

Song- liam Payne & Rita Ora - for you.


There's a problem.

A very big problem.

Actually 2 problems.

Number 1 is, I can't stop thinking about Theo despite saying I would take things slow which I still will.

Number 2 is,my mom says I'm coming with her to get some new clothes at a boutique, seriously mom at a day like this?

I couldn't sleep, I've been thinking about it since she told me yesterday night after I made dinner. Maybe I could still work around her and beg her for me not to go. I can't really cancel right now coz Theo will think I'm bailing which I'm definitely not and I really want to go out with him.

Geez I sound like an high school love struck.

I come running down the stairs while mom is making breakfast. The thing is in my house my mom makes breakfast while I make the other meals and other chores at home. We don't have a maid so I and nick do them. But while I'm in school she hires someone temporary to the the work.

In Nigeria here there's nothing like pampering and stuff like the way some countries have it and let their children do whatever they want, of course parents here let their children be free to do what they like but not too overboard, there's a very high limit and I'm not complaining just explaining some things here.

"Good morning ma," Mom is making spaghetti and source which makes me remember back to Theo who favorite is pasta.

Oh God I need to stop.

"How you doing today?" I reply her gracefully as we talk some more and then back to my way of persuading her to not let me go.

"So mom, you know I'm gonna go to school today and end by 10." I begin as she hears me out.

"So I'll really be tired by the time I get back, also I have to see Margret today concerning her parents divorce." I really have this feeling mom is going to say I should postpone it till another day and then my lie will be for nothing.

Actually its not exactly a lie. Margret is my friend and her family is going through a rough patch now so I need to be there for her honestly, but not today.

Wow I'm turning into a bad friend.

But I promise to still see her today after my date with Theo that's if mom let's me go.

"Haula," mom calls my name while I'm still by her side. You see my mom decided to name me haula because she said she never liked those names like faith, charity, nania, hope, peace and so on.

Seriously mom you were planning on naming me charity?

"Yes mom," I answer.

"So you're saying you can't go?" Mom asks.

"Yes mom, I promise I will another day, I'm so sorry," I plead feeling bad.

"Okay I understand, but next time I'm not taking any excuses." Someone just shoot me now. She just agreed to let me go.

"Thank you mom, thank you, thank you," I say hugging her before deciding to go up and get dressed for school.

I put on a long gown with some sandals and got my bag ready, Without forgetting I am still going to come back home since Theo said he was going to pick me up and I didn't want to give him another place to pick me up, so I just decide to change when I get back.

I eat my breakfast as mom never leaves me to go without breakfast and head out after saying my farewell to her.


It is 10am and my lessons are over after a long time. I picke a cab and head home realizing I only have less than an hour to get ready.

I put on a black pencil skirt, a peplone top on it, some converse and creamed my hair making it shine out a bit. I decide to work on my face a bit before the doorbell rang.

It can't be him right?

Can it?

"You're here," I practically yell seeing that I am nowhere ready and Theo is standing at my front door in some jeans and a black tight shirt revealing all those abs.

He chuckles. "Well, guessing it means you aren't ready." He says

"Because it not 11 yet," I tell him.

"Maybe you should check your time again," he smirks. I swear he looks so hot and handsome in these clothes and that smirk that's another story.

I check my wristwatch to see it is 5 past 11. So much for trying to dress.

I look at him shyly giving him a I'm sorry look.

"Its okay, take your time I can wait," He smiles.

"Thank you, just give me 10 minutes, want to come in?" I inquire opening the door widely.

"Sure." He says and comes in. "Feels like home," He speaks. Well I guess he doesn't spend much time at home huh?

"Thanks, seems like you don't spend much time home," He raises his shoulder and smiles.

Guess he doesn't.

"Be right back," I rush back to my room to complete my unfinished business. I decide to work on my looks as I put on a powder but not foundation, because it makes my face really oily then I go for a smokey eyeliner, eye shadow and some wine matte lipstick.

Wow I look good.

"Sorry for taking your time " I apologize as I head towards him.

"You don't need to apologize haula, I'll gladly wait," He says which brings a smile to my lips.

"You look stunning," His gaze on me as I can see satisfaction glowing through him.

Can he get any better?

"Thank you," I happily reply. "Guess we should get going right?"

"Yes of course" He agrees after feeling he stared at me extremely knowing that he's been caught checking me out which in fact makes me blush.

We get into the car and start going to who knows where.

"You know you could easily kidnap me and no one would know cause I actually don't know where we're going," I say as he chuckles and so do I.

"My bad, I wanted you to meet my friends," he looks at me asking for permission if I wanted to.

To say I am nervous wouldn't be the answer, I am scared. Scared they wouldn't like me at all or all other bad thoughts that flows through my head.

But I wouldn't tell him that, I wouldn't want him to think I didn't want to know his friends after he basically told me they wanted to meet me.

"Wow, um okay, that's cool," Way not to sound nervous.

"You don't have to be nervous, I'm sure they'll like you. They already do." He tells me.

"I'll try not to." We continue the drive, talking about bunch of things and getting along and knowing more things about each other.

"We're here." He stops at tall hotel building named transcorp hilton.

"You guys stay here?" I ask.

"Yes, any problem?" he smiles seeing how surprised I am.

"This is literally like the most amazing 5 star hotel here," He laughs at my statement and holds my hand which send electrifying shocks through me.

Why did he do that?

"Don't worry babe its all part of the trip," He adds, as he holds my hand in his while we walk hand in hand.

Babe? I'm gonna die now.

A smile crept on my face as that sounded. We get inside while we keep on walking till he stops at a door knocking and after some seconds it get opens.

Oh my moms gonna be so mad at me when she knows I'm going to see a guy in an hotel, how does that sound?

But its not like I came to do something bad, so why feel guilty?

You only feel guilty when you have something to hide right? Do I?

"Hey man, you're back and with..." The guy who opens the door says while looking at me from head to to toe, "Whew!" He whistles.

"Back off Mathew," Mathew is his name. "Get out," Theo jokingly pushes him to the side and enters while still holding my hand.

"Hey guys," Theo greets them all, as my mouth hangs open.

what! How many of them are they? I start to count one by one as all their eyes strain on looking at me including Theo smirking.

"You didn't tell me we we're walking in a room full of men" I whisper emphasizing the 'men' in the statement.

They all chuckle andni perceive they heard me. "Isn't this the chick from that mall?" One of them finally says

"Guys this is haula, haula this are my friends. Mathew, Caleb, Oscar, Derek, josh, Thomas, and lastly drew" He introduces.

Apparently the one who opened the door is Mathew, and the one who said I was the chick from the mall is Caleb, and beside Caleb is josh, and by his next is Thomas.

There's one standing close to Mathew who looks more older than them all who is named Derek and lastly the smallest of them all, Drew.

I finally met you Drew.

"Hey haula!" I hear from all of them "nice to meet you" Another says.

Okay this isn't confusing at all.

"Nice to meet you all," I say smiling. The way they all are makes me smile, as they look extremely close and like brothers which I appreciate and feel relieved that at least Theo is with me.

"You guys are creeping her out," Theo says.

"What did we do?" All of them say in unison which makes me giggle and Theo turns to me.

"They're funny," I say still realizing my hands are still in Theo's.

"I'm happy you find them that way, they can be annoying" Theo says and I chuckle lightly as he invites me to sit on the couch with him.

The guys begin to ask questions, making me laugh and telling me about Theo's embarrassing moments .

"She's really pretty," Drew says and I smile making Theo glance at him giving him a glare.

"What? Its the truth big bro," Drew says. I also learned that drew likes to call Theo big bro.

"Thank you," I shrug Theo's before talking to Drew.

"I like her, she's cool," The one I think is Derek says which I smile.

"I like you all, you're all really friendly," I say back.

"Yeah she is definitely better than Bella," Mathew says and at that instant the atmosphere turns silent.

Who's Bella? I stare at Theo to find him having a clenched jaw as he glares at Mathew giving him a warning after Bella's name was mentioned.

That means Bella is someone.

Of course she is someone you Idiot, is she a goat then?

My whole body tenses as I hear that. Who is Bella? I wanted to know and judging by the way Theo's expression changes, it seems he and this Bella has something. Probably his girlfriend.

The whole place goes silent after that and everywhere feels awkward.

"So how has Nigeria been to you guys, heard you guys just got here and its your first time," I change the subject.

Well, Someone had to loosen the tension in here even if it had to be me. The thing is if Theo has a girlfriend and wants something with me it isn't going to work.

I wouldn't want to ruin his relationship all because he's here on a trip and I couldn't leave here badly considering I just met these people and they seem really cool, it'll just be a waste of time and I wasn't ready for that.

"Well Nigeria is actually a nice place to be sincere, and we're really enjoying except..." Derek says but I cut him off.

"The crime rate." I complete it for him to which he chuckles.

Yes that's true, Nigeria is a place I'll always like to be in and the people are ethical and cultural which makes it more adventurous. All the way Theo still seemed tensed and I tried making it obvious that it was okay but he never relaxed.

"I think we better get going haula," Theo says getting up to which I comply. I didn't want to push anything.

"Okay bye guys, it was nice meeting you." I say going and they all replied smiling with gracefully gestures. I am contented at least it didn't end badly with them, but I knew I had to have a discussion with Theo real quick.

We stepped outside of the room and I stop Theo in his tracks.

"Theo," I call to which he turned.

"Is something wrong?" He asks curiously as he walks closer to me.

"Yes something is wrong. I don't want us to act like nothing happened in there when they mentioned Bella's name. If you have a girlfriend you should have just told me, I wouldn't be mad at all and we could still be friends." I say while he looks at me intently.

"Haula it isn't like that at all. Look I don't want to be just friends with you, I want something with you, something more than just friends and Bella, Bella is in my past she is not my girlfriend and is someone I really don't want to talk about because that's a story I promise to tell you but not today, I'm really sorry Mathew mentioned her but I swear there's nothing between me and her or with any woman, its only you." He says calmly as he holds my two hands in his.

"Are you sure Theo? I don't want to rush into anything if you have someone, I don't even understand what we are doing," I say calmly also.

I would really like things to work out between I and Theo, but I have to reason before I take any rush decision and I can't just expect him to tell me everything from his past all at once, he said he's going to tell him so I trust he will.

"I am sure, there is nothing between me and anyone except you I promise you, and I understand what we are I want us to be something more, not just friends, I want us to be together for you to be my girlfriend, I really like you haula, I really do and I want you to give me a chance." Theo grabs my face and looks at me with desperation and want.

He pulls me closer with one hand on my waist and one on my cheek and leans in closer.

This is it.

He leans in looking at me from my eyes to my lips and I do the same. He leans in more and connect our lips.

The kids slow but passionately with so much emotions in it. It takes me a while to realize what is happening and then I kiss him back, I pull us closer and hold him tight while we Kiss like we were in our world.

He releases my lips to breathe for air and this time my feeling were clear as the sky.

"I really like you too" I say back as a smile runs through his lips.

He grabs my chin and raises my face up to look at him before capturing my lips in his again while we Kiss our breath out as emotions run wild between us.

Right now the only thing I'm sure i feel is the pull towards him and its like its something I've been waiting for a lifetime. As though I've been waiting for him.

What was it I said before. Oh right, taking things slow. I don't think that's happening anymore.