
A Song Of Ice And Fire: Bjorn Ironhide

A man gets reincarnated into the world of ASOIAF as a Free Folk.

BokutoKotaroAce · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Lorath, Essos

weeks after Bjorn and his clanmates left the North, an hour past midnight, a large leviathan appeared some distance away from Lorath. The gigantic being opened it's mouth at sea level, and from inside it's mouth Bjorn and company came out. When the last boat was in the sea, the leviathan closed it's mouth and slowly turned to it's right side, making it's right fin be over the water level, it then waved at Bjorn.

"I still can't believe it." Ygritte said as she saw the leviathan swam away from them after giving a wave to Bjorn.

"You can do whatever you want. But Sasha had agreed to be our vessel." Bjorn said.

"Unbelievable." Val muttered to herself.

Looking back at the free folk on the boats, Bjorn said "We had our rest, now it's time to work. Let's sail to Lorath."

"Yeah!!" Everyone agreed.

It took them five hours to row their boats to the port of Lorath, by the time they docked their boats, the sun was starting to rise. People who where present at the port observed their group, as they were wearing pelts as their clothes and only had stone weapons in their hands. The people of Lorath can only think of them as the barbarians from somewhere North.

Observing the people of Lorath, Bjorn understood that they were being judged for their appearance and he also understood that they have no money with them to buy the necessities. As he walked down the path out of the port, Bjorn looked around to find something that is missing so that he could substitute it with something that he could make using his crafting ability.

After a long walk, they were a great distance away from the port. Without looking back, Bjorn spoke "We will be staying here for a week, after that we will be moving to Norvos, where we will be staying for the next six months."

"Alright, you are the clan leader, we will follow your lead." One of the men said.

"We are going to move in formation from now on, and this will be our usual formation. I'll be at the forefront of the formation, following me will be Norran, Aror, Arand and Germun. Val will be in the middle with Fresa, Vordel, Jorell, Iglin, Asdis and Stygr, your job is to watch out attacks from the sides and to observe the frontlines and backlines. Ygritte will be leading the backlines and Dalla will be protecting her from close range attackers with Morell, Orolf, Ferra, Ynna, Hasla, Bololf. Now onto your positions."

As he said that, three men and a woman stood behind Bjorn, after them three women and three men stood behind Val, three women and three men stood with Dalla and Ygritte.

Looking at them he said "The first months are going to be tough. There a lot of Westeros people here who are working as sellswords. Because of that, we will be operating as a new sellsword company, we won't get much job at first, but if our reputation rises then we will get more jobs, more jobs means more money and that means more food for us. As I promised you before leaving our homeland, I'll make you guys strong enough to survive anything that the world will throw at you as long as you work together. We don't want to be cannibals like the Thenns, we will be eating good food and will have good shelter. Any questions?"

Val, who was standing in front of the second group asked "Yeah, who told you that the Thenns are cannibals?"

With a questioning look, Bjorn said "They were taking Ygritte while tying her up."

"You think taking prisoner is cannibalism?" Dalla asked from the back.

"....." Bjorn didn't say anything.

Chuckling at his silence, Val said "Looks like our leader doesn't know and understand everything huh? Bjorn, the Thenns likes to isolate themselves from other free folks because they have a proper Lord, like the ones down the wall. The only difference is that they choose their Lord themselves, it's not hereditary."

'So the show just wanted to show some wildlings like cannibals sland they picked the most civilized of the wildlings? Man, that's messed up.' Shaking his head, Bjorn then looked at Ygritte and asked "Then why were they taking you prisoner?"

"Well, I stole their prey, and they were mad about it." Ygritte shrugged her shoulder.

"Sigh." Bjorn could only sigh at that as he thought they were taking her away to eat her.

"Whatever. If Thenns are not cannibals, I should befriend them when we get back home."

They just nodded at him while holding their laughter as they found it funny that the man who could speak with mythical creatures to misunderstand a group of people.

When, Bjorn and the group reached the market, he told his companions "I'll be back. Stick to yourselves, don't wander off. Be on guard."

"Where are you going?" Ygritte asked.

"To get some proper weapons for you lot." Saying so, Bjorn disappeared into the crowd.

After searching for a while, Bjorn found the smithy. Looking around the surroundings of the smithy, he saw a barrel of broken iron swords, couple of wooden round shields and some broken bows. For his luck the smithy was closed and no one was around this area.

Without hesitation, Bjorn took those broken weapons and went into an abandoned castle looking structure made out of black stone with some carvings on it.

Getting into the innermost part of the structure, Bjorn started to seperate the iron and wooden parts of everything that he had in hand. From the broken walls, Bjorn extracted the black stone in a way that won't harm the integrity of the structure.

Placing both the iron and black stone together he placed his hand over it and used Fusion. "Fusion."

As the word left his mouth, the black stone and iron started to turn liquid and merged together into a large solid block.

Using fission, he started to separate small parts of the large block and started to craft those parts into a single black colored iron blade, taking the blade he fused it with the handles that he made. Next, he started to make one handed round shield using the black iron and some wood. Then, he crafted black iron bow and one arrow with black iron as it's tip. And finally he crafted full metal spear with great reach.

When he finished crafting those, he made the remaining three quarter black iron block into a storage box. After that was done, he picked up each weapon he crafted and buried it in succession. Placing his hands over the four weapons that he buried, Bjorn muttered "Cultivate."

Just as he uttered that word, small sprouts started to form where the weapons were buried and in matter of minutes, there were plants with black iron swords, shields, spears, bows and arrows.

"Miracles happen when you need them. If I add more magic power into it, I can even make it bloom within minutes. I found it out after making those boats and the ropes I made for traveling." Shaking his head, he started to harvest the plants.

There were thirty black iron short swords, thirty black iron shields, thirty black iron spears, thirty black iron bows and ninety arrows.

Separating the ones he need to give his group, he placed the remaining into the storage box. After closing it he fused it on his skin.

Looking at the weapons, he muttered "Either I have to bring them here, or I'll have to bring these to them."

After thinking for a moment, Bjorn decided to bring them here so he hid the weapons underground and made sure that no one was watching him.

Couple of minutes after leaving the structure, Bjorn found his group looking around curiously in the market. Seeing them, Bjorn thought to himself 'It seems that they are keeping their promise to adhere by the rules I set out.'

"Ygritte! Val! Dalla! Come here everyone." Bjorn called out them, and they hearing the shouting turned to look at the source and saw Bjorn calling them to him. As he got their attention, Bjorn started to walk back towards the structure where he crafted the new weapons for his group. His group followed him without question, and some of the people in the market place who were keeping a close watch on the group from the started to follow them.

Before his group reached the innermost part of the structure, Bjorn had dug up the weapons and placed it down.

When the group reached the place Bjorn led them, they saw black colored weapons on the floor. "You can pick whatever you want. If you want to wield a different weapon then you will have to wait until we get to a big city. Every single one of us will be holding a shield, unless you are an archer."

With great fevor, they started to pick out their weapons. Val picked both short sword and spear, Dalla and Ygritte took bow, thirty arrows each and one short sword each. Everyone else picked up either spear or short sword with the shied.

As they were armed with weapons, Bjorn said "If you do as I command from this moment, then you will get your first victory on Essos."

"What do you mean by that?" Bololf asked Bjorn.

But instead of answering him, Bjorn gave out a series of commands "In formation, NOW! Dalla, Ygritte knock your arrows. Everyone shield up! Upto your eye level, we need see the enemies."

With some difficulties, they got into their formation. "MARCH OUT!"

As Bjorn shouted another command, he and his group started to move out of the inner section. And when they reached the middle section they all saw fifty men with swords and spears in their hands walking towards them.

Without stopping their march, Bjorn asked them "What do you guys want?"

One of the men at the forefront of the other party shouted out "Someone told us that there are fresh merchandise on the streets. So we came to check out the merchandise, we like it and now we are taking it. Boys, attack."

"Uuwaahhhah" Shouting out the forty men charged at Bjorn and his companions.

"Shields out, spears in hand! Stab them them in the gap! Shoot them in the eyes! Fear the death! Not the enemy! Kill them all!" Shouting out commands in rapid succession, Bjorn dived into the charging enemy with his swords in his hands. Right behind him, all nineteen free folk charged at their enemy with intense frevor.

With one slice from his dual swords, Bjorn dispatched two men into their afterlife. From there, a one sided massacre occurred as the slavers had envisioned.

Since there were no one coming at the from the back, Dalla and Ygritte allowed their team to fight at the front lines and both of them shot at their enemies from the distance. They shot down their enemies like flies, and helped their comrade in need of help too. At the forefront, Bjorn and Val paved a way for their companions to kill the fallen ones, they also assisted each other. When Bjorn was halfway through the enemies, the remaining men were wide eyed and shouting out "He have Iron for his skin! Aim for his eyes!"

But no matter what they did, they couldn't injure Bjorn as he dodged most of the attacks and some were deflected after hitting his skin. Two man who were at the backlines, rushed out as fast as they could. They didn't even take their horse, and ran as far as possible while muttering "Ironhide, he is an Ironhide."

At last, Bjorn cut off the head of the leader in one single swing which ended the battle.

Looking around, Bjorn saw blood covered floor with corpses of thirty eight men on the ground. He also saw that some of his companions are injured, but they were not in a life threatening situation. So, he told them "Strip the dead. Wear their armor. Take their money."

They nodded at him and started to loot the dead bare. When that was finished, Bjorn ordered them to move out from building as fast as possible.

Outside, Bjorn saw forty horses, and that sight made him smile. Looking at his companions, Bjorn said "Take a horse and tie it to another horse. Leave your loot on one horse and ride the other. But, keep your weapons on hand."

With horses for travel and enough food for two months, Bjorn and the nineteen free folks left Lorath to start their journey.