
A Song of Blood and War

In a world teetering on the edge of darkness, the Immortal Demon Sect threatens to bring about the end of all things. Born into this infamous sect, our protagonist, defies his fate by fleeing to the world of humans. There, he discovers the possibility of a peaceful life, filled with love, as he falls for a deaf woman with whom he builds a family. But as the shadows of his past threaten to consume him, the relentless Murim Alliance, bent on eradicating the last remnants of the Immortal Demon Sect, shatters his newfound happiness. His family is torn from him, and he is cast into the depths of a brutal prison to pay for his perceived sins. Forgotten and abandoned by the world, the protagonist's despair births a chilling new power – the ability to erase his very existence from the memories of those around him. With this newfound gift, he sets out on a harrowing journey to exact revenge on the Murim Alliance and escape the unyielding grip of his prison.

Adamo_Amet · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Chapter no.25 The Anti- dreamland Array

The Eastern Region of Dreamland was a vast expanse of rolling hills and lush forests, dotted with ancient ruins and forgotten temples. The air was thick with the scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of flowing water.

On top of one of the highest stone pillars in the region, stood Yang Xinhai, his body adorned in a sleek black robe that flowed in the breeze. He sat cross-legged, his eyes closed as he meditated, trying to increase his chances of a breakthrough. He knew that the moment the Dreamland array falls, a bloody battle was going to commence.

Beneath the stone pillar, Xiao Long sat on the ground, surrounded by a circle of symbols and runes. He was dressed in a simple brown tunic and pants, with a leather belt cinched around his waist. In his hand, he held a small hammer, that they bought using the coins given by the audience. He couldn't help but grit his teeth as he tried to crack the Dreamland array.

"Bro, how is it going?" whispered Xiao Fei, as he approached his brother. He closed his mouth as he saw his brother write something in Morse code on the ground with a small stick.

[Brother, you have to stop talking. We are currently watched by everyone from that monster, Yang Xinhai, to those self-righteous Murim Alliance members. If we want to survive, we have to destroy this Dreamland array.]

"C, can you even do that?" Xiao Fei whispered, as he remembered how they had claimed that they could destroy the Dreamland array, it was just a lie to save their skins from that monster, Yang Xinhai.

Xiao Long sighed and began writing another Morse code message in the sand.

[Do you remember late uncle han?]

"Y, yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?"

[You know I learned everything about arrays from uncle han and before he passed away, he revealed to me that the Dreamland array wasn't some ancient inheritance that the Murim Alliance found nor was it made by some grand experts, it was all a lie. No, it was the creation of a demonic cultivator from the black lotus cult some 500 years ago. No one knows why, but that man had revealed his masterpiece to the world before he suddenly disappeared.]

Xiao Fei's eyes widened as he read those words. According to everything he knew, the black lotus cult was a mysterious and weird cult that raised demonic beings to be used in battle.

"B, Bro, thanks for the history lesson, but how is that going to help us here?"

Xiao Long smiled and tapped his brother's forehead.

[Well, because Uncle han had a chance to battle with that man who created the Dreamland array.]

"Wait, you don't mean...?"

[Yeah, the 200 years that Uncle Han suffered because of his inner demons was because of that man. I still remember how my uncle's hand shivered as he mentioned that man's name; Alexander.]

"So." Xiao Fei hopefully whispered as his brother removed the earing Uncle han gave him.

Xiao Fei narrowed his eyes as he laid eyes on the array, he knew he was in trouble. The intricate patterns and symbols seemed to pulse with a power that he couldn't even begin to comprehend. He tried to look away, but it was too late. The force of the array hit him like a physical blow, sending him crashing to the ground. His vision went black for a moment, and when he came to, he was in his brother's arms. The sound of his own gasping breath and the beating of his own heart were the only things he could hear as he tried to speak, but his mouth was dry and his tongue felt heavy in his mouth. He tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness washed over him, causing him to fall back down again.

Xiao Long looked at his brother with concern etched on his face. He knew that cracking the Dreamland array was going to be a difficult task, and he couldn't let his brother get hurt in the process. He gently helped him up and leaned him against the stone pillar.

"Don't try to move," Xiao Long said. "You took a pretty hard hit from that array."

"What happened?" he croaked.

"You gazed upon it," Xiao long explained. "You shouldn't have done that. It's too powerful for someone of your cultivation level."

He groaned, feeling the full weight of his foolishness. He had known better than to try to decipher a high-level array that had left his late uncle han with inner demons but he had been too curious. Now he was paying the price.

"It will take some time for you to fully recover," Xiao long continued. "But you'll be fine. Just rest and let your body heal."

He nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He had been lucky this time, but he knew he couldn't afford to make the same mistake again. From now on, he vowed to be more careful and cautious when dealing with such powerful arrays but deep down Xiao Fei wondered.

' If this Alexander fellow was such a strong array master then why wasn't his name even known a little and just what kind of place was the Black Lotus Cult to have raised such a monster.'


Lin Lingtian sat in the heart of the green plain, feeling the soft grass beneath him and the warm sun on his face. The field was vast, stretching as far as the eye could see, and the grass swayed gently in the breeze, creating a sea of green that seemed to go on forever. The grass was a vibrant emerald green, and it was so soft that it felt like velvet under his fingers. The sun was shining down on him, its rays warming his skin and making him feel alive. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, savoring the fresh, clean air and the peacefulness of his surroundings.

All around him, the grass waved gently in the breeze, creating a sea of green that stretched as far as the eye could see. Occasionally, a wildflower would peek out from between the blades of grass, adding a splash of color to the landscape. The wildflowers were a riot of colors, from deep purples to bright yellows, and they added a touch of beauty to the already stunning landscape. The sound of the wind blowing through the grass was like a soothing lullaby, and it helped Lin Lingtian to relax and let go of his stress and worries.

He could hear the distant call of a bird and the hum of bees that this world had projected as they went about their work, collecting nectar from the flowers. The birds sang a melody that was both joyful and melancholic, and it reminded him of the beauty of life and the fragility of it. The hum of the bees was a soothing background noise, and it helped him to focus on the present moment.

Lin Lingtian opened his eyes and looked around, taking in the beauty of the green plain before he stood up to leave. As he walked, he could feel the grass brushing against his legs, and he could hear the sound of his footsteps crunching on the dry earth beneath the grass. He felt a sense of peace and contentment as he walked, and he knew that this was a place he would return to again and again.

As soon as Lin Lingtian left, a rock structure just a few meters away from him began to contort and change shape. Suddenly, a hooded man emerged from the rocks, his body shifting from the color of the rocks to his natural colors. The hooded man was dressed in dark robes that covered his entire body, and a hood obscured his face. He held a sword in his hand, the blade glinting in the sunlight.

The hooded man glanced at Lin Lingtian's back and smiled. "Run all you want, boy, but your neck is mine." He whispered to himself as he followed Lin Lingtian with a determined look on his face. The sound of his footsteps was silent as he followed, his body blending with the surroundings as he walked.