
A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron

Well, it's an SI in A Song of Ice and Fire, set in the time of Old Valyria. Read or don't. I may or may not update, we will see... As always, I don't own shit from A Song of Ice and Fire, but the characters I made up. The Universe and everything belongs to George R. R. Martin.

Jasonenrick · TV
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Chapter 8

I groaned as soft hands massaged my pecs. I kept my eyes trained on Lysandra's lovely breasts as she leaned over and rubbed my chest with pleasantly-scented oil. I loved watching her perky tits jiggle as she worked my body over. They were both completely nude, and she was straddling my lap while rubbing my body.

"You are an angel, Lysandra," I murmured softly, my eyes closed as I enjoyed her hands.

Lysandra paused, a curious smile playing on her lips. "An angel? What is an angel?"

I chuckled softly, reaching up to gently stroke her cheek. "An angel is a divine being, a messenger of the gods. They are said to be pure and beautiful, bringing peace and comfort to those they visit."

Lysandra looked embarrassed at that. I smiled at her; she really was a cutie.

"I wanted to-"

We both stopped what they were doing at the knock on the door. Lysandra quickly threw over a robe and hid behind a big wardrobe that was standing in the corner of the room. I put on a white trouser and made my way to the door. 

It has been over five months since I arrived in Elyria, and I certainly was enjoying my time on the lovely Island. Not only because of a certain woman who was currently trying to hide herself with a mischievous smile on her face, but because it was nice to get to know my extended family that has been living here for the past twenty years.

They manage business here in Elyria and enjoy living outside all the political schemes that are going on inside the capital. It isn't surprising that the Valyrians hadn't gone to conquer more when all they focused on was to get more power inside the Freehold itself. But then again, they are the most powerful nation and are free to do anything they like either way.

I opened the door to find my uncle Vaelor standing there, his imposing figure blocking most of the light from the hallway. "Kaelarys, may I come in?"

"Of course, Uncle," I replied, stepping aside to let him in.

Vaelor entered the room, his sharp eyes quickly scanning the surroundings. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything," he said, eying me as he caught a whiff of the apparent smell of sex in the room. The only thing he didn't know was with whom. I didn't think anybody would care if they were to find me and my cousin together, but I'd rather not risk it.

"Not really," I said, giving the man my signature smile.

"I came here because your guests from Volantis have arrived. They are waiting for your presence in the Audience Hall."

"Oh, thank you for informing me, Uncle. If there is nothing else, I would like to change into appropriate clothes," I stated.

"There is nothing else—oh, but be a dear and tell my daughter that her sisters want to see her."

Oh, fuck. I maintained my composed expression, but my mind raced. Vaelor's lips curled into a knowing smirk as he left the room, a chuckle escaping him.

As the door closed behind him, Lysandra emerged from her hiding place with a resigned smile. "Well, I suppose we don't have to hide it anymore," she said with a playful shrug.

I sighed, shaking my head. "It seems not. Let's just hope he doesn't decide to spread the word."

"Don't worry," she said, leaning in to kiss my cheek. "Your uncle knows how to keep a secret. Now, go on. You have guests waiting."

I quickly changed into more formal attire, a deep blue tunic with silver embroidery and trousers to match.

Satisfied with my appearance, I turned to Lysandra. "Wish me luck."

"You don't need it," she replied with a wink. "You were born for this.

With a final smile, I left the room and made my way to the Audience Hall. Two Harkonnen soldiers who had been guarding my door quickly fell in line behind me as I made my way down the corridor. The guests my uncle mentioned are from the Qoheros family of Volantis. While they are distinguished guests, they are still way beneath me in status, but I need them for my Whisky trades. 

They are to distribute it for me so I don't need to waste time on paperwork and can focus on more relaxing matters of life. The Harkonnen soldiers opened the doors, and I stepped inside. I'd entered this room multiple times over the months, but this was the first time I'd done so for actual business. The other times I was just present when my Uncle had to do business, watch him, and learn from him.

It was interesting watching this other side of him. I had always known him to be an adventurous, funny Uncle. But here was where he really could show his talent.

The first thing I noticed were the three men sitting on the couches. Each one possessed unique features that set them apart.

The man seated on the left had striking purple Valyrian eyes. His hair, however, was a deep chestnut brown, neatly trimmed and styled. He had a confident posture, his back straight and his hands resting casually on his knees. His attire was elegant, a deep purple robe that matched his eyes, adorned with subtle gold embroidery that practically screamed wealth.

The man in the middle had piercing blue eyes. His hair was a rich, dark black, slicked back to give him a polished and authoritative appearance. He wore a dark blue tunic with silver accents.

The man on the right was the most distinct of the three. He had blond hair, almost golden in hue, that fell in loose waves around his shoulders. His eyes were a clear, icy blue, a striking contrast to his warm hair color. He wore a white and gold robe, the fabric shimmering slightly in the light. 

None of the three had any distinctive Valyrian traits that I thought were so common these days. But maybe I just have spent too much time in high society.

"Lord Kaelarys," the man with purple eyes greeted, rising to his feet and bowing respectfully. "I am Aerarro Qoheros. These are my associates, Bahoran and Aelios."

I acknowledged their bows with a nod, allowing a small smile. "Welcome to Elyria, Lord Aerarro. Bahoran, Aelios, it is a pleasure to meet you all."

"Thank you, my lord," Bahoran said, inclining his head. "It is an honor to be here."

"We are grateful for your hospitality," Aelios added, his smile warm and genuine.

"Please, be seated," I said, motioning to the couch they already sat in before. "We have much to discuss."

It was Bahoran who spoke first." Till now, we only came here because your Uncle, Lord Vaelor, asked it of us. May we ask why exactly we are here?" I really questioned why they brought this man along, as the question was probably as stupid as the man himself, but I will humor him nonetheless.

"You may or may not have heard that in recent years I have spent much time trying my hand at making a new alcohol of sorts. I am close enough to begin distributing it and raking in profits, but I am in need of capable people who are able to ship them and be the middle man in this."

I could see it in their eyes; they didn't know jack shit about it, but it doesn't matter. They were interested and capable. Also, I didn't expect them to keep track of every Dragonlord and what their children are up to. I wouldn't, and they certainly don't either.

"I see," Lord Aerarro began." Is it possible to sample them?" 

"Of course," I replied, clapping my hands to signal the two slaves that had been standing in the corner of the room to bring forward a tray with several crystal glasses and a decanter of whisky. They took a whisky bottle, opened it, and filled the glasses of my guests as I instructed them. Whisky isn't like wine, where you fill the whole glass; it is enjoyed in smaller quantities than wine, or else you'd be dead drunk after your fourth glass.

Lord Aerarro lifted the glass of whisky to his lips, carefully looking at the glass and the liquor in it. As he took a sip, his eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he quickly composed himself, savoring the taste. Beside him, Bahoran and Aelios followed suit, though their reactions were less controlled. Bahoran coughed loudly, his face reddening, while Aelios was the same. It seems Lord Aerarro is able to handle his drink.

"This is quite strong," Bahoran managed to say, clearing his throat and giving a wry smile. "But I must admit, it's a good drink."

Aelios nodded in agreement, still recovering from the initial shock of the whisky's potency. "Indeed. It's unlike anything I've tasted before. But I could see it getting popular with the high society."

Lord Aerarro set his glass down, his expression thoughtful. "I can see the appeal, and would like to work with you, my Lord."

I observed them carefully, a satisfied smile playing on my lips. "I'm glad to hear that. I plan to sell each cask for ten gold coins initially. As the whisky gains popularity, we might consider raising the price."

Aerarro leaned back, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the armrest of the couch. "Ten gold coins per cask is a reasonable starting point. The exclusivity and quality will justify the price."

I nodded at that, as this was what I was aiming for. "Now, regarding your share for shipping and distribution. I believe twenty percent per cask is fair compensation for your efforts."

Bahoran, still recovering from the whisky's strength, was quite bewildered at that." That is quite the offer, more so than I would have expected."

I smiled slightly." Well, I think it would be fair for both parties and ensure ...credibility."

I noticed how Aerarro's fingers drummed lightly on his glass, a sign of his analytical mind at work. Bahoran, despite his earlier reaction, seemed eager, leaning in with an animated expression as we discussed distribution routes and potential markets.

I raised my whisky glass, met their eyes, and nodded at them." To a successful partnership."

They raised their glasses as well."To a successful partnership."


Yours, Jasonenrick