
A Song of Ice and Fire: Wrath of the Sleeping Dragon

[A Song of Ice and Fire Fanfiction] Transported into the body Viserys Targaryen, the rightful sovereign of the Andals, Rhoynar, and the First Men, and the Guardian of the Realm, I embrace my title as the 'True Dragon.' **Update**- I can now confirm this book will be a harem book. around 250ish the book alludes to the possibility of it while introducing the first confirmed woman the MC sleeps with. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone, I wanted to diversify my projects a bit after my earlier stumbles and newfound success and motivation from my main translation work as I start to get into a groove of improving my translating abilities. ASOIAF and GoT overall seems to be a popular but have a somewhat underserved audience on here compared to something like Marvel, DC, and shonen jump manga /comics. That being said I am very well aware of the rather large distaste for bad Chinese fanfiction translations. I do my best to select works that have a large volume of chapters that are available to me. Given that I’m in the US and don’t have access to things like Alipay or WeChat (believe me I’ve tried :( ) to get access to more popular sites like b.faloo and my extreme unwillingness to just touch up existing MTL translations means I will continue to have to select from a limited number of projects. I also know the color of the eye on more human side of the face should be purplish but I'm still super new to using Midjourny as my focus this past month has been more on getting my quality up and creating a stockpile of chapters for my main translation project.-- also I got lucky with the image actually kind of reflecting a more intense version of what I would imagine the "golden finger" looks like.

Read_and_Chill · Book&Literature
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805 Chs

Chapter 761: Brother Aegon

"Uncle Viserys."

In the gardens of King's Landing, the Red Keep.

Since Aegon left the Red Keep to join the Great Sept of Baelor, he rarely returned. Apart from occasional visits from his sister Rhaenyis and his uncle Oberyn, the rest of his time was spent in diligent study within the Sept.

His dreams and ambitions had gradually waned amid the rigorous training in the Sept. Young Aegon grew up understanding his position and abandoning unrealistic fantasies, becoming more composed and decisive.

However, upon seeing his powerful uncle once again, his heart couldn't help but accelerate. Sweating, his hand clenched within the sleeves of his gray robe.

Aegon's nervousness stemmed from various reasons—some akin to a child facing a parent after misdeeds, others a result of the imposing aura making him instinctively lower his head.

Viserys was Aegon's idol. Although Aegon never openly spoke about it, in his heart, his uncle outshone even his father Rhaegar, the 'Silver Prince.' Despite Rhaegar's widespread popularity, he ultimately lost battles, losing the Iron Throne for House Targaryen. These were the very victories Viserys reclaimed.

Growing up under royal education, Aegon learned to be an exceptional ruler before even mastering walking. Viserys, yet without an heir, fueled Aegon's ambition.

However, these aspirations led him to relinquish his birthright, becoming a monk, when Rhaenyis bore a son for Viserys. It shattered Aegon's last remaining ambition.

Yet, to his surprise, Viserys didn't blame him.

"Aegon, do you want to be the High Septon?"

Viserys stood on the walls of the Red Keep, overlooking the endless Blackwater Bay. Ships queued in the harbor, and the port of King's Landing buzzed with activity.

When Aegon heard his uncle's question, he hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath to steady his racing heart, then, looking at Viserys' back, nodded and spoke.

"Yes, Uncle. I want to be the High Septon."

Aegon's lies never escaped Viserys' scrutiny from childhood. The child, scarred by being exposed every time, learned a lesson.

However, growing up, Aegon faced Viserys' web of lies within the Church, took a breath, and admitted without deceit.

Surprisingly, Viserys didn't reproach him.


At that moment, Aegon finally heard Viserys' voice, like a drowning man grabbing a lifeline, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Because I can't stand their ways."

"Uncle Viserys."

Viserys calmly asked for the reason behind Aegon's actions. Having experienced the recent events, Aegon, with a clearer mind, took another deep breath.

"I may not turn the Church into an extremist cult like the Sparrows, but I should at least make it fulfill its rightful role. It should be a sanctuary for believers, protecting the suffering populace, easing conflicts, and stabilizing society, not a machine for plundering wealth."

Aegon didn't hide his past association with the Sparrows. In his youth, aspiring to be the heir apparent, he sought support from the Sparrows to gain favor with the common people. However, Viserys vehemently opposed.

If this happened years ago, Aegon might have vehemently denied any connection to the Sparrows. However, today, enlightened by recent events, he realized what he should do.

Viserys, knowing the truth, turned slightly to look at Aegon. Once again, Aegon's heart raced, breath quickened, facing the Emperor's gaze.


At that moment, Aegon finally heard Viserys' voice, like a drowning man grabbing a lifeline, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Because I can't stand their ways."

"Uncle Viserys."

Viserys calmly asked for the reason behind Aegon's actions. Having experienced the recent events, Aegon, with a clearer mind, took another deep breath.

"I may not turn the Church into an extremist cult like the Sparrows, but I should at least make it fulfill its rightful role. It should be a sanctuary for believers, protecting the suffering populace, easing conflicts, and stabilizing society, not a machine for plundering wealth."

Aegon didn't hide his past association with the Sparrows. In his youth, aspiring to be the heir apparent, he sought support from the Sparrows to gain favor with the common people. However, Viserys vehemently opposed.

If this happened years ago, Aegon might have vehemently denied any connection to the Sparrows. However, today, enlightened by recent events, he realized what he should do.

Viserys, knowing the truth, turned slightly to look at Aegon. Once again, Aegon's heart raced, breath quickened, facing the Emperor's gaze.


At that moment, Aegon finally heard Viserys' voice, like a drowning man grabbing a lifeline, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Because I can't stand their ways."

"Uncle Viserys."

Viserys calmly asked for the reason behind Aegon's actions. Having experienced the recent events, Aegon, with a clearer mind, took another deep breath.

"I may not turn the Church into an extremist cult like the Sparrows, but I should at least make it fulfill its rightful role. It should be a sanctuary for believers, protecting the suffering populace, easing conflicts, and stabilizing society, not a machine for plundering wealth."

Aegon didn't hide his past association with the Sparrows. In his youth, aspiring to be the heir apparent, he sought support from the Sparrows to gain favor with the common people. However, Viserys vehemently opposed.

If this happened years ago, Aegon might have vehemently denied any connection to the Sparrows. However, today, enlightened by recent events, he realized what he should do.

Viserys, knowing the truth, turned slightly to look at Aegon. Once again, Aegon's heart raced, breath quickened, facing the Emperor's gaze.


At that moment, Aegon finally heard Viserys' voice, like a drowning man grabbing a lifeline, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Because I can't stand their ways."

"Uncle Viserys."

Viserys calmly asked for the reason behind Aegon's actions. Having experienced the recent events, Aegon, with a clearer mind, took another deep breath.

"I may not turn the Church into an extremist cult like the Sparrows, but I should at least make it fulfill its rightful role. It should be a sanctuary for believers, protecting the suffering populace, easing conflicts, and stabilizing society, not a machine for plundering wealth."

Aegon didn't hide his past association with the Sparrows. In his youth, aspiring to be the heir apparent, he sought support from the Sparrows to gain favor with the common people. However, Viserys vehemently opposed.

If this happened years ago, Aegon might have vehemently denied any connection to the Sparrows. However, today, enlightened by recent events, he realized what he should do.

Viserys, knowing the truth, turned slightly to look at Aegon. Once again, Aegon's heart raced, breath quickened, facing the Emperor's gaze.
