
A Silver Sage In His Saga Days

The wondrous saga days of a boy destined to become the silver sage. After the death of his mother he got adopted and after defeating a demon class beast,he awakened his guardian system and received the title"silver sage". See what happens next The front cover isn't mine, I found it on the internet.

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9 Chs

Kailes Forest

. . . . .

It's been five minutes and I have no idea where I am.

*sigh*" I should have brought a map",I said to myself.

I walked on, I needed to find something, like a clue or hint on where I was to go, I ran ahead and saw blood marks, they were all dry and as I kept running forward I tripped on a log and fell to the ground.

The ground felt fluffy,cold and weird, I opened my eyes to look at the ground, . . . .I jumped straight up in fear as I saw that I had landed on a dead wild monkey, it's injuries were still fresh, the wild monkey was just killed.

I knew I was getting close to something dangerous, the cut mark on the monkey showed that it was done by a fanged beast.

As I walked on, I heard a sound.


I hid behind some bushes as I peeked to see where the sound was coming from. I was marvelled by what I saw, it was an intermediary class fanged wolf and another intermediary class wild monkey facing off against each other. Only from their sizes I could they were intermediary class, the fanged wolf had black fur with yellow stripes and the wild monkey had light blonde fur with red aggressive eyes, they were nothing like common class beasts.

It was an epic battle, the fanged wolf leaped towards the wild monkey with it's claws ready to strike. The wild monkey then raised it's hands and grabbed the wolf by it's head, stopping the claws of the wolf and then the wild monkey rolled the wolf around a couple of times and tossed the wolf in the air. In the split of a second, the wild monkey had jumped unto a tree and to another till it jumped right above the wolf in the air and delivered a striking blow downwards towards the wolf's back side.

The impact of the wolf with the ground caused a loud banging sound to be heard and creating a huge crater on the ground. The mighty fanged wolf was down.

I watched the whole thing that I almost forgot my reason for being in the forest, the wild monkey was too strong it will be a suicide mission to try and face. I turned around to find another path away from the monkey, when I heard a sound.


It was so quiet even the monkey didn't hear it, I decided to take a look at the dead wolf again.

"Nooo!!", I shouted in complete fear.

The wild monkey looked towards my direction, I had been spotted. I fell to the ground shivering with fear as I crawled backwards, this wasn't because of the massively large monkey coming towards, it was because of what I saw beneath the wolf. The wolf's head was facing down and just right under it's mouth was an electrified ball of energy gathering mana.

I shouted again," The wolf is still alive", pointing towards the wolf as if I was trying to alert the wild monkey of the situation.

The wild monkey turned back as if it understood what I said and faced me again but this time leaping towards me. I reacted with great fear of having to die by a monkey. Following the sounds of my screams were the sound of large explosive lightning discharges.

The wolf had channeled all it's inner mana(life force)into releasing a disintegrating discharge of lightning obliterating every thing in it's path in the disintegrating a ten metres radius of where it was laying including itself, it intended to sacrifice it's life to take down the wild monkey.

The wild monkey on the other hand, leaped towards me to protect me, it wrapped it's arm around me to shield from the discharge of lightning. I didn't know the reason for this, all I knew were two things, the wolf had disintegrated and along with it twenty metres of the forest and the second . . . .

June yelled with his face all red,"What the hell is going on?".

Just a moment ago, a gigantic monkey had shielded me from an explosion but all I could see now was a little girl with long, blonde hair laying naked on the ground.

I was nervous and scared, how could a gigantic monkey turn into a defenseless little girl, I took a closer look at the girl not trying to be lewd at all and noticed a huge scar on her back. It must have been from the lightning explosion, I thought to myself.

Luckily, I had read books on "first aid treatments in the forest", I searched for the right herbs and chewed them all at once, spitting it out and chewing all again until it formed a very green syrup.

I gently rubbed my hands together and applied the syrup on the back, rubbing and massaging it to get the syrup into the wound so it may begin healing when I heard a lewd voice . . . .

" Owww!!,Master please be gentle".

I crawled back real quick with my fave lit red till I knocked my head on a rock behind me that didn't seem to have disintegrated. I rubbed my head a couple of times and looked at the girl once more, this time she sat on the ground with her legs spread and her knees facing me with one of her hands just over her ear as she raised her hair a bit.

"Master,are you alright", she said in a prettier tone.

She was so beautiful, she looked like she was Lisa age and her eyes were sparkling like . . .


The sound of me slapping myself could be heard, I was lost in her beauty that I almost forgot myself. This time she said holding my hands worriedly . . . .

" Master, why did you slap yourself".

"Because you're pretty, get a clue", my stupid mouth blurted out those words unknowingly to me.

" No,No. . .I mean you're. . .",I stopped talking as I was struck nervous, I couldn't imagine talking to a beauty like her.

She giggled and said with a smile on her face,

"I'll take that as a compliment, Master".

"That's it", I said, I couldn't take it anymore, the pretty face, the pretty voice and the attractive smile, it was all too good to be true. I stood up and tried running away, it felt like my whole body was about to melt when I hit my foot on the same rock,so hard I fell to the ground and started to bleed a little.

The little girl rushed towards my side and placed my foot on her laps, she hurriedly carried the remnants of the syrup which I had placed on a leaf and rubbed it on my foot, it felt like an angel had placed her holy hands on my filthy foot. As she repeatedly rubbed my foot,she said these words with tears like rivers flowing down her eyes.

" Please,don't. . .try to leave. . .me again,Master".

I wasn't a heartless person, to allow a goddess like her cry.

"Don't worry, I won't try to leave you again".

She hopped towards me and gave me a hug pushing me off balance and onto the ground, and she laid on me nothing but hugging.

" Thank you, Master".

This section is not part of the main story, the author wishes to explain the classes of beasts. The classes will be looked at from the lowest ranking to the highest.

Common Class Beasts

Intermediary Class Beasts - general,commander,knight,sorcerer and

king level intermediary class

Demon Class Beasts(Humanoid Level)

Lord Class Beasts

God Class Beasts