

Petyr Baelish looked at the giant of a man before him in silent apprehension, hiding his sweating hands behind his back as his gaze flickered between Karl and the laughably confused Edmure Tully. The Knights of the Vale, the best among the kingdoms, stood behind him.

Their hands had moved to their swords quickly enough.

Petyr Baelish had never claimed to be the strongest man, never claimed to be the greatest warrior... He was aware more than any of his weaknesses, and of his strengths as well.

It wasn't physical might that had seen him go from the son of a small lord barely worth consideration, to Master of Coin for the Iron Throne and then the Lord of the Vale. As always, guile and cunning would trump oafish strength.

It was a truth Petyr had been forced to learn.

And it was a truth Petyr knew to exploit.

So, as all the Gods, old and new, watched from the skies above and the ancient trees around them, Petyr's lips curved into a thin smile, "You must forgive me. Things have been so turbulent as of late that my mind struggles to keep track."

Petyr had thrown the realm into chaos to get what he wanted, and he had done it by using the hearts of men. This so-called guardian had been acting as a protector, masquerading as a knight, and that alone spoke to his naivete.

But, Petyr had to be cautious.

The same man before him had commanded storms to push away back the Lannisters not once, but twice, forcing them from their position of undisputed strength to struggling shambles.

"I can understand." Karl started neutrally, but then his mouth split into an amused smile, "But your mind was quick enough to stab the Lannisters in the back and run to your childhood sweetheart, was it not?"

...He knew.

Petyr smiled back, "It was my intention from the start. My loyalty never lied with traitors. Lord Hoster took a no name boy like me as his ward. I owe all I have to House Tully." He turned to Edmure who smiled happily like the fool he was, "How could I possibly turn my back on that?"

"Lord Stark trusted you for that reason. And Winterfell received his head. But of course, you didn't have any hand in that." Karl said, voice flat as stone, then walked closer. To Petyr's dismay, one of the Valemen got in his way.

Only to be pushed aside like a maiden, sword and all, with one hand.

"Janos Slynt broke his word." Petyr explained calmly, pushing the blame onto the Commander of the City Watch without a moment's hesitation. He smiled sadly, "I hold no love for Eddard Stark but... I respected the man. They kept me to manage their expenses, under constant watch."

"Bastards." Edmure murmured, clenching his fists. Moved to rage by the death of his brother-by-law, no doubt. Petyr took great pleasure in seeing his pain, having put the dagger to 'Lord Stark's' head himself.

Karl grinned, "Ah yes, the guys known for having more gold than they do grass would have no fucking idea how to manage money." 

"Indeed they did not." Petyr immediately took control, holding up two fingers and gesturing to the men behind him. They nodded and dismounted their steeds, retrieving half a dozen small boxes from their saddles and dropping them on the hard earth under them.

The wooden boxes, though small, were of expensive make, of dark wood and metal locks fastening them. Petyr walked up to them with measured steps and unceremoniously flipped them open with the tip of his shoe to reveal golden dragons glistening in the sunlight.

"This is a mere quarter of what I managed to escape with. It is for the war effort."

"I knew you to be smart, Petyr! Lord Karl, I can vouch for him. Petyr is a trusted friend of the Tullys."

"You're telling me..."

Petyr's smile almost turned to a grin when he saw Karl hesitate and then his heart leapt out of his chest when one of the man's arms nimbly snaked around his neck, far faster than a man his size had any right to move it.

A cold finger dug into the soft flesh of Petyr's throat as his breath hitched and steel was drawn, "You didn't put a blade around Eddard like so?"


Eyes widening, Petyr saw Karl for what he truly was for the first time.

A monster that was doing as it pleased.

A... Devil.

Steel was drawn in the blink of an eye, and the Knights of the Vale circled Karl, "Let go o-...!!"

"Hey now, don't you know drawing swords for no reason is dangerous?" Petyr's captor chuckled loud for all to hear. Then, as fast as his hand had wrapped around Petyr's throat, Karl pulled it back and stepped away laughing.

"I was just having some fun. It's how I'd have betrayed someone if I didn't value my word more." The stranger explained, "You see, I have a flair for the dramatic and my mind wanders often. Ask Tywin Lannister. He'll swear by it."

Leaving those words, Karl sauntered off into the ancient woods around them, disappearing as if he had been a wandering ghost. When the man was gone for certain, Petyr put a hand over his drumming heart.

He knew.

The bastard knew.

And Petyr had no way of doing anything about it.

No, no, it was worse.

He was trapped.

He couldn't run lest he give credibility to the monster's claims, and the Knights sent to protect him had certainly taken note of his shock at the claim. An innocent man would never be bothered and Petyr never would be either if not for what he'd felt then.

His panic drowned out the howling wind, and the inquiries of his men.

When that hand was around his neck, Petyr had FELT that he was going to lose his life. Karl had had every intention of ripping out his throat there and then and only decided against it at the last moment.

It was terrifying that he did not know why the monster had changed its mind.

And now, he was left with no choice but to accommodate the damned creature.

He could run and declare for Joffrey but the likes of Yohn Royce, Horton Redfort, and Benedar Belmore would take his head before he could have the chance to. 

Petyr was abruptly pulled from his thoughts when Edmure grabbed him by the shoulder, blue eyes worried, "Are you alright, Petyr?"

"...As alright as I can be with my life threatened." Petyr let out a tired chuckle, "I am still Protector of the Vale."

Edmure nodded, supporting him, "That man called my father child... and it truly felt as if he was one. You'll have to forgive his eccentricities. My men think him a God and... I can not say I do not find myself agreeing."

"A devil more like," Petyr murmured quietly, casting a sideways glance at the disapproving faces of the knights that followed him. Taking a deep breath, he raised his voice, "You call yourselves knights? Your Lord was threatened."

"We serve House Arryn." The oldest among them replied, a hardy man with a shaved head and bushy whiskers, "And for our liege, we would face a Devil without hesitation."


His fellow men agreed in low voices as the rivermen around them whispered amongst themselves. Petyr could feel all that he built up slowly being chipped away... by one mere exchange of words.


Petyr once again found Karl, when the Sun was hiding beyond the horizon, talking to a serving girl who blushed and fumbled at his every action as she watched him fletch arrows beside a tree under the light of an oil lamp. The man was laughing and talking as if he hadn't slaughtered thousands.

After hours spent gathering whatever information he could, Petyr learnt that it was no rumor what he had done. The pass near the Golden Tooth was there for all to see as they pleased, where the same man sitting with a girl had destroyed mountainsides to render it fully unpassable.

And Petyr wasn't one to deny reality, there was no plot to employ.

"What do you want, Littlefinger?" Karl spoke up abruptly, peering at him through curious red eyes flecked with gold.

"Ah, you saw me?"

"I see a lot more than you think."

Petyr held out the silver goblet filled with red wine he'd brought along, "Here. I saw a servant bringing it here and thought to relieve him."

"Thanks." Karl took it and gulped it down without a moment's hesitation before tossing the goblet aside. The Devil chuckled, "Poison, really?"

Petyr shrugged with a smile, "You can't blame a man for trying."

"I guess you can't. So, what can I do for you, child?"

"The real question is..." Petyr resolved himself, inhaling deeply, "What do you want?"

"I wanna pump and dump Marika. But we know that's not happening cause I respect Lord Godfrey too much. I'd settle with Rellana but Marika's a stingy bitch. Malenia and Ranni are like my own kids so not them."

...Petyr didn't understand a single word that left the man's mouth.

"You wish for love?" He asked calmly, sitting down on the stool across from him before looking to the serving girl, "Leave us. He intends to sleep with you anyway."

The girl blushed deeply and ran away, head lowered in shame.

"I did all I did for love too." Petyr explained truthfully.

He had only ever loved one woman all his life.

Catelyn Stark nee Tully.

He had used whatever means possible to rise in station to match her, and now he'd thrown the realm to war for her... He'd removed Eddard Stark, her husband, to that end as well and he didn't regret his actions in the slightest.

"You caused a war for love?"

Petyr nodded.

"Huh." Karl put down the arrow and lifted his chin to stare at Petyr, "It's the stupid thing I've heard in a while but... I guess I can respect the dedication?"

Smiling, Petyr started again, "Then am I safe?"

"That's one thing. Your safety is another." Karl rested his chin in his hand, leaning forward, "I don't like betrayal. Naive, but I get to be. Lord Godfrey got stabbed in the back once his use was done and I hold it against Marika to this day... even if I did defend her then."

"Who... are these people you speak of?"

The Devil smiled a soft smile that didn't fit his hardy features, "My friends... My regrets... You asked me what I wanted. I want to see how you'll talk your way out of this one."

"I can give you all the gold you want. Any woman in the world." Petyr spoke out of desperation, knowing that he was well and truly trapped, "Please... anything."

To his despair, Karl only smiled softly, "It's unfair... but your ambition was also unfair."

"You would defend Stark?"

"I couldn't give two shits about Stark, child. It was unfair to the people you haven't even thought to consider."

"Peasants?" Petyr murmured in disbelief.

"People." The Devil answered, "Innocent people."


Hope you enjoyed.

Comment your thoughts and/or suggestions for the story.

Country's gone to shit, the internet was down.

I owe you an extra chapter from last week. Two if we can get 500 PS.


You can find 10 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/Bleap