
Chapter 243

I show them my painting.

It is not perfect but it is very very close to perfection and I have to smile satisfied at myself 

I have two smile satisfied at myself because it is not every day that I get to create something as beautiful as this.

Well it is every day that I could get to do it but yet yoy can get what I'm saying.

It simply is not everyday that I actually get to draw something that i had seen in a dream.

Was in a dream or somewhere else because I can still not get what is happening, I can still not get what is happening but for now I will roll with it.

I will rolll with it because I can't just keep on creepin Adrian and the rest of them out.

Well I wouldn't say that they were particularly feeling that it's just like they were very very surprised.

They're very very surprised at this new development and I sigh.

 Ercles is yet to wake up.

He is yet to wake up and maybe he would confirm some my suspicions.

He might not and I'd conclude that i was finally getting crazy but that is left to when he wakes up.

As for now, as for now he is currently asleep.

He is currently sleeping like a baby and I have to grin to myself.

I'm sure if he hears my line of thought the little boy would practically kill me.

The only thing I've ever referred to him ever since I've even gotten to know him is baby, baby, baby, he will strangle me if he knew that I was always referring to him as a baby.

A mental image comes to my head and I practically chuckle at this.

Something occurs to me, something occurs to me that we may need to get him into a school.

I doubt this environment is too good for him. I doubt this environment is too nice for a little boy.

He also has to have a normal life and education and all that stuff and I know that i will talk to Adrian about it later.

I'll talk to Adrian about it later but as for now, to the thing that disturbs me the most today.

I show them my drawing, well it isn't really ny drawing, it is almost like a mini sketched portrait, a sketched portrait of one of the people that I had seen in the memorial hall.

It's just that this time this time I put the birthmark clearly for them to see.

The moment I show them the drawing Adrian's eyes becime clear.

It's almost like before they were looking clouded and confused, but the moment he sees this, the moment he sees what I have drawn, his eyes become sparkling clear and he crouches down on the bed near me.

"Where did you see this?" He says and I simply smile at him.

"That isn't the problem here, do you recognise it?" I say looking to him and he nods his head.

"It's one of the painting in the memorial hall".

"Then do you know what the birthmark is?" I say and he looks rueful.