
A Soldier's Path To Domination (REBOOT)

A middle rank officer of the Philippine army Captain Reynaldo T. Baltazaar got ambush by the terrorist group called Abusayaf while He and his men patrolling the area. He likes to play online and offline games in his laptop for his past time. He also likes to read some Japanese novel and manga. His longtime wish is to transfer to another world where monster and magic exists. What will he do now that he got his longtime wish?

GodProtheus · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter - 3 The Unexpected War Part-1

Four large moon can be seen in the night sky, uncountable beautiful stars surrounding them. A beauty that everyone's admire but cannot be painted. Even though this beautiful scenery can be enjoy by anyone just by seeing this, but a horrifying massacre is going on right now which not anyone can enjoy by seeing this.

This horrifying massacre is the doing of our beloved Lucuis, he didn't thought that he will be ambushed by a group of goblins consisting of 31 goblins. These goblins are just a low level, they're level are ranging from level 3-5, so the exp that lucuis will get by killing are ranging from 1.56% to 3.41%. But still it is enough for him to gain another level, he is now level 12.

Lucuis: I didn't expect that I will get ambushed by the goblins, maybe there's a goblin nest nearby? hehehehehe(*Evil Laugh*) should I exterminate them first before tracking this foot prints?

Lucuis: But first I didn't notice that I gained a level, I should first allocate my attributes before going to their nest.


Name: Lucuis Grandimos Y Francisco Lectival.

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Main Job: Novice Soldier Strategist

Title: Goblin Hunter

Level: 12


HP: 464/464 (↑41)

MP: 87/87

STR: 82 (↑3)

AGI: 80 (↑3)

VIT: 81 (↑3)

INT: 19

STM: 19

Attributes: 0 (↓9)

Skill: Lv4 CQC, Lv4 Knife-Handling, Lv4 Scouting, Lv3 Cooking, Lv6 Survival Instinct, Lv1 Army Summoner, Lv3(↑1) Short Sword-Handling, Lv3(↑1) Sprinting.


Lucuis: Alright that's do it.

Lucuis is now all prepared to find the goblin nest, but he suddenly stop moving and stare to the one of the goblin corpse.

Lucuis: Wow this Short Sword is not that bad! Rather than the short sword i've been using until now. ooohhhhhh! wow! also this dagger is better than my combat knife! Yosh! Let's see their stats first!


Current Equipment:

Right Hand: Golbin Bronze Short-Sword:

Gear Rank: Common (White Color)

Level Req: Level 3-6

Attack: 9-11

Def: 0

Agi: 2

Int: 0

Left Hand: Military Combat Knife

Gear Rank: Uncommon (Grey Color)

Level Req: 9-12

Attack: 13-17

Def: 0

Agi: 3

Int: 0


Gear Inventory:

Dalarian Iron Short-Sword:

Gear Rank: Uncommon (Grey Color)

Level Req: Level 9-12

Attack: 14-16

Def: 2

Agi: 6

Int: 0

Galentran Skull Dagger +3

Gear Rank: Rare (Blue Color)

Level Req: 12-16

Def: 0

Agi: 8

Int: 0


Lucuis: Why there is no optimization button!?!?!?!?

Lucuis: Hey system! Menu! Can you automatically equip the better gear than the those that I currently use?



Does the User wants the system to automatically equip a better weapon every time he gains a loot gear?



Lucuis: YES!!!



All the future loot gears that better than the User's equipped gears will automatically be equip by the system.


Lucuis: Yossshhh! All prepared! Let's exterminate some goblins again!

Lucuis equipped the weapons that he got from the goblins that he slayed earlier, he is now prepared to move out and hunt some goblins for now.


Lucuis: Wait!! How in the hell will I find those goblin nest in the fucking first place!?!?!?

That's right! In the first place, how will he find this goblin nest when he killed all the goblins that can lead him to the nest! Not knowing how will he find this nest, he decides to move south from where the foot prints that his tracking earlier. For now, he gives up on hunting the goblin nest and track again those foot prints.

3 hours later, he still didn't find any monsters, but he found a bright light that seems to be the exit of the forest. He hastily run towards it, but what he did not expect is a blood looming in the air which came from the outside of the forest exit. Finally he's on the exit, but shock came to his face! He is so shock because he didn't expect that he will witness a war this early!

That's right! There's a war going on between the Orc Kingdom of Orka and the Empire of Lengradon (*LEN-GRA-DON*) which has different races like human, elf, dwarf, and etc.

(AN: There are also other nations like the elf kingdom, dwarf kingdom, and other demi-human nation. But that will be reveal in the later events.)

Orcs are different from the goblins, goblins doesn't think like the other species. Goblins are the embodiment of evil, their everyday activities are to kill, rape, and torment the other species. Unlike the Orcs, they have the same intelligence with the human and elves. But the only problem with the Orcs are, they are warmonger, they like to fight! That's why in every year they always declare a war with the other kingdom to satisfy their thirstiness of war.

This time it's just an average scale of war, the empire sends two legion of fresh knights and the orcs sends 4000 young orc warriors. These two nation didn't send their full army, they just send their freshly-baked soldiers to experience what war is, also this is just the trials for the young orcs.

But in the eyes of our beloved MC this is disastrous, he only witness a small scale modern war. This is new to him, however excitements flowing into his body. He didn't experience this kind of ultra-level of excitements when he was just a mediocre official of the army.

Lucuis: WAHAHAHAHAHA! SO THIS IS WAR! THIS IS THE WAR I LONGING FOR! I witnessing a war like the war in T0t@l W@r: W@rh@mm3!

(AN: Im changing some letters to avoid copyright violation)

Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this another chapter! Sorry if it's too short but I'm trying my best to release a daily chapter! So Peace Y'all!!!

PS: The title's name is correct and there will be 5 parts of it. Watch out for the next chapters! Peace Y'all!

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