
Strange Hovel

I walked behind Rober-...er, King Robert's entourage with a stoic face, ignoring the estranged looks of the footsoldiers escorting the King's carriage.

The realisation that dawned on me a few hours ago is one I'm still having trouble accepting.

I was in my twenties when I woke up in the Lands Between and spent such a significant amount of time clawing my way to a respectable level of strength that those twenty or so years seem so distant and superficial I can't even be certain they were real in the first place.

In that 'place', God-like entities walked among us, demigods waged wars that reshaped the land itself, not to mention the very real influence of existences so foreign that the mind couldn't even begin to comprehend them.

And I, was a human.

One who ran the risk of losing his mind every time something decided to delete everything in my general direction or got mauled by a massive bear.

Sure, it changed and became easier after I managed to bring down a wounded drake but that sense of edge always stayed.

I couldn't even get a proper wink of sleep.

So, forgive me but I can't accept the notion that normal humans dominate this world.

There has to be some sort of hidden aspect that these people aren't aware of, that's the best explanation I have.

After all, horns and wings were aspects of the energies of the Erdtree itself but Marika's reign saw people convinced that anyone with them was an abhorrent monstrosity to persecute and revile despite the fact that Lord Godfrey's Crucible Knights mimicked those same aspects during their Crusade against Marika's enemies.

"Hey." I tapped the soldier closest to me on his shoulder, making sure to avoid the clasp that held up his golden cape, "Is there really nothing like dragons or crystalians here?"

He looked at me strangely, but I don't really care what they think of me, "Nothing of the sort... ser."

I get his hesitation in calling me sir, I'm wearing tattered robes and if not for my face, you'd think I was a roadside beggar... I doubt they'd even let me walk with them if Robert didn't cuss out the whole bloodline of the first one who tried to ask me who I was.

"Marionettes? Drakes? Giants? Gods?"

He stopped for a bit, "There's no Gods here except the Seven."

Ah, so they DO exist here too.

"And do they actively participate in your lives?"

"The light of the Seven guides us everyday." He replied shortly, though I could sense a hint of sarcasm in his words, "And the dragons died out a long time ago."

...So no Gods then, and no monsters either.

But a footsoldier would only know so much, I have to ask someone in power if I want to know the real answer.

I scratched my chin thoughtfully, "Thanks."

"Of course, ser. I'm afraid you'll find there's little more than the common bandit to hunt for glory." He smiled wryly, an amused glint in his brown eyes.

So he thinks I'm a runt hungry for recognition...

I could only return the smile and pat his shoulder.

I'm older than his whole bloodline.

Picking up the pace, I slapped my cheeks to reorient myself.

I need to be less cautious and doubting, the prospect of a human world is a happy one.

I could even accomplish my dream lifestyle of hedonism and squander.

"Are you sure you won't have a horse?" Renly approached me with a relaxed smile, "None would judge you."

I looked up at him plainly, "Your older brother is at death's door. Aren't you a little too...?"

"I understand your thoughts, but as before, this is not the first time this has happened and it most certainly will not be the last." He explained curtly, before whispering under his breath, "...It wouldn't be much of a tragedy either way."

Before I could call him out for his words, a smell that reminded me a little too much of Leyndell's sewers assaulted my senses, leaving me at a loss for words, "What the fuck is that smell?"

It smelled like shit, plain and simple.

Having the senses of a dragon didn't help numb the blow either.

Renly noted my reaction before letting out a chuckle, "You get used to it. Allow me to welcome you to King's Landing, Ser..." He trailed off, tilting his head slightly, only now noticing that I still haven't given any of them my name.

"Karl will do."

"Then, Ser Karl."

For an aristocrat, he's awfully nice to someone dressed like a beggar.

I remember meeting Godrick the Grafted in noble robes and still being regarded like dirt once he found out I was just a commoner... He changed his mind when I tore his arm off his body some time later.

Acknowledging his label with a nod, I turned to look at the city.

It seemed... lacking.

This is the capital of this Kingdom but... compared to Leyndell it might as well be hovel.

It was enclosed within tall walls that provided ample defense from a siege and a castle stood out beyond them, made of red stone with seven massive drum towers reaching out to the skies and enclosed by another set of walls.

A bit to the side, I could see a glistening structure, again with seven towers, but this one seemed like a place of worship.

The connection isn't lost on me.

The seven towers are some kind of symbolic nod to the Seven Gods they seem to worship.

But... judging by the strong smell of literal shit, I don't think I should hope for anything impressive past those walls. There's also the shanty settlements scattered outside the city's walls that tell quite a bit about the prosperity of these so-called Seven Kingdoms.

"I'm no sir."

"I would presume the man who potentially saved the King's life and carried him to safety deserves knighthood if nothing else." Renly argued, his smile faltering for a second, "It is the bare minimum I would do."

A small smile formed on my face.

Does he think I don't notice the way he seems to be buttering me up?

I've dealt with more than my fair share of opportunistic nobility.

"You're awful benevolent."

"Nonsense." He dismissed my words with a wave of hands, "The loyalty of a good warrior is worth far more than a title."

It seems the King's rule isn't as definitive as I'd initially presumed if his own brother is trying to poach men from him.

But, he's misunderstanding something.

I have no reason to obey Robert.

If what they tell me about the world is true, there is nothing anyone could offer me that could possibly matter.

My own desires are the only thing that can sway me.


I was right about not getting my hopes up for the state of the city.

The paved roads were broad and lined with trees, at least the ones we passed through, but the state of the common folk we passed was more than telling. The branching streets and alleyways were outright filthy.

I took a deep breath and immediately regretted the action.

Even the air was thick and musky with the smell of piss, rotting fish and smoke.

"Ahahaha, it is something, is it not? I daresay, even Storm's End is in far better shape." Renly amused himself at my expense, riding on his high horse with his regal clothes while people looked at me like I was there as some sort of mistake, "Perhaps you can visit?"


I don't see why not.

I'd love to travel if it means I won't be attacked by some random dog pack.

The state of this city makes me feel uneasy and bothered, like a bug is crawling up and down my spine.

Eventually, we came upon a massive iron gate guarded by soldiers in dark mail, wearing heavy gold cloaks and armed with spears and cudgels.

"Open the gates! Open the gates!"

They seemed to recognise the carriage and entourage, opening the heavy gates without a word and bowing in respect to a King that probably didn't even know they were there.

Renly is relaxed but I'm sure that Robert isn't surviving this.

He's been run-through.

I could try using one of the Golden Order's healing incantations but it wouldn't work, because I don't know any of them... not out of lack of trying, I fundamentally do not have the faith in the Greater Will required to cast them.

And even if I did, this world is probably removed from it's influence so they're essentially useless all the same.

...I could always try using dracon-... no, that's liable to make him pop like a balloon so it's not worth the trouble.

I was brought out of my musings by Renly, "Ser Karl, I must attend to my lord brother... He is certain to reward you for your efforts but that will have to wait. Till then, I shall order somebody to accommodate you as a guest of His Grace."

Hm, being in the good graces of royalty does have it's perks.

He pointed to a soldier whose features were concealed by a helmet, "You there. Attend to this man, he is a guest of His Grace."

The soldier jerked and bowed, "Y-Yes, m'lord!"

...Wouldn't a maid or something have been better?

I thought attending in medieval times meant so-... nevermind.

"How may I be of service, m'lord?" He asked cautiously, probably trying to gauge how he should behave if he wanted to keep his head.

I just smiled and put a hand on his shoulder, "A change of clothes first. I need to get out of these rags."

My features are unique enough to pass off as somebody important... I'm gonna take advantage of that to have some fun.

Time to live like an aristocrat.


Hope you enjoyed.

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Say, 200 PS for extra chap?

Too presumptuous?

Too presumptuous.
