
A Song Of Thunder And Blissful Storms

A Man Reborn As The Younger Brother Of Robert Baratheon By one year with three wishes let's see what he can achieve

Rebel_Royal5 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Childhood Memories

It's been eight years,since Orian was born into,this world and he couldn't, be happier he has a mother that loves him and I've come to love her like my original mother.She is kind gentle,but not afraid to put you in your place,he also loved his father is he stern hard man but loving to his children.


He also loved his brothers Robert and Stannis, who is nine and eight respectively,he would always run around and play knights.and Bandits with Robert and reading to Stannis,I've also started the his martial,training and do to my Instant mastery,it was very easy to do and exceeding.


All expectation people call a prodigy because of my mastery. of all weapons and hand to hand combat even beating Robert.


And dont even let me start on the Educational,front hell I'm maeter cressen, favorite child with all my breakthroughs.


l made in medical science damn, just the bases of germ theory in this backwater world, can make anybody seem like a saint not to mention.


All my ideas printing presses, glass makeing people really went ape shit, when the taught of glass being made at a cheap price along with the.


Alcohol such as vodka bourbon, whiskey gin and champagne to go with it,and worship in the north out of all of those "inventions", he made had storms end rolling in money and he was loved.


By all lords even own our way the match, the mothf**ken Lannisters, but like all things the bad comes, with the good there as you might have figured out not alot of people.


Are to happy about the sudden rise ,of the Baratheon chief among them myr, who dont take to kindly to people "stealing"there ideas, and costumers and sent many Assassinations after me.


But they dint get very far with his power over water and lightning, he can use water manipulation feel a person's heart. to see if they where lying and lightning, to invade a person nerves system, and read there muscle movement perfect.


For getting rid of spies,The other who don't like,the Baratheon's rise to power would obviously.


Be the Lannisters who where all,but hurt about having a rival even with the friendship.


Between my father and tywin,it put a big strain on there relationship,now they are only courteous to each other.


And finally we have the targaryens,who feel more weary by our wealth,than threating considering, that my father was cousins with the king and that we cut the cost drastically.when it came to the Royal,family plus our loyalty,which is great because it wouldn't,be to good if the ruling dynasty feel to threaten.it could cause alot of problems.


Speaking of power I have also been, practicing with them and is quite good at using them I can use.


water: for defense and offens, shape it into weapons can freeze boil, create vapor and mist make it super dense even compress, it into blads and waterbody.


Wind: for this I really went a bit crazy, I can create tornadoes hurricanes, wind spheres bullets can compress the air. and do massive damage wind blades, even micro blades even invented the air scooter I can also turn into wind.


Lighting: Not only did I recreate, all the moves from naruto one piece, and other anime to the chidori, and its variations to Enel lightning giant avatar.


Ice :(ok I'm extremely lazy so just think of Aoikiji grey Lyon ur and hynorimaru zanpakuto all mix together and can create storms).


And because of my so called "genius",people just assume I'm blessed, by the gods I did see a little Jealously in Robert's eyes some times.


As he is constantly been compared, to me it's just child hood jealousy, now but I know it will be a problem down the road. if I dont nip it in the bud now, but the Question remains on how to go about it.