
Echoes of Divinity - Unveiling the Pantheon

She didn't need to answer for me to know i was right, 'you are right, i indeed am a dragon' the voice answered in my head, "but I've never heard of a black dragon! Not to mention the fact that the race of dragons is said to be extinct!" i shouted out, 'you are only half correct on that, yes, there has never been another black dragon beside me, but although rare it is possible for another black dragon to be born, and the fact that you think dragons do not exist is also untrue, because even if not on this land dragons do in fact exist' she told me, "what do you mean 'even if not on this land'?" i asked her, "oh and by the way, um… how should i address you?" i added, the dragon smiled, or at least that was how I interpreted the slight stretch of her mouth to the sides, 'i go by Varey, and as for the first question you asked me, it is a story that starts long before the dawn of life, before anything existed, before even space itself was created, there were only two beings, greater than you could imagine, stronger than you could ever be, both in this life and and beyond, i guess you could call them, gods.

'the goddess of light, creator of life, the incarnation of righteousness, Aria, And her opposite being, the god of the darkness, the ruler over the dead, bringer of the tidings, Aion.

The two gods were in constant arguments, after an unmeasurable amount of time the gods had come up with a solution for their problem, the two decided to create things together in order to get along and stop their fighting, the two gods set up a base of operations called "The Pantheon".

The two created hundreds if not thousands of worlds together, and so, the universe was created. the only problem was that it worked too well, instead of the unwavering paradise that the gods imagined, they had to be constantly watching and monitoring the different crises each world was having.

And so, as a solution to the problem, the gods combined their strength to create guardians for each world, but the two gods agreed that the guardians couldn't use the same sacred power as they did, in order to keep the guardians from rebelling against them, instead of the sacred power called 'Celestial Essence' the gods used, they gave the guardians a different kind of energy, that energy, was mana.

The gods created different guardians for each planet, some were Phoenix's, some were fairy's and so on' Varey told me.

"hold on! gods are real?!" I shouted out as I thought about the being of brilliant light I saw in my dream after getting separated from my friends, "and fairies?! that is just some tales parents are telling to their children!" I yelled, 'and what do you think the origin of that story is? yes, gods are real and so are fairy's, as I said, the gods created guardians for every new world, including this one, and the guardians of this world are dragons'.

"d-dragons?! wait, does that mean that you are divine?!" I asked her, 'in a nutshell yes, but not exactly, because while my kind was directly created by the gods, we are not immortal, we are born, we live our lives and we die just like you humans, and we also don't call ourselves divine beings, but as a general name for all beings created as guardians for the different planets the gods call us Jinn or Djinn.' Varey said.

As I tried to process the new information I just received, as countless thoughts and questions popped in my head I could only muster up one question, "what does all of that has to do with me?" I asked Varey, 'once every few centuries the gods choose a champion for each world in hope to push the world forward, either on the technological aspect or on the political side of things, think about it, the first king, what were his elements? darkness and light, same as the two gods and same as you, Arcane Smith - Veridian Blackwell, the master artificer, Elara Skyborne, the explorer and politician who made peace with the elves and dwarfs, what do they all have in common? ill tell you, they were all mages of the darkness and light, and you Xander are the next champion of this planet, you, Xander, were born for greatness'

after she said that I finally managed to release the breath i didn't even know i held so tightly, "so... how do I?... what do I need yo do to get to the level of all those people?" I asked after a few minutes of silence, 'right now what you need to do is get stronger, get as adapt as you can with the elements, go and learn the ways of the world' Varey answered in the same mystical voice that sounded in my heads instead of my ears.

"and how do i do that?" i asked another question, 'after you complete your mission that Cain gave you, and yes i know about the mission that Cain gave you, we have been acquaintances for years after all, anyway, after that, tell him about the conversation we had today, he'll send you to an academy for the study of magic, the academy headmaster is a long time friend of Cain, he'll teach you the ways of the swords and how to activate your sword mark.

'Now, seeing as I have passed the message, I shall return to the land of the guardians, but before I forget, let me leave you with a parting gift' Varey said as she handed me an egg the size of an ostrich egg, covered in iridescent scales, 'this is an egg of a dragon destined to be the strongest warrior of our kind, once the unborn dragon will feel that you are in a position to take care of it and train it, it will hatch, instantly forming a contract' she told me, "so, where do I go from here?" i asked her after accepting the gift, 'you need to complete your mission and return to Cain' Varey replied, 'from there, that is up to you, just remember to first go to the dragonforge academy' she said as she disappeared with a bright flash, leaving me alone in the dark cave.