
Chapter 14 To Welcome A Little One

"If it's a girl, I want Eleanor or Penelope. If it's a boy, I want Noah or Elijah. What do you think?" She asked me, finally turning her head up to look at me and not her protruded stomach. The kid wasn't even born yet but I was already feeling jealous. I can only wonder about how much of her time the child will take up once born, the more time the baby takes then that would mean less for me. Lovely.

"If it's a girl then I want Rosalie and if it's a boy then I want William," a look of awe passed her face for a second, she was clearly surprised by my naming skills. Even though I said it on a whim without thinking at all.

"How is the stitching going?" I asked, changing the subject. She had insisted that she wanted to give something personal to our child once it was born and the best idea she came up with was a handmade toy.