
A Song- 4 Seasons of Love :

''When it was the start of winter in my life, I found her by my side giving warmth to survive in the worst. When it was rain, she became my umbrella, saving me from storms. When it was summer, she became my rain to save me from drying... I wrote 3 songs but when my spring came, she decided to leave me and my last song remain incomplete.'' - Kang Ye-Joon's letter to Oh Areum. But one accident and all went upstairs down. ''where am i?'' ye joon ''heaven for sure. or else how could you see angle?''- Ayla A girl who is successful at a very young age by her hard work, easy-going and down earthed, and most also blank head. Her accidental and unexpected entry in Ye Joon's life. what new twists and turn will bring into Ye Joon's messed up, dark life? How will he find his spring?

EsiYung99940 · Urban
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24 Chs

I am tired


I was sitting in the park waiting for her to come. It's past 8 pm but still she is not here. Is she in any trouble? Is she okay? Suddenly it started pouring. I looked down and let the rain make me wet. Tears started to fall from my eyes. I called Areum once again but there was no response from her. I texted her again but there was no reply. I looked up at the sky and raindrops fall on my face.

Are you ignoring me? Did you lie? Did you break your promise? Areum you said you will be an umbrella for me in rain? But where are you? I looked down and facepalm myself. And the rain got worse. But then I felt rain stopped over my head. I look up and It was Areum.

Areum- Why are you sitting in the rain?

I stood up and hugged her.

Ye Joon- I thought you forgot.

Areum- It's not me who forgets. It's you.

I broke the hug and looked at her in confusion.

Ye Joon- What do you mean?

Areum- Nothing. I was busy at work so I am late.


After a while, the rain stopped. We were silent whole time. I asked her some questions but she gave me short answers. I thought she must be tired from her work. I looked around and found a corn dog stall. An idea popped in my head.

Ye Joon- Let's have some corn dog.

Areum- but yo-

I hold her hand and took her to the store. She seems calm and quite oddly. But shook of my negative thoughts.

Ye Joon- Two corn dog please.

I smiled at the lady. I looked at Areum and she was looking at me.

Ye Joon- what happened?

Areum- I am feeling like we are old married couple, out for walk after rain and having corn dogs.

Ye Joon- Who knows, maybe someday.

Areum- huh?

I smiled and shook my head and took the corn dogs from the lady. i gave her one and took mine. We walked side by side.

Areum- It's yummy.

Ye Joon- Yeah.

She smiled widely while having her corndog. She is cute while having food. Her chubby cheek puffed up every time. I didn't realize I was staring at her for such a long time.

Areum- don't keep staring as if you will eat me up.

Ye Joon- huh...H-how is everything going? How is your business going?

Her smiled drop and looked at her. Her face was cold and somewhat hurt.

Ye Joon-Is all okay?

Areum- Kang ye Joon, I want to ask you something. Answer me with a short and honest answer.

Ye Joon- Ok.

Areum- Do you remember when we first meet?

Ye Joon- No.

Areum- Do you remember when you first meet Laira?

Ye Joon- 6 years ago, January 12, in the canteen when she helped me to get some porridge as my health wasn't good that day.

Areum- Do you remember when I told you I like you?

Ye Joon- maybe 2 years ago.

Areum- November 23, 3 years ago in the garden. what is Laira's favorite flower?

Ye Joon- Gerbera Daisies

Areum- my favorite flower?

Ye Joon- I don't know.

Areum- Orchids. what is her favorite color?

Ye Joon- Dark red

Areum- Mine?

Ye Joon- Maybe Black

Areum- YInMn blue. Her phobia?

Ye Joon-hydrophobia, fear of water.

Areum- Mine?

Ye Joon- Do you even have any phobia?

Areum-astraphobia, fear of thunder and lightning.. her favorite flavor in ice cream?

Ye Joon- Mint chocolate

Areum- Mine?

Ye Joon- you eat all types of ice cream

Areum- Chocolate. Her favorite season?

Ye Joon- Winter.


Ye Joon- Autumn

Areum- I have no favorite season

Ye Joon- okay. I don't know anything about you. But why are you comparing yourself with Laira?

Areum- Just seeing, if my 3 years of staying with you gave you a little bit of idea about me. But you know nothing about me.

Ye Joon- Is it even a thing to be jealous?

Areum- I don't know. But I know one thing, I was with whole time but you never saw me. But she never even looked at you, yet you know everything about her. I stood by you when you had nothing, yet you choose to know her. Never even once, you saw me, not even as a friend.

Ye Joon- I am sorry. I am trying to be more considerate of you.

Areum- No need.

I looked at her eyes. They were holding so many things, love, hate, questions, and more than that blames. I think I am late. I am late to see her by my side. She wiped off her tears and looked at me.

Areum- Let's end everything here. I can't do this anymore.

Ye Joon- What do you mean by the end? What are you ending?

She chuckled sadly.

Areum- Yeah what am I ending? when there is nothing to end as there was nothing to start,,

I tried to hold hand.

Areum- I am sorry that I always troubled you and annoyed you when you clearly never liked me.

Ye Joon- Please, don't say like this. I am sorry okay. I will try my best.

Areum- To love me? It's not something you can try, it just happened.. I am tired now. I am tired of holding onto you. I told you I'll be there for your 3 seasons// So, it's my time to leave.

Ye Joon- w-what?

Areum- good bye. my brightest star.

With that she walked away