She couldn't believe that she is asking him that!
After all this time, and all that they've been together. Azar has always proved his royalty, not only once, but several times. The first time was when that glass vase came crashing down on her when she was a child, and he wasn't even her guard at that time.
"N-no, forget it," She said talking back her words, shaking her head disappointed with herself. "How could I ever doubt you?"
"Doubt is important, princess," Azar said in a small voice. "You should in order for you to have faith."
Nefertari raised her eyes to meet with Azar's, as she looked at how he was smiling at her with that familiar warmth in his eyes – sincere warmth. But, that didn't help stop her mind from thinking about what Armin said to her on her way here.
Azar was leaning back against the bed supporting his weight on his balms. He scanned Nefertari's face and knew what was happening, her faith was wavering. The faith she had in him when she was defending him in front of the Royal family was starting to waver.
He smirked. "Armin talked to you, right princess?" he murmured.
"How did you know that?" she exclaimed in surprise.
Azar chuckled. "I know one person in this palace who is capable of ruining my image, and that is Armin."
"So you know what he told me too?" She questioned.
"Not exactly, but I can guess what he said," Azar said. "He must've said something about my origin and how I'm a traitor and all that." Azar didn't want to hide the truth anymore from her, it was time she knows the truth.
"Wait," Tari paused, looking at Azar who didn't look one bit sad or uncomfortable. "You are not denying it?"
Azar held his head low, grinning out of Nefertari's sight. "You have always been too intelligent for her own good," he mumbled loud enough for her to hear.
"Azar, stop that none sense! I've heard a lot of it today and I've had enough!" She stated, wishing deep down inside her that this turns out to be one of his sick jokes.
"I assure you princess that this is no joke," he said finally raising his head. "But only if you let me expla…"
He stopped midway after his eyes fell on her face. "You are a traitor," She said her voice was not a yell but he could hear the threat laying within her words.
"Yes, we have been over that part already," Azar said holding his hand up trying to calm down Nefertari. "Now if you will let me explain,"
"My father trusted you, he gave you everything you needed, he even gave you a position that he would only give to some he cares about and that is being my knight, and you betrayed him." she spat out the words like poison, her fists trembling in anger beside her.
"I would like to…"
"YOU ARE A TRAITOR!" She yelled looking him right between his eyes. Azar could feel his heart clench hard inside his chest as he saw the tears falling down her face – this is the first time that ever saw her cry.
��Was all of it even real? All those times that we have spent together, it was all some kind of an act to report back to your Master?" Nefertari scoffed, throwing one arrow after another leaving no time for him to reply or explain, or even apologize.
"So did you also kill that maid and tried to kill Jooni?" she said faking humor, not expecting an answer.
"That I certainly have nothing to do with!" he said before she threw another tantrum.
She scoffed. "Well, how generous of you!"
"Now, please let me…"
"I won't hear any more lies from you!" she turned on her heels to walk out as she felt that a big part of here was crumbling down. Azar was more than a knight for her, he was her friend, she cared truly for him, only to be betrayed – or so she thinks.
"You even wanted to kill me next," She whispered, her cracking voice echoing in the now cold cell as she gave her back to Azar and slammed the cell's door shut after her. Tears falling down her face as Azar's yells for her echoed in the hall till they can no longer be heard, forever.
Azar stood at the door yelling Tari's name till he realized she won't come back. What was he expecting after such news? Come back and tell him 'Oh Azar go ahead and explain why you are trying to kill me'?
He sighed and walked back to sit on the bed with a loud thud. "Great job jackass," he cured himself in a low whisper as he looked out through the barred window.
Nefertari was already stressed since the King came and took Azar, and she was looking for a way to catch the real killer. That was the only way to prove that he didn't do it.
"Oh, that was intense." A very uncomfortably familiar voice echoed through the dark cold cell.
"Thanks to a certain someone one," Azar hissed as he looked at Armin through the barred cell's door. "What were you thinking when you went to tell her?! Don't you care about yourself at least?"
"Believe me, I did for me. I was finally able to see your miserable face," Armin smirked, placing a hand on his hips. "I don't care what that old fool does to me, he can banish me or kill me, see if I will care."
"If you're that desperate to end your life then come inside and I'll gladly do it," Azar said.
"Thanks, but no thanks. I still have a quest to finish," he said turning his back to Azar after he decided that he has had his fun.
Azar stayed silent processing what Armin said to know what he meant by a quest to finish.
"YOU BASTARD!" Azar cursed rushing to grab Armin by the collar through the iron bars.
Armin chuckled darkly as he felt the metal against his skin. "I always wondered when you would show your true colors."
My poor Azar~~
I think I've been too hard on him, right? LOL
Tell me what you think about what's happening so far, and what do you think of creating a discord server for us shippers...hihihihi xD
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading.
Till Next Time...