
A Simple Fisherman in RWBY

Argenti Ovans is a simple man trying to live his second life peacefully without attracting any trouble in his way. Unfortunately, his plan was quickly shattered as Remnant wasn't an easy world for the weak. Yet, he unlocked an interesting Semblance, which helped him get stronger by…. Fishing? Huh, what is that weird and familiar fruit with swirling patterns? It can't hurt to eat it... Yuck!

Haluo · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 06

[A/N: Nvm, no gacha, but next chapter frl frl]

[A/N2: Also, yes, Summer is still here and alive, and I do want to do something with her character in the future.]


A Simple Fisherman in RWBY

Chapter 06

- Argenti Ovans –

Mudkip and I were at home after we spent the evening with the neighbours. I had a lot to do tomorrow, and I couldn't stay long after the meal, which was unfortunate, but it had to be done. Moreover, I was glad that Mudkip had a lot of fun with them since they were the closest people that I could call family.

When I returned home, I was also happy to see a few delivery boxes at the front of my door. Those boxes were the clay pots that I ordered from Auntie Sarah's shop. So I took those boxes inside, closed the door behind me, and opened the light inside the house. Also, before going to sleep, I had a to-do list. I wanted to take a nice and refreshing shower, plant some berries, and unlock my Mudkip's aura.

I decided to start by unlocking my Mudkip's aura, which seemed to be the easiest. Then, I placed the palm of my hand directly in front of Mudkip's head as I started chanting the aura mantra to unlock one's aura.

"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee."

As soon as I finished the mantra, I felt some of my aura get sucked in by Mudkip's as I took a few steps back to observe the change in my Mudkip. I was also a little nervous that unlocking my Mudkip's aura might be a bad thing since he was from another world, but it seemed that my worries were for naught since my Mudkip had successfully integrated with the aura.

Mudkip, with his shade still on, was suddenly surrounded by a cyan-blue aura. The amount of aura released by Mudkip was astounding and very profound. It seemed like my Mudkip was very talented with this new ability. Wait... Now that I think about it, the Pokemon World also has an aura ability of its own. I wonder if we could possibly learn it and fuse it with Remnant's concept of aura.

I scratched my head in frustration as he couldn't remember anything related to the aura in the Pokemon world besides the movie with Ash and Lucario with Entei as the featured legendary Pokemon... I hope that my omnipotent gacha semblance can fish out an Aura manual or something in the future. I was curious about the differences or similarities between auras from each world.

I quickly shook my head and refocused on my little Mudkip. Even without seeing any apparent change in his body, I knew Mudkip was more robust and faster because of the aura awakening. That was like the basic package that came with aura and other things. I knew that Mudkip was an absolute menace now.

"MUDKIP!" cried the Pokemon as he awoke from his brief slumber.

I whistled as I felt very impressed and rubbed his head, feeling proud of my little boy. "Great job, little guy! Now I feel even safer with you around!"

"Mudkip!" cried the Pokémon with a radiant smile as he walked toward me and lightly tapped my feet to say, "Leave it to me!".

I snorted in response as I looked at the clock on the wall. It was pretty late, but I did want to plant some of those berries even if I felt tired. So, I thought briefly, and then I opened the parcel with clay pots, took two out of the box, and placed them on the ground. After that, I searched for the bag of soil I bought from the shop and poured it into the two clay pots. I grabbed the basket of berries, took out an Oran berry seed and a Tamato berry seed, gently planted them with Auntie Sarah's advice, and then asked Mudkip to water them. "Mudkip!" shouted the Pokémon as he let out a drizzle of water from his mouth and watered the seed.

Before hitting the shower, I had to move those two pots near my window for the natural sunlight. Now that I was done, I went for a quick shower and went to bed with my Mudkip.


"Wait for me, Mudkip…! Give me a minute..! I need a fucking break." I panted violently and felt tired like a dog as I tried to follow my Mudkip.

"Mudkip!" shouted the Pokémon as he continued to run even faster than before.

"You! I groaned and dropped dead on the ground.

As for why I'm outside in the forest and running with Mudkip, it was for training. We both woke up early for a run since it was beneficial and healthy for Mudkip and me. After all, I can let Mudkip fight alone now, right? Since this world gave me all the tools necessary to fight back. Moreover, with my semblance, I was pretty much set back to my original path as a huntsman.

Since he was fighting to protect me, I shall do the same for him! Our bonds as trainers will only be even more explosive from now on.

A few more kilometres to go… and I lost sight of my Mudkip...! SHIT! I immediately stood up, ignored my pains and ran after him.


- Mudkip –

'Ah? Where did my trainer go? Did he get lost?' thought Mudkip as he stopped and looked around in confusion, yet he didn't find his trainer anywhere near him. 'Did I go too fast?'

He thought for a bit, then looked back in doubt. 'Should I go back…?' Mudkip sighed as he hadn't seen a single trace of his Argenti for quite a while now. Moreover, Mudkip felt entirely lost as he had never come here before. All he could see was nothing more than a bunch of trees everywhere. He was deeply lost inside a forest, and his trainer was missing.

However, Mudkip didn't panic, even in the situation he found himself in. Because Mudkip knew he would find his way back to his trainer. After all, even with their brief time together, Mudkip cared a lot about Argenti and knew that their bonds would make them reunite no matter what.

He had never cared about someone so profoundly besides his father, a Swampert, back in the Pokémon World. Back then, as the son of the pack's leader, it was tough for him to make friends since most Mudkip would always try to surpass him.

'I might as well go back then…' thought Mudkip as he turned back from his run, but as he was going to return. Mudkip heard some growling noise around him. Mudkip became cautious immediately, wary of his surroundings, and surprised by the appearance of this world Pokemon from his memory.

[Groooowl] [Groooowl] [Groooowl] [Groooowl]

Four Beowolf suddenly surrounded Mudkip. It was the first time that Mudkip encountered such monsters as he was wary. He heard a brief explanation from Argenti and hadn't expected to see some of them so soon. But he wasn't scared because before being picked up by Argenti, Mudkip had much experience fighting other Pokémon who tried to invade their territory. As the leader's son, he naturally had to step up to prove himself worthy.

Mudkip waited before taking any action and wanted to see how they would react to him. The first Beowolf behind Mudkip suddenly pounced toward him without a signal. Mudkip immediately dodged the attack with the help of the fin on his head that sensed a disturbance in the air.

He looked fiercely at his aggressor and didn't hesitate to unleash a Water Gun as a mighty torrent of water from his mouth blasted the bold Beowolf. The monster who pounced at Mudkip didn't have time to react as his entire body got swept by the attack, crashed through numerous trees, and died in a single attack.

Mudkip blinked in confusion as he thought about this water gun he just unleashed. It was more powerful than he ever remembered and felt like a mini hydro pump of his father.

Mudkip had no time to contemplate his newfound strength as the second Beowolf lunged forward, razor-sharp claws aimed at him. Mudkip effortlessly sidestepped the attack with his honed senses and superb agility, evading the slashing claws.

Mudkip, who saw an opportunity, reacted with a swift and decisive Tackle. The force of the impact sent the second Beowolf hurtling away from the battlefield, its angry howl echoing in the distance as it disappeared into the depths of the forest.

Meanwhile, the third and fourth Beowolf, now wary after witnessing the defeat of their companions, circled Mudkip cautiously. Mudkip rolled his eyes in exasperation at their attempt. He didn't have time to waste with some low-tier monster. So Mudkip was even more determined to end this as soon as possible. Moreover, it was almost time for breakfast, and there was no way Mudkip would skip it.

Mudkip opened his mouth for a water gun, and a forceful shot of water blasted at one of the remaining Beowolf. It crashed into the ground and became stunned.

Seizing the advantage, Mudkip swiftly turned to the last standing Beowolf. He willed a prehistoric power from within his body as numerous rocks floated beside him. The Beowolf, who recognized the danger of the attack, immediately closed the gap between them as it lunged toward Mudkip with ferocity.

Mudkip immediately unleashed the Ancient Power upon the creature. The rocks, imbued with ancient forces, struck toward the Beowolf. With some reasonable effort, the Beowolf managed to evade some barrage of rock, yet he failed as he couldn't dodge the remaining stones and died crushed by the Ancient Power.

Mudkip sighed as he looked at the remaining pitiful Beowolf on the ground and ended the beast's life with the last of his Ancient Power. And just like that, Mudkip stood victorious by a landslide in his first battle in Remnant. It was an easy fight for Mudkip, but he knew it was just the start and looked forward to meeting a stronger enemy alongside Argenti.

As Mudkip was basking in his first victory royal, he suddenly became alert when he heard sounds near him as the bushes violently shook. But he soon let down his guard when he heard a familiar voice calling for him.


"MUDKI—" shouted Argenti until he was cut by Mudkip, tackling his chest.

"Mudkip!" shouted the Pokemon with tears in his eyes.



"Part—HOLY SHIT? What happened here? Did you fight someone!?" exclaimed Argenti as he noticed the aftermath of the battle. Mudkip nodded his head. "Mudkip!"

Argenti scratched his chin as he treated Mudkip to some snack he brought from home. "Here is a reward for your hard work!"

"Mudkip!" cried the Pokémon with happiness as he felt pleased about his current life.


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