was stunned for a moment, and then he said with surprise, "Did you say Chi Yun? Wow, Chi Chi Caishen, I have no idea she's your sister; your little sister is so pretty."

Chi Yun gave the kid a once-over. She was instantly reminded of the research students she had to supervise abroad. They all needed to be whipped into shape before she could work with them. Her eyes darkened, and a cold gaze penetrated Lin Mu. Her gaze was a warning that one shouldn't test her. She didn't say anything, but her gaze was enough.

Lin Mu fell obediently silent, and he didn't even dare to meet Chi Yun's eyes.

"Let's go," Chi Yun told Chi Caishen.

Chi Caishen was puzzled. Since when did Chi Yun become so imposing? He suddenly remembered that when they were young, Chi Yun would cry when he would tease her that there's a monster under her bed, and then Chi Jun would scold him for scaring their sister.

Lin Mu didn't say anything to Chi Yun when she passed. But as Chi Caishen walked by, the two young men glared at each other with rancor. However, the moment Chi Yun turned back to look at them, they were obedient little children again.

With the help of the police, Chi Yun completed the files to lead Chi Caishen away. To be honest, underage teens were not allowed to bail people out of detention, but this was the Chi family!

Lin Mu looked at Chi Yun go through all the procedures, and he couldn't help but put in a little jab. "The Chi Family sure is broke. They can't even afford a secretary that Miss Chi has to personally handle everything. But for me, my dad has sent an assistant to handle everything."

Chi Caishen was about to say something when Chi Yun cut him off: "The fact that none of your family members care about you enough to come bail you out from detention in person but instead sent hired help is something to be proud of."

Lin Mu's expression froze. His tongue got tied, and he didn't know how to counter.

Chi Caishen, who walked out, couldn't help but twitch his lips and let out a satisfied laugh. Who knew Chi Yun was such a silver-tongued lass?

At the end of the day, Lin Mu was a man who was more brawn than brain. Even after he worked his brain until his face was red, he couldn't find a comeback for Chi Yun.

After the procedure was done, Chi Yun strode out of the station. "Let's go."

Chi Caishen felt Chi Yun's attitude was slightly demeaning to him, but what else could he do? Sit on the floor of the police station and refuse to go. So he huffed angrily and followed obediently behind her.

However, as they left the police station, Chi Caishen's expression changed. He turned around and walked away from Chi Yun.

"Where are you going?" Chi Yun called after him.

"None of your business."

Yao Lan was waiting for them at the entrance of the police station. He was slightly relieved when he saw the two of them. At least both of them still had all of their limbs intact.

"Miss Chi Yun, do you mean Old Master Chi's home?" Old Master Chi already told Yao Fan that Chi Yun was to return to Old Master Chi's place after school. Old Master Chi also ordered him to keep an eye on Chi Caishen so that he wouldn't escape after school.

Chi Yun nodded. Chi Caishen was surprised that Chi Yun was going to bring them to their grandparents' place. He was already going to protest when Chi Yun raised her brow challengingly at him and said, "Well, are you coming or are you too afraid to meet your grandparents after what you have done?"

Then, to everyone's surprise, Chi Yun turned to Lin Mu, who was still standing around, and ordered, "You are coming too."

Seeing this, Chi Caishen instantly burst into flames. He shouted, "Chi Yun, are you out of your mind?" What the hell is she thinking, inviting this Lin Mu home? I just got into a fight with Lin Mu; does she intend to have me apologize to the man before the elders? Like hell, I will let that happen! If she thinks I will apologize just like that, she'll have another thing coming. Fine, I'll play along for now. I'll definitely make her regret this! Grandpa and Grandma will side with me anyway.

Chi Caishen recognized Yao Lan, and he knew Yao Lan was his brother's friend. Therefore, Chi Caishen hopped into the man's car and occupied the front passenger seat.

Yao Lan saw how dark Chi Caishen's face was. He said awkwardly, "Young Master Chi, do you mind waiting for a moment?" Chi Caishen must have quarreled with Chi Yun inside the station.

Soon, Chi Yun brought Lin Mu along and got into the car as well.

Lin Mu was confused. Why am I even following this girl's orders?

As Yao Lan got into the driver's seat and started the engine, Chi Caishen turned back to look. Then he frowned at what he saw.

Chi Yun was wearing a jacket, and it fitted the dress that she wore underneath. However, the offending article of clothing was the short skirt, which had hiked up her fair and long legs when she was seated.

Chi Caishen's eyes twitched when his gaze moved to Lin Mu, who was seated beside Chi Yun, Chi Caishen's body trembled with fury. Where the fuck is this bastard laying his eyes?

Chi Caishen immediately removed his jacket. This action startled Yao Lan, who stepped on the brake. He assumed the young man was going to get into a fight. He questioned cautiously, "Young Master Chi, what's wrong?"

"Cover it up," Chi Caishen ordered coldly. Seeing as no one reacted, Chi Caishen repeated, "Cover it up."

Only then did Chi Yun realize what Chi Caishen was talking about.

Lin Mu caught on as well. He coughed awkwardly and turned his eyes elsewhere. Chi Yun raised her eyes at Chi Caishen but did not reach for the jacket.

For some reason, Chi Caishen was discomfited by her gaze; he didn't even dare to look at her directly. "Just..." He wanted to say something more, but the words got stuck in his throat.

In the end, he dropped the jacket on Chi Yun's lap and squeezed the following out of his gritted teeth: "Fine, let's go!" Chi Caishen was annoyed. Why is she seated beside Lin Mu when she is dressed like that?! Has she no awareness of her appearance? A girl should be more protective of herself, especially around a goon like Lin Mu!

Chi Yun adjusted Chi Caishen's jacket over her lap. She looked at the back of Chi Caishen's head and started to think. Even at this age, he is acting like a child. We're the same age yet, and I'm already solving the Riemann Hypothesis and Yang-Mills Existence and Mass Gap[1]. Then again, this is a good thing. With his temperament, there is still a chance to save this wild child. It is not too late to lead him back to the straight and narrow path!

Lin Mu turned to Chi Caishen and sneered, "Chi Caishen, why the sudden big brother act? "

Chi Caishen was in a bad mood, so he fired back, "Shut up, did I ask for your opinion? More of that, and I'll twist off your head and throw it out the window!"

The two shouted back and forth, but thankfully, it didn't escalate into a physical fight.

Yao Lan soon brought them to Old Master Chi's residence. Inside the house, Chi Yun and Chi Caishen's grandparents were already waiting for them.

However, there was another guest at the house today. It was a woman called Qu Xuan; she was Chi Yun and Chi Caishen's so-called stepmother's niece, but their father didn't marry that woman.

Old Madam Chi didn't approve of this woman. From her wisdom, she knew that this Qu Xuan would only bring more chaos to the Chi family.

Old Madam Chi did not like this girl at all, but Qu Yi, or their stepmother, had already decided to pair Qu Xuan with Chi Caishen. Even though they had only interacted a few times, Old Madam Chi had already seen through the girl's disguise.

The three got on very awkwardly. As Qu Xuan tried to find another topic, the sound of a car came from outside the door.


1. Riemann Hypothesis and Yang-Mills Existence, and Mass Gap: One of the world's most difficult math equation to solve.

I swear i don't like Chi Caishen that much(oops)

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