
A Slice Of Payback

The story is about Robin, a man haunted by the pains of losing his family and neglect by the organisation he was committed to. He falls in love with Cara who also loves him but he is consumed with the passion for avenging his dead wife and child for that he closes his eyes to Cara’s love. He discovers more in his quest to bring down the killers of his wife and son, the people who betrayed him are quite much more than he expected. He is terribly shocked as he makes more discoveries, and there comes a flood of death that will shake the nation. He is so consumed with giving his family killers A SLICE OF PAYBACK, until he succeeds, he seeks for no peace of mind. Cara is a billionaire's daughter, she was groomed by her father after her mother past away, she grew to become her mother's replicate, she is kindhearted, brave, elegant and beautiful young woman, who owns her own business and saw the needs of working hard and surviving without her father's money or influence. Cara is engaged to Tom; the first son of a millionaire, without a soul. Tom never showed his character. Cara and Tom went touring in Nura Village, and discovered a body bag that was dump by Nura River bank; a forbidden place that was said to be cursed by the Nuru people, and forbidden to go close to nor, inhale the air that comes from it. Would Cara be so kindhearted to rescue the man in the bag, by going close to the forbidden river bank? How did the body bag get to Nura river bank, if the said river is cursed and forbidden? Will Robin ever allow himself to fall in love, even if he didn't avenge his wife and son's death. BETRAYAL go against TRUST. HATRED go against LOVE. You will feel the pains of being betrayed, and of love being neglected. Xplorewit_mimi

Xplorewit_Mimi · Urban
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


The Arrest


Four days after

El Deols Airport, El Deols, Anthanna.

Cara and Henry finally returned to the country after a successful business trip. It was a short one, but Henry felt glad he went. South Husan was a beautiful country just like Cara had told him, and apart from the beautiful environment, he had also learnt new things.

They sat at the backseat of the car with enough space between each other this time around, totally different from the manner at which they sat while going to the airport a few days ago.

After that night when the phone call disturbed them, both had avoided being together alone and doing things that had to bring their bodies so close even though they still were not able to get the thoughts of each other off their minds completely.

"Did you say something to me?" Henry asked after he heard her make a sound, which he wasn't sure of.

She was busy making use of her phone and reading business news on the website while he was also busy with his phone.

"No, I wasn't talking to you." She looked at him and replied. She had gotten so carried away with the news that she didn't realise her response was loud for others to hear. "I'm not just happy about what's happening in Bethanna."

"Bethanna?" Henry's eyebrows gathered together. "That sounds familiar."

"Yeah, it's a neighbouring country to Anthanna." Cara replied. "Earlier this year, they had issues with terrorist attacks, but they overcame it with the help of two secret FOX agents who died in the process. But just three days ago, there was a bomb blast at their Central Bank in the country's capital Bexford, and over fifteen people are already confirmed dead and more than fifty in critical conditions."

"That's so bad!" Henry exclaimed, a sad frown covering his face as he felt bad for the number of people killed.

"Yes, so bad."

Henry strangely felt so pained like someone whose relative died in the bomb blast. He minimised the running app on his phone and opened his browser. He typed in youngicee.com and quickly moved to their news section, where he scrolled to check the news.

He soon found it after using the search box, and he clicked on the link. He began to read the news article, which talked about the time, place, and the damages caused at the place of attack. It also talked about two top FOX agents who had died trying to end the terrorist organisation.

After reading the news, he wanted to know more about the FOX agency. It sounded to him like something familiar. He typed the word into the search box and clicked on search. Three seconds later, the search results were displayed, and he scrolled through to make an option of which link to choose.

It took him about thirty minutes reading about the FOX agency, and he didn't feel content with the information obtained yet. He wanted to search more about the agency when the driver of the vehicle spoke.

"Madam, the police vehicle is waving at us."

Cara looked up quickly, and she turned her neck to check what he was saying. A black police Hilux was coming behind them.

"What do they want?" Cara asked with a deep frown on her face, expecting no answer to her question. She pondered on the situation for a brief moment before asking the driver to pull over. "Let's find out what they want."

The driver turned on the vehicle indicator and continued until the traffic was clear before pulling to a curb.

The police vehicle pulled to a halt behind them, and three uniformed and armed men jumped out of the vehicle and walked towards Cara's car immediately.

"Step out of the car right now?" One of the officers ordered in a loud voice, three of them already splitting in different directions and pointing their guns at them. "Put your hands above your head as you come out."

Henry was as confused as Cara, so he followed every step she took first. He waited until she opened the door at her side before he did. He also stepped out after her with his hands above his head.

"You bitch, step over here!" One of the men yelled at Henry. "You think you can keep on hiding?"

Henry's heart began to beat fast as he concluded that his past was already coming to hunt him. With his hands raised above his head, he walked slowly in the direction of the officers. They all had their guns pointing at him now, none was pointing the gun at Cara or the driver.

Cara watched on as Henry moved closer to the men. She felt so sorry for him. She had exposed him to the public by allowing him to take the job of being her bodyguard and then making him have to be at the airport and travel with her. She was full of regrets. Here was Henry now, in a past that he had always tried to avoid.

"Thank God we found him quickly Madam Cara, this guy is a dangerous man and would have put you in trouble with his cunningness or even hurt you." One of the men said as they ordered Henry to put his hands behind him and handcuffed him.

Henry stared at Cara's face helplessly and he could also see that she was full of regrets. It was all over for him, he thought. He would never have the new future he had dreamt and planned for, he would have to face the consequences of his past of which he remembered nothing.

"Move dude!" an Officer barked at him, directing him towards their vehicle.

"Where are you taking him to?" Cara challenged.

"The police barracks," the policeman replied.

"We're coming with you," Cara said and made a signal for her driver to get into the car.

"You don't need to come with us Madam, but if you want to make a statement against him, it's okay."

The men led Henry into the police vehicle and ordered him to get into the backseat, one of them joined him by his left and another by the right.

He closed his eyes for a moment as he sat with his hands cuffed behind. He did not know what awaited him. He felt sorry for himself.

He opened his eyes again when the vehicle began to move, he noticed that Cara's vehicle was following behind. He wished he could tell her to forget about him but he knew she wouldn't listen. She had done enough for him already, he should be left to reap the consequences of whatever his past actions were.

He let out a deep breath again. He looked up and his eyes met in the rearview mirror with the eyes of the police man by his left, he looked away after some seconds. His gaze moved to the ground. He saw the shoes of the policemen and the picture suddenly changed to another man's shoe. This man was standing, putting on another uniform, a totally different one. Henry could see the guns attached to the belt of the man's trousers as the picture became fuller. Then he saw the man's face. Unexpectedly, it was no one else but himself, a younger version of him. He felt something like a shock and then the picture disappeared totally. He shook his head, trying to get the picture back but he couldn't, all he could see again were the policemen's shoes.