
Chapter 227

I have abandoned my quest of looking around for someone whom I cannot see, i abandoned my quest of looking around for anyone because there's totally no one else here except for us and i have to take the time to marvel at the architecture of this place.

It looks old,it looks rustic, it looks almost mediaeval fashion but yet you would see that everything here has its falir to it.

It is almost like it is historically up-to-date, I can't find the word to use, I can't find the words to use but yet it is a notion that is in my head, it is a notion that is presenting itself to me and I'm groaning in frustration as I try to arrange the words well.

The place looks like a mix between the old and the new, it looks like a mix between the old and the new because you can practically see equipment lying around, well not equipment, they are hung on the walls, almost like inventions, inventions of a thermometer, an old-fashioned-looking thermometer but you can practically see it telling the temperature of the room that we are in now.

You can see other things, clocks, clocks which practically have shiny little embellishments in them, embellishments that makes me feel a surge of vibration whenever the clock ticks and I have to quirk an eye up at Alice.

"Everything here is unusual isn't it?" I say looking at her and she nods her head.

"A very good observation, it shows that you are very inquisitive".

I roll my eyes at this and I make to hit her. She simply giggles and she flies away.

Adrian is standing back, he's standing back with a confused look on his face.

"Can you feel anything when you are near that clock?" he says looking at me and I have to take my time to admire the huge clock that is hung up on the wall.

It doesn't look like your normal oval or square shaped clock, no, this one is far more awry, this one practically iron spirals at each and every side, it is almost like the iron has been twisting itself with each other for centuries, it has been growing in on itself to make this exquisite framework that I cannot even imagine where it has come out from.

Seriously, what is all this about, seriously what is all this about, I mean this thing looks exquisite, it looks exquisitely old, it makes me feel that it has an ancient vibe coming off of it and I have to grin at this 

Whenever something has an ancient vibe, you're supposed to run, whenever something feels ancient, and old, and dangerous, you are supposed to run because it certainly is.

Instead this one is exciting, it's exciting because every time it ticks I can feel vibrations coming off of it.

I can feel a wave of a tangible vibration coming my way and it is making me enamored with finding out exactly what this is.

"What do you want me to notice about the clock?" I say looking to Adrian and the confused look on his face becomes more pronounced.