
A Silent Sorrow

He looks happy on the outside but there's a deep darkness living inside his heart.

Kenneth_Matabang · Games
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Kaz, a 16 year old boy who's quite popular in his school. He's a bright, jolly, and cheerful person. He's also easy to talk and approach to, that's why he's quite popular to both boys and girls. "Are you hanging out with us?", asked the girl sitting beside him. "Sure, I guess", said Kazuto. Time passed by and it's already dismissal, all the students rushed outside thanking God that the school is finally over. Kaz and his friends went to a cafe to get some drinks, they shared some stories and some gossips that happened on school before going to a karaoke place. In the karaoke Kaz was singing hilariously, making some goofy and loud noises. Everyone was cheering on him while he was singing. Some time passed and everyone went on their own and left, Kaz left happily. So he thought, cause once he arrived home everything became gloomy. To Be Continued.