
A song of the obsidian hearts

lovelypoetic · LGBT+
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4 Chs


The city sleeps with one eye open. The daytime bustle has faded, replaced by a quieter rhythm. Streetlights cast a warm glow on the asphalt, stretching into a long pool of golden light. The shops were preparing to close as people returned to their homes after a long day's work. The streets were getting more and more desolate. This night was different than the rest as Jennie, dressed in a marine corps uniform, is returning home after being away for nearly 3 years. Nothing was in her mind except the look of surprising her family as she didn't inform anyone of her return. From an open window she could hear a jazz melody that gave her a soothing feeling. Finally, she was at her doorstep after the long journey. She took a deep breathe and proceeded to open the door.

"Am home," she said as she entered towards the living room. There was no reply. Suddenly the power went out. 'Well this is a coincidence,' she thought to herself. Having been in the army she could sense a foul play from a mile away. 'Am just going to have to pretend anyways,' Carefully, she walked over to the kitchen. Her countenance turned cold when she saw her brother's body on the floor. She could no longer think as she immediately went to inspect the body. When it came to her family rational thinking was out of the question for Jennie.

"Surprise!" voices shouted as two dark figures jumped from the shadows lighting their torches on her. Jennie immediately took a battle stance as she was almost blinded by the lights pointed at her. They laughed as they saw the terrified look on her face. Angrily she got up and looked at them with a stern face, "For God's sake you guys gave me a scare! What were you thinking?"

"You thought you'd get the jump on us big sis we got you now," her brother, Eddie, remarked as he stood up from the floor and pulled out his toy gun to splash her with water. "The kids and I wanted to pull a prank on you since its been a long time and you didn't tell us you're coming" her mother replied as she moved closer to embrace her. Jennie could only smile as she missed her family the whole time she was in the military.

"Come here you two idiots," she said as she pulled in her two brothers for a hug. 'They have gotten bigger' she thought to herself as she smelt the fragrance from their clothes. The kids giggled as they tried to move away from their sister's strong hands. Oh, she missed this the warm sound of her family's laughter other than gun fires, moving tanks and bomb shells. "Let us go big sis!" Raffa shouted until she finally eased up on the strong grip and released them. The family later sat down for a hearty meal as Jennie told them stories of the experience she had in the army. Well at least the good parts.

"How is dad?" Jennie asked her mom after tucking the kids to sleep. "Same as always," her mother replied her voice shuddering with emotion. "He's going to wake up soon mom," Her mother felt a warm embrace from her daughter's words that left her eyes full of tears. "Jennie," she said in a soft voice. "Promise you'll always come back alive no matter the mission." Jennie nodded as she knew she was the glue that kept her mother intact all these years. "I'll visit dad tomorrow get some sleep mom," she said as she headed towards her room.