
The Siege Of Yunkai I

~~~(POV: Raenon Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 15 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Flying Over Yunkai, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 299 AC)~~~

Rhaenys circles the mighty Slave City... Drawing the fire of the Balistas as we do, forcing them to use all their ammo. My eyes drift to the gates of the city, and my forces are starting to descend on the gate. Rhaenys changes direction according to my will.

The Unsullied and Martell forces nearly reach the gates. Time I opened them for my armies. As we descend on the city at impressive speeds. Rhaenys spreads her wings and levels out her massive body.

Gliding over the buildings below as she does. There are cries and screams of fear from below as we pass above. The deaths and burning of innocence are unavoidable in the end, but I'll still try to limit it as much as possible.

The gates are approaching as we pick up more speed, and Rhaenys is waiting for my command. Today will be another day that people remember Daenerys and me for. Let it be one for the greater good of my family's future.

"Zālagon se remȳti!!"

My order for Rhaenys to burn the gates is heard, and she unleashes a powerful blast of Black Dragon Fire. Demolishing the gates and opening the city for my armies. My attention turns to Vaelor and Rhaegal.

I watch as the intelligent dragons are burning the walls surrounding Yunkai. Taking out all the Balistas in the process.

All our dragons are now at an age where they're lethal. Rhaenys turns her body and starts heading for the massive pyramids in the center of Yunkai. Where most of the Wise Maesters reside. She lands on the larger of the two, and we look over the city.


The roar that Rhaenys gives for all to hear shakes the pyramid and causes some loose pieces to start tumbling down. The walls surrounding Yunkai are burning, and I can see my soldiers pouring in at the gates.

In this moment of solitude atop my she-dragon, I think back to what I did in Astapor, how I fought alongside The Unsullied.

They are my troops, the people that follow and put their faith in me. And I'll not leave them to fight without me.

"Ivestragī īlva dohaeragon īlva mentyr."

Rhaenys hears my wish to help our soldiers. She pushes off the great pyramid, and we fly toward the entrance of the gate.

She lands on some buildings that line the street my forces are funneling in. Crushing some enemy soldiers and slaves in the process of moving her heavy body.

The Unsullied move unfazed and continue deeper into Yunkai. However, The Martell forces stop to stare at the sight of Rhaenys and me.

I give them a look. Not one of hate, anger, or madness. But one of understanding. They likely don't want to be here, but they are forced on the orders of the Martell family. For that, I sympathize with them. But I must do what I need to.

Rhaenys makes her way off the buildings as they crumble to dust, and she gets in behind The Unsullied forces. I get off her in the process, and she protects me even though only dead bodies surround us.

"Zālagon se pyramids. Ivestragī zirȳ ūndegon aōha perzys."

My words to Rhaenys to burn the pyramid and show them her power is heard, and she flaps her massive wings and heads into the sky. Vaelor and Rhaegal meet her halfway and join her in her mission to burn the pyramids of Yunkai.

The Unsullied ahead of me are waiting. I hold out my right hand, and Fate Breaker appears. My left hand is enveloped in Red Fire. As I approach my soldiers, they part uniformly as I make my way to the front.

The Martell forces fall in behind The Unsullied. Around 30,000 troops are within the burning walls of Yunkai, and all are waiting for my command.

"We march together!! As one!! For that is who we are!! I will always lead you into battle and protect all of you!! Let us free this city and mark this day in history!!"

The Unsullied aren't a celebratory type, but the slamming of their spears into the ground is a sign of approval. The Martell forces also seemed motivated by my simple words. I turn around and see Yunkai soldiers making their way down the road.

I know Dany doesn't like it, but it's time to free The Dragon Of Blood. And for Yunkai to know what it means not to have a master anymore.

~~~(POV: Daenerys Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 15 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Outside Yunkai, Essos)~~~

~~~(Date: 299 AC)~~~

It's been 25 minutes since our siege of Yunkai began. I'm standing next to Raevor and watching the city. The walls are almost nothing now, and the pyramids that once made Yunkai look unbeatable are on fire.

My dragon lowers his head, and I gently run my hands across his scales. Raevor is here with me. My dragon does wish to join his brothers, but I want him here. And he's doing so.

Three powerful and growing dragons are circling the city. I know Rae, and I know what he's doing. A King shouldn't lead his soldiers in the front, but that's who he is.

He's inspiring when he does take charge. The responsibility for their lives and success. Having someone so powerful care about you means a lot to ordinary people. It's why Rae and I are so successful in our campaign.

"You're worried about him."

Ellaria stands next to me, and with her are Jae and Aly. My daughter is holding onto Ellaria's dress as she walks, and Jae is in the paramour's arms.

Instinctually, I gently take my son from her. Aly makes her way to my side, holding onto my dress instead. Looking at the city ahead.

"I can't help worrying about him, Ellaria... I know that he's strong... Stronger than anyone... But that doesn't make me feel better when I watch him fly off into battle... It reminds me of my nightmares..."

I haven't forgotten my dreams of the blood rain. Of following behind Rae. Right before he disappears and I never see him again. I haven't had the dreams in quite some time, but they still haunt me in moments like this.

Ellaria walks up beside me and places her hand on my shoulder. The tall woman makes me seem like a little girl in comparison. But I know that my birthing of two children is proof I'm a woman grown.

"It's the same for me with Oberyn... Raenon and he have more in common than most... That scares me since they feed off each other's ambitions... They're powerful allies, and I hope they remain tame at necessary times..."

You can't tame a dragon... Not truly... You can only bond with them... And every bond is unique and forever... Rae is a dragon, and people see him as that...

"Mama... When is dada coming back..."

The voice of my daughter takes my attention from the city. I crouch down with Jae in my arms and hug my daughter. She's too smart for her age... I worry about her and what she'll learn before she's ready for it.

War being one of them. Watching this certainly isn't helping.

"Don't worry, Aly... He'll be back when he's done..."

That's all I can say to my daughter... A better way to put it is that's all I want to say to my daughter... Ellaria looks at me as I raise my head, and I give a subtle signal for her to take Aly away.

She gently picks up my daughter and heads back to the tent with a group of Unsullied escorting her.

Jae remains in my arms. I gently rock the quiet babe. Aly and Jae aren't a fuss. I wouldn't be surprised if Jae and Aly end up more alike than Rae and I ever thought possible.

"My Queen."

Jorah makes his way up from behind me. My Unsullied are on guard even around him. Given he's my knight and protector besides Rae. He can approach unlike most.

I turn and see him looking at the city. There is a sense of shame and worry on his features. Many will never agree or accept what we're doing. But the Targaryens have always been different. Dragons, Old Valyria, incest, and special powers.

Rae and I are examples of that.

"What is it you wish to speak with me about, Jorah. As you can see, I'm waiting for the return of my brother."

It's not that I mind his presence. But everyone knows that when Rae is off to battle, there is only one thing on my mind, and it should remain that way.

There is silence coming from the man who was once what we were fighting against. Rae has forgiven and forgotten Jorah's past. But I still hold my doubts about the man.

I see him watching me longer than he should. I don't think he's a traitor, and he came clean about being a spy.

That's how we were able to get into contact with Varys in the first place.

But that doesn't mean I fully trust the man. I think he might be in love with me.

And if he is. Raenon will deal with him.

As I would and will with anyone who's in love with Raenon.

I haven't forgotten Margaery Tyrell.

"I'm stepping out of line with my question... But will you let Raenon burn every city that doesn't surrender..."

Jorah comes from a part of the world where men of Targaryen blood have a history of madness. My brother Viserys, my father, and many assume Rae to be mad. There is a reason The Unsullied don't have doubts about Rae and me.

It's because they're not from Westeros. It's because they haven't seen the bad seeds in our Targaryen family.

They only know of us and who we are.

"Never speak of this again, Jorah. And yes, I will let Rae do whatever he deems necessary."

That's all I need to say to the man for him to get the message.

I love my brother and will do anything to protect and support him. We'll be King and Queen on a mighty throne with a rebuilt family and dragons for all the world to see.

The Targaryens will never fall again.