
a slightly special guy in the apocalypse

The first story doesn't expect much other than a very rational main character. and the story of a relatively common guy living his life in an apocalypse with a very common system, more like he was the first to kill a zombie in hand-to-hand combat (knife) he has some things different from the others, go be explained later. As English is not my native language, I am using the translator, so it may contain several translation errors. publications every other day at 06:00 GMT+8.

bart_batle · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Being diplomatic is the answer.

Chapter 35

It seems that each skill has a different maximum level, since the analysis is at lvl 2 but it still has its progress bar for the next level.

The system does not have a specific answer for this.

Maria: "how much of it do we keep?, I'm not sure if we'll get more meat soon"

"I don't know how many of them we need to store, we can't preserve the meat, as I don't think there's energy here and even if there is, I don't know how long it will last before someone screws up and stops the supply"

Maria: "you are very suspicious"

"It's not distrust, it's certainty in people's stupidity"

Maria: "Are you including me in this? "

She has her eyes narrowed on me, let's be diplomatic with the answer, I still want that pussy.

"You're here with me, so of course not"

I'm getting suspicious eyes, I seemed to have accepted my answer as her expression relaxed.

"let's keep the biggest ones and the big one, let's see what we find in the basement and we'll put them there depending on what we find"

Maria: "it's ok"

"Can you keep an eye on Talita? I want to take a look around the house"

Maria: "let me just give some instructions to the others inside, I'll be right back"

She was going to start dragging the mouse back inside.

"Wouldn't it be better to use a belt for this? "

I saw her freeze in place, her neck turned a little red, I know that smiling at her embarrassment is not really recommended after what I said just now, but I couldn't contain myself and it came out naturally.

Maria: "I haven't forgotten what you said yet"

" sorry "

After placing I think all the items on her belt against the wall next to the door, she stored the mutilated rat and quickly returned inside.

I see some interesting items, which if she was thinking normally she wouldn't have placed in front of me, I'm going to wait for her to show me, pretending I didn't see them.

Returning faster than I thought she would take, she must have realized that she left some items that I wasn't supposed to see at least now.

I was looking at the horizon pretending I wasn't looking, when she put away the items she quickly walked back out the door.

A few minutes passed and Talita started to show signs that she was going to wake up, I wouldn't need Maria to return.

Talita: "I'm sorry"

"you should have said if you were that tired, the main thing for me and your well-being, we don't have a schedule"

I got closer to her and lifted her face so she could see that I'm just worried, not really mad.

"I'm just worried"

I received a hug and it was pleasant, but we are sweaty and smelly so it is not very stimulating.

"rest, I'll take a look around the house"

Talita: "I'm going with you"

I know she's tired, but I don't want dolls without opinions if I always give orders, at some point I'll ignore all their opinions, when she gets tired I'll just carry her.

"I'm going for a walk, Talita is with me"

I put my head in the door and spoke a little loudly to tell Maria, I received an okay from upstairs.

" let's go "

I offered my arm for Talita to lean on, she gave me a smile and took my arm.

I picked up the leather backpack that was leaning against the mini railing that surrounded the balcony, and passed it to the talita.

"It's like our belts, but it doesn't offer any stat bonuses, the good thing is that it has more space"

Talita: "I was starting to get jealous of you, thank you"

"I forgot to ask Maria for another box of tesu, and one of the ones you killed"

Talita: "I'll see what we get out of it later"

Around the house I see some flowerbeds with mainly weeds, but there are some vegetables that don't need much care to survive, some tomato plants and chives, maybe there's something else in the middle of the weeds.

The trees around have cajo trees and mango trees, which I can identify by the fruits, the rest I can only use my skill, the rest of the trees are mostly used for wood extraction and are very tall.

Among those that I couldn't identify because there are no visible fruits, there is a mutant, which appeared to be harmless from the analysis, in fact it is beneficial.

Mutant tree lvl 2: a variant of apple tree, a tree that blesses the land around it when it blooms, pollen spreads a component that revitalizes the soil.

I'll pay attention to it so there are no surprises.

We're going to have a lot of work with the fence, the bottom is almost completely destroyed, it's not that bad because I can see what appears to be a stream a little further away, anyway I would want to expand the fence until I get there.

Talita: "This is incredible, why did the owners abandon this place? "

I'm also wondering, sometimes and just things in life, there are several maybes, maybe the owners died and had no heirs or the heirs didn't want to deal with the place, or they just moved away.

"There may be many reasons or none at all, but now we're here that's what matters"

Talita: "true"

"We're going to have to go back to the city to get a chainsaw and gas, we're going to need a lot of wood to basically rebuild these fences"

Talita: "a lot of work ahead, I wish Lais was with an agent"

First time any of the girls mentioned her, after we broke up.

"Do you want to see if we can find her? You must have already seen what you needed to understand, that not always good actions will generate goodwill with people"

Talita: "I understand why we separated, but she is like a second mother to me since I met her"

She's a little guilty now, when we split up she was a shy little thing, now she's more expressive.

" so do you want to look for her? "