
A Slow And Painful Death To My Husband

“If He Can Cheat, Two Can Play That Game” Camelia knew nothing but revenge when she was reborn. A young girl madly in love with her knight, Michael. Many would shun their relationship but Camelia was lucky to have kind parents. The marques not only accepted their love but also made the orphan boy Earl in his territory. Everything was like a dream until it broke. With blood dripping from the dagger, Michael sauntered towards Camelia and slit her throat. His lover, Katherine, laughing and enjoying the scene. “I vow to take revenge for the death of my family. Even if I have to haunt you as a ghost, I am ready to wander for eternity. I will come... To take revenge.” Her eyes closed with burning desire. But when she opened them again, she was back to their honeymoon. Now.. will she slit his throat that instant or... Burn him with her slow revenge? Excerpt: The cold eyes of man crawled over her skin like a reptile coiling her into its tight grip, but she stared back firmly, “So, you are telling me you will return the land to my family if I help you in ruining your husband. The one you had a love marriage with?” a hint of mockery in his perfectly chiseled face when she grimaced. “I will give you my land, Damien. I am sure you can not use the word return here. But yes, as long as you will help me in taking my revenge. I will give you everything I have." So what if he was a devil, she was ready to sell her soul for revenge. “Hmm, you said everything.” His lips twisted into a nefarious smile. “Eek!” Ethan, his aid covered his lips as he could already imagine a dagger in the hands of his master. ‘How could you smile like that when you were planning to kill this woman before she knocked on the door.’

Ada_5253 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Vow To Cherish His Pain And Poverty

"Lady Camelia Sol Welenshire, daughter of Marquees William Sol Welenshire, do you accept Micheal as your wedded husband? And do you promise to cherish him in sickness and wealth?" She was Camelia Sol Welenshire while he was just Michael. That was his reality. A commoner did not hold a second name or a lineage. Yet he was standing there proudly.

For he was the earl now, he was the strongest knight and head of the second order of knights, one of the revered men in the empire. Hero for commoners. So many men look up to him and dream of reaching there.

"Yes, I do!" 'I promise to create all the sickness and troubles for him and then cherish him in that condition. I will cherish his pain, his helplessness. I will take him higher and higher and then make sure to throw him from that cliff. And cherish that moment all my life.'

Her heart twisted with the desire to strangle him then and there. But she would be murdered and go to jail while he would stay in everyone's heart as their revered hero.

"And you, Michael, do you promise to love and cherish Camelia Sol Welenshire as your wedded wife? Be with her in sickness and health, in poverty and wealth till death do you apart?" She tilted her head and stared at his smiling face.

He looked like the happiest person in the world. As if he had gained everything he desires, yes that was right! He had gained her family's trust, wealth, power, and position. The position that should have belonged to… him.

The man sitting in the first line with a smirk on her face as if he was watching a clown show. Damien Valen Caster. He should be the earl but I snatched the position from him.

He raised a brow when their eyes met only to nod his head as if he was wishing her a good married life. But she knew, he was the man who hated her most.

In the past, she had killed him because she was wary of him. She knew that he would never accept that he lost his power and position to nobody.

"In the name of Goddess Hera that rules the beginning of the world and everything that blossoms in it, I announce to you, husband and wife. Now you may kiss the bride and seal the vows." Kiss! She turned her head back to his lips.

How many times had they kissed in the past? She enjoyed the intimacy carved for it to the limit that he often called her horny slut. She did not mind because she enjoyed Sex way too much. But to think that she had to touch his lips with her lips, the thought would have made her feel disgusted if not for the fact that she enjoys intimacy.

For she could still kiss him without feeling any emotions about it.

He held the back of her head and touched her lips. The kiss should have ended but he pressured her and pry her mouth open only to enter his tongue in front of everyone.

Many gasped and the room went into an uproar. But Lia just smiled and opened her mouth wide. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to deepen the kiss.

She could hear the small screams and whispers. The gossip about how she had descended but she did not mind. For she enjoyed the moment.

The moment when he felt that he had won her to the limit was that she would not care about her image, her position, and what her extended family thought about her.

He was trying to show his power over her and she was helping him so that he would be filled with arrogance, power and be blinded by it.

When he let her go, her face was red and her eyes were misty. She looked like a naive girl who was dazed by the sudden ecstasy and could not think clearly.

Mirth filled his eyes and he smirked before wiping the drool off her face. Many women were already fanning their hands. Their faces were red and hot.

While men licked their lips. Camelia was an untouched flower. She was the sexiest woman in the empire. Everyone wanted to have her for them. Alas, she chose a beggar above them.

That was also the reason for her demise. Many took it as an insult and took revenge against her family.

The guests came forward and congratulated them. Though their eyes were full of scorn, they smiled and hugged the couple.

When Lia noticed that Mick was busy gloating and surrounded by many guests, she slowly moved away with the pretense of getting more guests.

She made her way slowly to the man who was leaving without wishing them.

"Lord Damien." the man paused hearing her voice, there was no way that he did not recognize it.

She was the one who had snatched everything from him, the woman he had dreamt of killing every night. And soon, he would make it a reality.

"Are you leaving without congratulating me?" She made her way to him and stood in front of him.

Ethan stared at his master with worry. How dare this woman come and mock his master. Did she not care about her life at all?

"I did applause when others did. I thought it was enough and you seem busy, your grace." he held her hands and kissed the back of it.

"Congratulations on your marriage." The words were hollow and his face was blank as he started walking again.

"I want to fix an appointment with you. Two days from now will be good. I will meet you at Teaser Tea house in room number five." she did not wait for him to confirm as she noticed Mike frowning and walking towards her from the corner of her eye.

"Trust me, you will not want to miss this opportunity."