
A Simple Shopkeeper

A Gamer-lite story with a peculiar and harsh system. The main character is your everyday Joe that was randomly thrown into another world. It will mainly take place in Fairy Tail, but it is an eventual multicross story. Slow paced. Updates every other day or so. Cross posted from QQ and FFN.

d_rogers1213 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Alchemy Glossary

Made for me by Ehbon!!!

Alchemical Glossary Terms

Potion - The most basic form of alchemical concoction, liquid-based, generally temporary or has a weak to moderate one-time effect, must be imbibed to take effect.

Elixir - The most advanced form of alchemical potion, generally permanent or has a powerful one-time effect, must be imbibed to take effect, almost any potion can be converted to an elixir with enough skill, resources, and time.

Oil - An alchemical potion designed to coat a surface or entity, has an on-contact temporary effect.

Incense/Candle - An aromatic alchemical concoction that has a magical effect when burned, generally temporary/only has an effect when inhaled.

Ointment/Salve - An alchemical concoction generally in the form of a paste, takes effect when applied to a specific part of the body (i.e. a wounded area).

Alchemical Ingredients

Mundane Flora - In magical worlds where magic particles, or Ethernano, permeate all life and the very atmosphere; normal plantlife of all kinds carry a small amount of magic within them that is attuned to the natural properties associated with that plant. For that reason, many mundane plants are suitable for usage in low-level alchemical concoctions. Included below is a list of such plant-based ingredients, and the magical affinities that make them useful.

Belladonna flower - (death, deceit)

Red dandelion - (life, renewal)

Ippisley - (healing, regeneration)

Mandrake root - (life from death)

Amaryllis stalk - (love, beauty, drive)

Apple blossom - (magic, youth, joy)

Oak bark - (truth, endurance, strength)

Willow bark - (stability, hope, health)

Holly berry - (fertility, eternal life)

Holly leaf - (peace, goodwill)

Ginseng root - (life, age, healing)

Saffron - (fire, purity, sanctity)

Foxfire - (illusion, mischief, fae)

Hickory nut oil - (patience, resolve)

Lotus blossom - (rebirth, insight)

Wychwood - (melancholy, dreams)

Wormwood - (regret, judgement)

Rose petal - (wonder, wisdom, love)

Shamrock leaf - (faith, luck)

Poison ivy leaf - (fidelity, fertility)

Poison oak leaf - (unseen, pain)

Poison sumac leaf - (revenge, poison)

Licorice root - (passion, lust)

Skunk cabbage - (optimism, rot)

Stinging nettle - (protection, courage)

Moonseed seed - (moon, poison)

Goblin gold - (simplicity, dark, light)

Camphor resin - (comfort, healing)

Rowan berries - (life, death, wisdom)

Hawthorn blossom - (safety, love, fae)

Alder cones - (balance, protection)

Gum arabic - (acceptance, binding)

Lichen - (perseverance, growth)

Algae - (water, sea, life)

Sandalwood - (calm, unity, purity)

Sugarcane - (victory, happiness)

Coffee bean - (vigor, earth, emotion)

Cork oak bark - (freedom, honor)

Quickwood bark - (absorption, magic)

Fairy moss - (water, sea, fae)

Magical Flora - While most organisms cannot handle high concentrations of Ethernano, or magic, due to its transformative effects on the body; occasionally there will be organisms that manage to adapt to such environments and make use of magic actively for their own ends. Magical flora, of course, are usually the simplest example of such an organism; however some monstrous plants do exist. Simple they may be, but magical plants form the basis of all alchemy. Included below is a list of alchemical ingredients harvested from a number of magical plants, and the magical qualities they represent.

Sunnysward tuft - (sun, growth, light)

Peacebloom - (fortitude, health)

Silverleaf - (calm, clarity, revitalization)

Mageroyal - (magic, growth)

Whisperweed stalk - (sound, illusion)

Cinderbulb seed - (fire, rebirth, life)

Cinderbulb berry - (fire, deceit, death)

Memory moss - (loss, memory)

Memory moss spore - (thought, recall)

Quickwood sap - (protection, resist)

Snappersaw berry - (hunger, nature)

Kelpie seaweed - (trickery, youth)

Ent twig - (wisdom, growth, age)

Retch palm fruit - (sickness, nausea)

Olive slime jelly - (unity, control)

Myconid spore - (life, calm, illusion)

Tidegrove root - (water, life, sea)

Moondew nectar - (moon, cold, night)

Violet fungus oil - (rot, life, protection)

Puffmold spore - (wind, speed, travel)

Shrieker cap - (fear, kindness, trickery)

Sleeper vine - (sleep, peace, death)

Dryad hair - (nature, beauty, lust)

Wintersedge stem - (ice, survival)

Phycomid sporefluid - (acid, life)

Florid fig pulp - (color, food, life)

Bubblekelp - (air, water, friendship)

Slipwort leaf - (avoidance, repulsion)

Mundane Fauna - In magical worlds where magic particles, or Ethernano, permeate all life and the very atmosphere; normal animals and materials they produce carry a small amount of magic within them that is attuned to the natural properties inherent to them. For that reason, many parts of mundane beasts are suitable for usage in low-level alchemical concoctions. Included below is a list of such animal-based ingredients, and the magical affinities that make them useful.

Pineal gland - (soul, sight, sleep)

Powdered bone - (support, endurance)

Animal blood - (healing, life, loyalty)

Hawk eye - (foresight, awareness)

Butterfly wing - (inner beauty, change)

Caterpillar cocoon - (growth, freedom)

Cricket leg - (sound, movement)

Cat claw - (weapon, magic)

Vulture gizzard - (death, opportunity)

Eagle feather - (inspiration, pride)

Owl feather - (wisdom, silence, mind)

Hummingbird feather - (speed, vitality)

Bat fur - (transition, depth, potential)

Bloodhound fur - (senses, hunt)

Glowworm - (hope, bleakness)

Firefly - (wonder, magic, guidance)

Bat guano - (fire, tenacity, growth)

Ape hair - (potential, community)

Skunk hair - (filth, smell, stain)

Giant squid ink - (darkness, fear)

Chameleon skin - (concealment, veil)

Electric eel skin - (warning, electricity)

Snake skin - (renewal, self, healing)

Spider fang - (violence, balance)

Giant slug spittle - (acid, adhesive)

Snake tongue - (speech, treachery)

Giant squid tentacle - (size, restriction)

Adder stomach - (poison, attack)

Bee wing - (possibility, miracle)

Spider leg - (climbing, travel, sticking)

Mummified toad - (preservation, evil)

Hen heart - (sacrifice, nurture)

Royal jelly - (nutrition, youth, health)

Millipede leg - (solitude, success)

Frog leg - (fertility, prosperity)

Honeycomb - (struggle, preservation)

Spider web - (destiny, mortality)

Tallow - (fire, creation, cleanliness)

Beeswax - (sanctity, love, happiness)

Carnivore teeth - (hunger, survival)

Ironback tail - (durability, toughness)

Silkworm thread - (beauty, strength)

Magical Fauna - While most organisms cannot handle high concentrations of Ethernano, or magic, due to its transformative effects on the body; occasionally there will be organisms that manage to adapt to such environments and make use of magic actively for their own ends. Magical creatures of all varieties have useful properties for alchemy, and some of the most powerful alchemical ingredients are obtained from said fantastical creatures. Listed below are a number of such ingredients.

Wyvern venom, blood, heart - (poison, death, slow)

Dragon blood, heart - (element, magic)

Giant hair - (strength, size)

Vulcan sinew - (strength, control)

Cyclops eye - (sight, omen)

Basilisk eyelash - (resistance, earth)

Cockatrice talon - (death, touch)

Phoenix feather - (fortune, element)

Phoenix ash - (rebirth, regeneration)

Phoenix tear - (healing, youth, time)

Angel feather - (sanctity, purity, justice)

Yokai essence - (evil, unknown, spirit)

Dragon scale - (protection, resistance)

Exceed whisker - (magic, flight, bonds)

Lycanthrope fur - (transformation)

Demon heart - (curse, blood)

Will-o-wisp essence - (fae, nature)

Doppelganger blood - (deceit, illusion)

Mundane Minerals - While mundane minerals do not contain magic in any capacity due to their inorganic nature, magic itself tends to have strong reactions to a number of mundane minerals making them useful for alchemical refinement. Listed below are a number of mundane minerals useful in alchemy, along with their qualities.

Amber powder - (preserving)

Iron filing - (strengthening)

Silver dust - (distilling)

Gold leaf - (buffering)

Volcanic ash - (enriching)

Chalk - (balancing)

Bitumen - (solidifying)

Chrysolite powder - (infusing)

Sunstone feldspar - (absorbing)

Steel dust - (fortifying)

Diamond dust - (reinforcing)

Coal powder - (empowering)

Quicksilver - (transmuting)

Salt - (purifying)

Zinc shaving - (boosting)

Phosphorous - (burning)

Black granite - (condensing)

Clay - (forming)

Emerald dust - (stabilizing)

Magnetized iron - (binding)

Lead pellet - (transforming)

Quartz crystal - (concentrating)

Ruby flake - (improving)

Mica chip - (focusing)

Talc - (hardening)

Vermilion - (transferring)

Magical Minerals - Occasionally high concentrations of magic will have transformative effects on mundane minerals, creating new inorganic magical substances. These magical minerals are useful at every stage of alchemy, whether as a catalyst, a magical ingredient, or to refine other powerful magical ingredients. Included below is a list of such magical minerals.

Hakobe ice - (ice, beauty, resistance)

Stellanium - (starlight, resonance)

Lacrima powder - (magic, storage)

Magic stone - (magic, elements)

Adamant - (durable, magic resistance)

Mithral - (magic enhancement)

Alchemical Bases - Alchemical bases are liquids, usually some kind of water, that facilitate the process of alchemy by resonating with compatible ingredients for rendering, refinement, or concocting. Listed below are a number of such bases and their respective natures.

Morningdew - (healing, magic-related)

Stormwash - (attack, body-related)

Snowmelt - (support, transformation)

Seawater - (defense, mind-related)

Wyvern blood

Melted Hakobe ice

Refined Ingredients\Reagents - Refined ingredients are generally another type of alchemical ingredient which has been rendered or changed to be more suitable for a particular concoction. Listed below are some examples of refined ingredients.

More to be added soon.

Alchemical Ingredient Descriptions


Sunnysward - A magical grass known for converting sunlight into brief bursts of fire upon being disturbed. It has a golden, wheat-like coloration and appears to be constantly smoldering as a warning to all who stumble upon it. This magical plant typically only grows in areas with a great deal of sunlight and, while nutrient rich soil and frequent rain lead to the finest specimens, it can survive on sunlight alone. When carefully extracted, tufts of this grass are useful for several alchemical concoctions.

Peacebloom - A pearlescent magical flower known for its vitality-enhancing and healing powers, along with its fresh and soothing scent. Unlike many other magical plants, this flower uses its magical qualities to attract animals of all kinds to help it spread seeds in a mutualistic relationship. The clean, flowery smell attracts pollinators to the flower so that seeds can germinate. Once the seeds are ready, the flower will bloom and attract a nearby animal to consume the flower and seeds whole to later be deposited elsewhere into many more peaceblooms. The petals of this flower are known to be useful in many alchemical concoctions.

Silverleaf - This herb, unimaginatively named for the color of its foliage, is one of the few magical herbs that is desired for non-magical purposes. While not exactly well-known, when crushed into a powder and inhaled this herb acts as a relaxant to relieve stress, clear the mind, and revitalize the body. Within the alchemy community, this herb is instead primarily used in a plethora of concoctions that focus on improving the body in some way; though on occasion it is still used for its magical calming effect.

Mageroyal - A flowering, lavender herb that glistens under the light and is known to grow in areas that are concentrated in magic. One of the few magical herbs that is actively desired for non-magical purposes, the mageroyal is known for enriching the flavors already present inside of a cooked dish; with an even greater effect in baked goods. While its usage in world famous chocolate cake is what it's best known for, mageroyal is also useful in alchemy for its magic-enhancing properties.

Whisperweed - The whisperweed plant is a magical weed that has trumpet-like flowers that bloom in light purple. While they are most commonly found in fields or plains, like most weeds this plant tends to show up everywhere. This magical plant has the ability to mimic any sound it has previously heard, though it does have the tendency to prefer spoken languages or noises made by animals. It uses this ability to try and scare off or disorient potential predators, and can even project the sound it is mimicking up to 30 feet in any direction. This weed prefers to grow in large swathes, which allows each individual plant to coordinate with one another to create a dissonant cacophony of noise that has been known to deafen and incapacitate people. The stalks of this weed are known to be useful for alchemy.

Cinderbulb bush - The cinderbulb bush is a yellowed medium-sized shrub that is reminiscent of an ordinary dead bush or the water-deficient plant life found in desert climates. A careful observer, or herbivores/omnivores with keen sense, might notice that this seemingly dead plant actually has several small, thumb-sized fruits growing within it. These reddish, glowing fruits are irresistible to the senses of most such animals and will be seen as a fine meal. The rubbery outer skin of said fruits tends to encourage wildlife to swallow these deadly fruits whole. Should they do so, the fruit's outer skin will slowly dissolve in the stomach acid of said creature and release the extremely volatile magical liquid that coats and protects the inner seeds. This liquid will instantly combust, usually in the stomach of whichever poor creature consumed the berry, and turn that animal into an ashen husk to serve as nutrients for the next generation of cinderbulbs. The berries and seeds of this plant are known to be useful for alchemy.

Memory moss - Also known as Obliviax, memory moss is a magical black moss with the ability to steal memories, even those of great significance to the victim. It grows in small patches and must have sunlight to spur reproduction by spores, though it needs no light for growth. It prefers a balance of wet and dry, and cannot abide cold temperatures. This moss can sense any lifeform within 60 feet of itself and can drain the memories of any creature within that range once per day. The severity of this memory loss depends on the willpower and mental fortitude of the individual being targeted. Typically, the moss will try to remove memories pertaining to itself first as an attempt to protect itself from those it perceives as dangerous. If the moss isconsumed by an individual suffering from its effects, the moss instead restores all the memories it stole from the target in question. This moss itself and it's spores are known to be useful in many alchemical concoctions.

Quickwood tree - Also called the spy tree, this plant appears to be an oak, although close examination reveals that it has a visage and sensory organs that resemble a distorted human face. It is highly unlikely that the "face" is noticed unless the observer is within 10 feet of the quickwood. The creature has excellent senses, with infravision and the ability to detect vibrations through its roots, and aerial movements through its leaves. The quickwood seldom moves, but can send its roots up to 90 feet, through loose topsoil, to seize and hold immobile any creature weighing under a ton. While the roots themselves cause no harm, they are extremely durable and difficult to escape. The roots pull any prey they manage to catch towards the "face" of the tree, where the tree will trap them inside its mouth and attempt to digest them for nutrients. If enough of the roots are damaged, the tree will halt its assault and pull back any remaining roots to protect itself. The quickwood can perspire and drench itself with a magical coating of protective sap, making it immune to fire, lightning, poisons, and gasses. It is also immune to most other magic which does not affect plants specifically, including all mind-affecting magic. If attacked with magic, the quickwood absorbs some or all of the spell's energy, and uses it to radiate a field of magical fear which has a strength and size dependent on the amount of magic absorbed. The magical sap and bark of the quickwood tree are known to be useful in many alchemical concoctions.

Snappersaw - This plant, also called foresters' bane, has a central bush with several magical greenish-white berries that are plump, smell delicious, and each berry can feed a single individual for days at a time. Several broad, dark green, ribbed leaves radiate out 5-7 feet from the bushy center, which hides up to 6 tough, purple, saw-like stalks with thorny projections. A healthy plant has six saw-stalks, while damaged specimens have less. Creatures stepping into the radius of the low-growing ribbed leaves risk attack. The leaves snap up one or two victims; and all non-magical armor or defenses are easily bypassed by the sharp saw-stalks. When a victim is caught by the saw-stalks of the snappersaw, the plant will continue to shift its stalks around to saw through the flesh of any creature it is holding; though the hold can be broken through sheer strength. The berries of this plant are known to be useful for alchemy.

Kelpie - The kelpie is a mass of animate seaweed, able to alter its form to resemble a green-clad woman, a hippocampus, or a green horse. It lives to drown the foolish, and can communicate telepathically with those in its embrace. The kelpie will attempt to trick any creature that encounters it into entering the water with it, where the kelpie will attempt to drown them. In the case that their target is capable of breathing underwater, the kelpie will instead happily play with their new friend instead of drowning and consuming them. The seaweed that makes up the body of a kelpie is known to be useful in alchemy, and kelpies can sometimes be convinced to part with clippings from their mane without a fight.

Treant - Treants are strangely related to both humans and trees, combining features of both species. Peaceful by nature, treants can cause great damage when roused to anger. They hate evil things and the unrestrained use of fire. Treants are almost indistinguishable from trees. Their skin is a thick, textured, brown bark. Their arms are gnarled like branches and their legs fit together when standing like the trunk of a tree. Above the eyes and along the head are dozens of smaller branches from which hang great leaves. In winter the leaves of a treant change color but rarely fall out. Treants are very intelligent and often speak a number of languages including their own along with a smattering of humanoid languages. Treants are known for their plant-based magic and can animate nearby trees and plant-life to fight on their behalf when angered. Smaller branches and twigs of an ent are known to be useful for alchemy, and they can be easily convinced to part with them in exchange for a favor they see as equivalent.

Retch palm tree - The retch palm appears to be a typical palm tree, except that each always has a half dozen globe-like, coconut-sized fruit growing at its top. Each globe is membranous, taut, and blue, violet, or lilac in color. Walking under a retch plant incurs the risk that one of the globes will fall. If there is solid contact against the tree trunk (banging against it, running into it, or climbing it) most of the noisome fruits plop down. When the globes strike, they burst, and a nauseating fluid is splashed over a 5-foot radius. Those 5 to 10 feet from the impact have a 25% chance of being splashed. The sticky, foul fluid causes creatures to vomit and retch immediately. In addition to being nauseated, victims are weakened and exhausted for one hour. Creatures splashed must be washed in alcohol (including drinkable types) or they are more likely to attract carnivores in the area, doubling the frequency of encountering them. The odor is discernible within a 50-foot radius, and it persists for 4 hours unless removed as above. The fruit itself, if carefully harvested, is useful in many alchemical concoctions.

Olive slime - The olive slime is a strain of monstrous plant life, closely related to the green slime, that grows while clinging to ceilings. More dangerous than a green slime, an olive slime favors moist, subterranean regions. It feeds on whatever animal, vegetable, or metallic substances happen to cross its path. The vibrations of a creature beneath it are sufficient to cause it to release its tendrils and drop. Contact with an olive slime causes a numbing poison to ooze from the creature. The slime then spreads itself over the body of its victim, sending out parasitic tendrils to feed upon the body fluids of the host. For humans and demihumans, the point of attachment is usually along the spinal area. The feeding process soon begins to affect the brain of the host as it changes the host's body. Within 8 hours, the host's main concern becomes how to feed, protect, and sustain the growth of the olive slime. The gelatinous goop that makes up the body of this slime is known to be useful for alchemy.

Myconid - Myconids, or fungus men, are a race of intelligent fungi that live in the remote reaches of the world within underground communities. They are cautious creatures that deplore violence; myconids have no desire to conquer anybody and would prefer to be left alone. Myconids resemble walking toadstools in human form. Their flesh is bloated and spongy and varies in color from purple to gray. Their wide feet have vestigial toes and their pudgy hands have two stubby fingers and a thumb on either side. Their social status and magical abilities are determined by their age, with the Myconid King being the oldest within any given community; the entire race has no spoken language. While being capable of fighting with their appendages, the myconids primary mode of attack is spewing a cloud of spores over their foes. These spores are capable of a great many things such as alerting fellow myconids of danger, reproduction, telepathic communication with other organisms, calming another organism, inducing hallucinations, or even reanimating the dead through puppeting their body (though this is limited to the Myconid King exclusively). A myconid has a deathly fear of sunlight and will not willingly travel to the surface world. The exact effects of sunlight on a myconid are unknown, but they must be highly detrimental for the fungus men to fear sunlight as they do. The spores of this plant creature are known to be useful for alchemy and older specimens produce greater effects. This race is known to use alchemy.

Tidegrove - This magical variation of the typical mangrove tree grows in shallow, coastal waters using its long sinuous roots to dig into the sands ground beneath the waves to hold itself aloft. To deter the small fish and animals that like to make a meal of its fibrous roots, this tree has developed a high affinity for water magic and can create large crashing waves, deadly riptides, and fast-spinning whirlpools. Nonetheless, these trees often find themselves the center of a thriving ecosystem as small birds and other creatures make use of its defensive capabilities by turning it into their home. The roots of this tree are known to be useful for alchemy.

Moondew - This small, magical plant looks nearly identical to the sundew in all ways except for minor coloration differences. The only way to differentiate this plant from its mundane sibling is by the slight purplish color to the tips of its trichomes. Unlike a normal sundew, the adhesive nectar that this carnivorous plant uses to capture its prey are bitterly cold and highly thermally conductive. Most small to medium sized animals will be held fast instantly, or even killed by the freezing temperatures. It is currently unknown how this plant produces this magically adhesive nectar, but it is well-established that it somehow utilizes ethernano given off by the moon. The nectar of this plant is known to be useful for alchemy.

Violet fungus - Violet fungus growths resemble shriekers, and are usually (75% of the time) encountered with them. The latter are immune to the touch of violet fungi, and the two types of creatures complement each other's existence. Violet fungi favor rotted animal matter to grow upon. Each fungus has one to four branches with which it flails out if any animal comes within range (see following). The excretion from these branches rots flesh in seconds should it be in contact with any, and only a thorough washing or magical nullification of the substance can this be avoided. The branch length of this fungus depends upon the fungi's size. Violet fungi range from four to seven feet tall, the smallest having one-foot-long branches, the five-foot-tall fungi having two-foot-long branches, and so on. Any sized growth can have up to four branches. The magical oil secreted from this fungus are useful for alchemy.

Puffmold - This magical variant of ordinary mold utilizes basic wind magic to explode into a cloud of spores whenever agitated. These spores serve to both drive off potential dangers as an airborne irritant and to allow the mold to reproduce. These spores can float on the wind for dozens of miles in every direction, and it has been theorized that they can remain in the air indefinitely with magic were they so inclined. Upon finding a location suitable for sustaining a new growth of puffmold, the spores will settle down and begin the cycle anew. The spores themselves, when carefully dried and preserved, are useful for alchemy.

Shrieker - Shriekers are normally quiet, mindless fungi that are ambulatory. They are dangerous to dungeon explorers because of the hellish racket they make. Light within 30 feet or movement within 10 feet causes a shrieker to emit a piercing shriek that lasts for up to 3 minutes. This noise has a high chance of attracting predatory creatures. They live in dark places beneath the ground, often in the company of violet fungi. When the shriekers attract curious cavern dwellers through their shrieking, the violet fungi are able to kill them with their branches, leaving plenty of organic matter for these saprophytic life forms to feed on. The cap of this fungus is known to be useful for alchemy.

Sleeper vine - The sleeper vine is a magical, animated vine that is well-known for its sedatory magic. Like a normal vine, this plant grows by twining stems and roots around nearby supports. Unlike ordinary vines, however, the sleeper vine can do this intentionally and with impressive speed, even uprooting itself to retreat to a new location if necessary. Often mistaken for a snake of some variety, these vines are timid and generally do no harm. That being said, when touched this vine will release a burst of its magic through the creature that came into contact with it. Starting at the point of contact, this magic travels through the creature in question and slowly numbs and sedates them. Should contact be maintained this magical effect can even put the creature in a deep, comatic slumber. In extreme cases, this induced sleep can last up to a week and even kill the creature through dehydration. The vine itself is known to be useful for alchemy.

Dryad - Dryads are beautiful, intelligent tree sprites. They are as elusive as they are alluring, however, and dryads are rarely seen unless taken by surprise - or they wish to be spotted. Dryads have high cheekbones and amber, violet, or dark green eyes. A dryad's complexion and hair color changes with the seasons, presenting the sprite with natural camouflage. During the fall, a dryad's hair turns golden or red, and her skin subtly darkens from its usual light tan to more closely match her hair color. This enables her to blend with the falling leaves of autumn. In winter, both the dryad's hair and skin are white, like the snows that cover the oak groves. When encountered in a forest during fall or winter, a dryad is often mistaken for an attractive maid. No one would mistake a dryad for a maid during the spring and summer, however. At these times of year, a dryad's skin is lightly tanned and her hair is green like the oak leaves around her. Dryads are known for their powerful charm magic, their ability to meld with trees, and their ability to speak to and gather information from any living plant. Some legends claim that dryads are the animated souls of very old oak trees. Whether this is really the case, it is true that dryads are attached to a single, very large oak tree in their lifetimes and cannot, for any reason, go more than 360 yards from that tree. If a dryad does wander farther away, she becomes weak and dies within a week unless returned to her home. The hair of a dryad is known to be useful for alchemy.

Wintersedge - This magical plant, common in tundras or similarly cold and dry environments, is nearly identical to the mundane perennial sedge. This flowering, grass-like plant is known for its usage of magic to survive in climates that would be inhospitable to most other organisms. Due to its isolated and enduring nature this plant rarely has the opportunity to reproduce. If unduly agitated this plant can emit a burst of frost magic capable of freezing most animals solid in an instant. The most obvious warning that you are within the vicinity of a wintersedge is the menagerie of frozen victims they tend to collect around themselves. The stem of this plant is known to be useful for alchemy.

Phycomid - The algae-like phycomids resemble fibrous blobs of decomposing, milk-colored matter with capped fungi growing out of them. They exude a highly alkaline substance (like lye) when attacking. These fungoid monsters have sensory organs for heat, sound, and vibrations located in several clusters. When phycomids attack, they extrude a tube and discharge the alkaline fluid in small globules that have a range of 10 feet. In addition to alkaline damage, the globs that these creatures discharge might also cause victims to serve as hosts for new phycomid growth. If the victim's immune system fails to fight it, the individual begins to sprout mushroom-like growths in the infected area. These growths spread very slowly, but are remarkably painful. If not treated, the infection will eventually spread to the entirety of the host's body; turning them into a new phycomid. The alkaline sporefluid used by this fungus is known to be useful for alchemy.

Florid fig tree - This magically-inclined fig tree is known for its entertaining and colorful fruits. When in season, these small trees will produce dozens of small figs of every color that, when consumed, will change the creature that ate it into the color of the fig consumed. While said creature is under the effects of the magical fig, they will randomly shift between the different shades of the color of fruit they consumed. These fruits are incredibly nourishing and sought after voraciously by many animals despite their quirky qualities, and will seem edible to even carnivorous creatures. The figs themselves are known to be useful for alchemy.

Bubblekelp - This aquatic plant, closely resembling other algae, is known for its unique mutualistic relationship with many different sea creatures. Through its usage of air and water magic, this plant can create large bubbles of breathable air underwater. In doing so, it both makes it harder for any creatures that would wish to consume them to reach them and makes itself an invaluable resource to those sea creatures that would typically need to resurface for air. So valuable is the ability to stay beneath the waves indefinitely that those sea creatures who make use of this service will aggressively defend this plant from potential threats. This plant is known to be useful for alchemy.

Slipwort - This magical cousin of mundane mugwort, known to grow in small patches along the ground, causes any creature to accidentally step on it to slip and fall as if the plant itself were a frictionless surface. Similarly, any attempt to grab or other touch the plant is infuriatingly difficult. So slippery is this plant that even cutting or piercing implements tend to slide off of them with nary a mark to show for it. The only way to circumvent this slippery defense is through the usage of magical tools. This plant is known to be useful for alchemy.

More will be added to this category soon.

Alchemy Products

Weak/Inferior Potions

All of the below need only two ingredients to be created and are currently the main products in the store.

Health Potion

Health Regeneration Potion

Magic Potion

Magic Regeneration Potion

Stamina Potion

Antidote Potion

Resistance Potion

Strengthening Potion

Weak/Inferior Poisons

Similar to the Weak/Inferior Potions, they require only two ingredients to be brewed. None of those are available in the store.

Simple Poison: A toxic concoction harmful to all living beings. Regular humans with a weak constitution might die from drinking the poisons while others would suffer a weak to strong sickness depending on the strength of their abnormal resistance.

Animal Poison: A specialized toxic concoction that is harmful to basic animals. Could kill small rodents with just a small dose and potentially kill animals as big as dogs with a full dose.

Paralysis Poison: A full dose of this could paralysis the muscles of a regular human for half an hour when applied through the skin. When drunk, the effect is double and could kill a regular human by paralyzing the inner organs as well.

Sleep Poison: Similar to the Paralysis Poison, it could be applied through the skin and would put to sleep any regular human. When directly consumed, it could work even on humans with minor abnormal resistance.

Acidic Poison: A concoction specifically designed to melt objects or even living beings.

Standard Potions and Poisons

Have a similar recipe to the ones above, but the reagent they are brewed with has to be one with strong magical properties.

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