
A Song of Ice and Fire: Wrath of the Sleeping Dragon

[A Song of Ice and Fire Fanfiction] Transported into the body Viserys Targaryen, the rightful sovereign of the Andals, Rhoynar, and the First Men, and the Guardian of the Realm, I embrace my title as the 'True Dragon.' **Update**- I can now confirm this book will be a harem book. around 250ish the book alludes to the possibility of it while introducing the first confirmed woman the MC sleeps with. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone, I wanted to diversify my projects a bit after my earlier stumbles and newfound success and motivation from my main translation work as I start to get into a groove of improving my translating abilities. ASOIAF and GoT overall seems to be a popular but have a somewhat underserved audience on here compared to something like Marvel, DC, and shonen jump manga /comics. That being said I am very well aware of the rather large distaste for bad Chinese fanfiction translations. I do my best to select works that have a large volume of chapters that are available to me. Given that I’m in the US and don’t have access to things like Alipay or WeChat (believe me I’ve tried :( ) to get access to more popular sites like b.faloo and my extreme unwillingness to just touch up existing MTL translations means I will continue to have to select from a limited number of projects. I also know the color of the eye on more human side of the face should be purplish but I'm still super new to using Midjourny as my focus this past month has been more on getting my quality up and creating a stockpile of chapters for my main translation project.-- also I got lucky with the image actually kind of reflecting a more intense version of what I would imagine the "golden finger" looks like.

Read_and_Chill · Book&Literature
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805 Chs

Chapter 527: The Death of Stannis

The moon hung high tonight, casting a cool light upon the windowsill. The night was serene, save for the occasional dripping of water from the eaves.

The defeated soldiers from the front line had returned, causing a brief commotion within the walls of Storm's End. But soon, everything settled back to tranquility.

Given the lateness of the hour, most people had returned to their slumber. Yet, within his chambers, a light still burned for Stannis, the Lord of Storm's End.

Sleep eluded Stannis. The defeat at King's Landing haunted him.

He had once believed the White Walkers were his worst nightmare, believing that mankind stood little chance against them. Then the raging battles of Riverrun left him deeply scarred.

An arrow had subsequently struck Stannis in the knee, leading to months of imprisonment before a successful escape.

He thought he had left that nightmare behind, but to his dismay, he found himself plunged into another.

In the recent battle, over thirty thousand men of the Stormlands perished — fathers, sons, brothers. Including the elderly and infirm in support roles, the number would be even more staggering.

He had prepared extensively for this battle, not anticipating that its outcome would cost the future and hope of the entire Stormlands.

The Baratheons had ruled these lands for almost three centuries. Now, how many despised him?

Inside the lord's chamber, the candlelight flickered gently. Stannis sat quietly at his desk, still clad in his armor. His expression remained as always — steadfast, resolute, unyielding like a rock in a mire. Only his breathing seemed heavier than usual.

Lost in thought, Stannis pondered the recent events, including Renly's death and the crushing defeat at King's Landing. Suddenly, a knock sounded at his door.

Knock Knock"Davos?"


Stannis, still somewhat dazed, assumed it was the Onion Knight, his most trusted adviser, who had just returned from the battlefield.

However, he soon realized his mistake, noticing the absence of Davos' usual greeting.


Whether due to keen intuition or his suspicious nature, an ominous feeling arose within Stannis.

Instinctively, he grasped the hilt of his sword. He still wore his dusty armor, and the sword remained sheathed. He called out for his guard.

William had been a loyal protector of the Baratheon line for three generations. His father had accompanied Stannis' father, Lord Steffon, on a fateful trip to Essos and perished during a storm upon their return.

Suddenly, the door burst open, revealing a robust young man in Baratheon armor, a bloody sword in hand.

William, the loyal guard, lay dead. The intruder, skilled in combat, had taken him by surprise.



Stannis shouted, summoning the castle guards while drawing his sword, his eyes fixed on the intruder.

"Who are you?"

Recognition dawned on Stannis. The intruder resembled one of Renly's advisers, Donal from Stonehelm. Yet, this man was far more muscular.

"Baron Swann?"

He remembered that the Lord of Stonehelm had another son, known for his strength and combat skills.

Without a word, Baron lunged at Stannis, their swords clashing.

Outside the chamber, guards were assembling, alerted by Stannis' cries. But by the time they entered, it was too late.

Baron had overpowered Stannis, driving his sword through the lord's chest. Blood gushed out as Stannis looked at his attacker, trying to speak but choking on his own blood.

The dagger, once used to kill Renly, clattered to the ground as Stannis' lifeless body fell.