
A Simple Hero

Hero’s are chosen. I’m born one. Hero’s are needed. There’s enough to go around. Hero’s are special. There’s enough not to be special. Hero’s are powerful. I can’t snap metal with my fingertips. Hero’s are worshiped. No one knows me. Hero’s are good. That’s debatable. Hero’s are kids. They shouldn’t be. Hero’s are the best. Only when they save people. Simplicity is plain. So it is what I follow. I’m not special or physically strong. I’m just an average guy who isn’t needed in the grand scheme of things. So why should I care about anything at all? After all, I’m the kind of person heroes kill whilst ‘protecting’ the city. So when I can just die at anytime, I might as well be simple. Because simplicity doesn’t lie, unlike all those around me.

FluxNightmare · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Prince of Crystalline

"You know, that sounded much more cooler in my head. What do you think?"

The guy in front of me, stared at me with a dumbfounded expression. Before shaking his head and holding up my phone.

"Come with me, I need to teach you where you belong. It clearly seems you don't know your supposed to grovel at my feet"

What does he think he is doing? Does he really think my phone is that improtant to be held hostage?

"Nah, I'm good. To be honest, I already think I know where I belong. At home, drinking some soda and playing some games. Maybe ordering some food, a pizza or two. Or a tub of ice cream if I'm feeling it. Then a bit of Netflix, and...poptarts?"

The man scoffed, looking around at the same time. Gazing at him, on his forehead I could already see a pulsating vein. Threatening to pop like a ticking time bomb.

"Since no one is here, I guess I don't need to beat you up else where"

Hearing himself talking to himself, I felt bad. He mustn't have that much friends. I used to be like that too, before not caring at all.

"Stand up, I wanna beat you into submission! Prepare yourself!"

Seeing him pull back a fist, I saw it crystallize, forming into a glove with spikes. I jumped out of the way, clear from getting impaled.

"Could you not talk like it's a xanxia or wuxia novel? And please stop sounding sexual at the same time. I'm very straight!"

Whilst talking, another punch came towards me. Backing away, narrowly avoiding 10 months on a hospital bed, I saw him get into a boxers stance.

I sighed, looking at my phone in the other non-crystallized hand. Do I really need to fight back? I mean, it's just a phone, theres nothing important on it. Seeing another punch head my way, I sidestepped away.

The man, seeing his punches not work, he increased his speed. The fists blurring in my vision, I could barely dodge them at all. Dodging left, right, down and up? The punches were getting visibly faster, yet at the cost of accuracy.

"Stop dodging and fight me like a man!"

He punched faster, but his swings were very predictable. The fact that he was only using one hand worried me. I could only guess how hard it would be if I fought with him using two hands.

"What if I fight you like a girl? Or are not interested in them?"

The man gritted his teeth, clenched both his hands turning them into massive crystal gloves. The only part I was worried about was my shattered phone. I guess you never know the importance of something unless it's gone.

The man, now wielding crystal gloves in both hands, glared at me. The fire in his eyes showed how much passion he had to destroy me into oblivion.

"Now you done it! Prepare to face the true wrath of the prince of crystalline!"



"Are you a sadist by any chance?"

Dodging a punch, I hear a grunt.

"How dare you!"

With a smirk on my face, I dodge another punch. A giggle nearly escaping my mouth.

"I'm just saying. If you get hard everytime of beat someone up, you have a serious problem"

The man slowed down, yet his fists were getting increasingly harder to dodge. Looking at him more closely, the gloves he was wearing slowly expanded towards the rest of his arms.

Now his punches were like a slow, yet powerful piston. Ready to smash anything that it punches into.

With every step that I took back, he took the advantage and kept pistoning his fists towards me. Looking at ny back, I was getting closer and closer to the walls of the arena. At this point, I wasn't just simply dodging, I was weaving under and over punches and speeding up in bursts. His punches were calculated and precise so I needed to speed up and slow down occasionally.

"Why are you even attacking me? I was just minding my own business when you came out of no where wanting to pick a fight. Why?"

"Because you need to be controlled! Your abnormal! Your an unknown variable! Becuase of this, you need to be controlled and handled. To be put on a leash!"

Huh? Uncontrollable? Handled?

Before I could get anymore ideas, an unfamiliar voice was heard. A soft and gentle voice.

"What my brother means, is that you can't be mind controlled"

Looking towards the voice, I saw a familiar girl with blue strange eyes.

"What do you mean, mind controlled?"

"At the gate, just an hour ago. We met, but you weren't supposed to remember. You see, I tried to control you. But strangely enough, I couldn't. The reason my brother is here, is because your the first to resist the control of my power. So we thought we could put you on a leash. But seeing the result, I guess we underestimated you"

Her brother shrunk at her comment looking downcast.

"But since I'm here now, what do you say...do you want to die?"