
A Sinster Obsession (WIP)

Water_seal · Horror
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1 Chs

Whos There? (WIP)

Only rain can be heard as a thunderstorm screams and cries wishing to be heard. Is it only the rain though, a soft cry can be heard from behind a closed door but no one around to hear it.

A car comes to a screeching halt as soon as it's stopped the drivers door opens and a femenine figure comes out. The figure's hair long and smooth slides down their back as it's slipped behind their ear, grabbing a wallet and keys then slamming the door shut they make their way up a smooth cobble path and eventually reaching the front door. They lift a plants soil and grab a key from the pot moving away from the plant and towards the door they unlock it and walk in. Closing the door as quickly as they entered, a middle aged man trying to crawl and wriggle to the door they kick him away with disgust causing the man to grunt in pain.

The figure doesnt seem to care at all about the man on the floor, the man slightly recovering from the kick gets up a bit but only enough to crawl before slumping back down tired.

His slight struggle didnt seem to worry the woman.....?

Rain pours even harder thunder getting louder the man curled up and starts to just hopelessly cry somemore, begging "i'm sorry.....I-I swear i can pay you, I havent seen you face....I won't tell anyone, please".


His cries were completely ignored as the other person just took off their shoes, set down their stuff, then just walked up stairs leaving the man. After a couple minutes of muffled pleading a tv can be heard turning on, a news channel starts it's quiet but some words can be heard from where the man is."we're out here infront of...where.....went missing police suspecting him as he's one of the suspects for..."