
A Shut-in's True Power

[THIS NOVEL HAS BEEN DROPPED. READ ONLY IF YOU'RE FINE WITH QUITTING HALFWAY. Also don't buy the last 2 chapters. They're just drafts filled with random gibberish.] There was once a man who focused his entire life on "self-improvement". He learned each and every life skill anyone could think of. From cooking to swordsmanship. From cleaning to martial arts. His sole purpose in living was to perfect every life skill he could learn. To him, the more complicated a skill is to learn, the more satisfaction he finds in perfecting it. He developed his knowledge, his strength and his spirit. As time passed, his obsession only grew. He started ignoring the world around him and locked himself in his house to improve his "writing" skill, turning himself into what we call a shut-in. With no one who could intervene, he ended up overworking himself to death. However, his way of life amused a particular goddess. As such, for her own future amusement, she offered him to reincarnate in another world. The man's answer to this offer? Obviously he agreed! In a fantasy world with a new instrument called "magic", The man taking the identity of "Dusk Nightmoon" hopes to find the joy of learning even more interesting and complicated skills. However will he be able to remain as indifferent to the outside world as he was in his previous life? or will the people of this world and the dangers within, influence him to change as a person? Find out in this novel which is a mixture of fantasy, comedy and action! DISCLAIMER: This is my first novel, so I can't make any promises about it being good. I am also only doing this for fun. Still though feel free to point out any mistakes! (while being as respectful as possible or I'll get depressed) Cover art was also not created by me. I used an ai app to generate it. This is the app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nonaapp.stable_diffusion_app

Edgy_Ego · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

Prologue: The Prophecy.

"Reincarnator. You truly wish to side with these fools?" a menacing figure clothed in complete black asked the young man in front of him.

The sound of blades clashing against the claws of monsters of unspeakable horror reverberated on the battlefield. The cries of men and women of all races and the defiance of their fate were a sight to behold. They all fought for different reasons. Some for survival, some for their loved ones, some for their home, and some for...riches.

"I have my reasons." a young man in strange clothing replied to the figure in front of him. Despite speaking with what would be considered an abomination, his eyes held no fear and he spoke with confidence.

"They are the epitome of stupidity. The higher order they worship is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. They are aware of this. Yet, they worship these deities without any sense of rationality. They praise the gods saying they are the reason the skies are vast, the stars beautiful and the sun shines upon all creatures, blessing them with life. They expressed gratitude for being able to feel love and joy." the abdominal figure in black spoke. His every word vibrated the very air. They held as much power as they held meaning.

"But they reject the truth that this would mean the gods are also the reason incurable diseases spread, hideous monsters exist and we are cursed with pathetic deaths. They are the reason we experience hate and despair...

They are the reason we Vastators, exist."

The black-clothed figure looked up at the red sky. His tone seemed indifferent but one could notice a hint of sorrow if they paid enough attention.

"So I shall eradicate all living beings. Once I eliminate you, your divine knowledge and strength will flow through me. Allowing me to surpass the lower gods. I will then get rid of them. Attain even more strength. Then finally, I shall purge the Higher Order. They are the ones who play with our existence. Show us the allure of love only to snuff it out and replace it with despair. They are at fault for all of our cruel fates."

This time, the black-clothed anomaly spoke with resolve.

"Raoul. Your reason for taking action does not sound unreasonable to me. In fact, I even partially agree with you. But no matter how you try to decorate your intentions with lofty goals, your actions are still selfish. You wish to use the lives of all living creatures for your ambitions after all. You speak as if you pursue the greater good, but we both know you hold resentment toward the higher order due to the cruel death of the human child, Chiot Naif." the young man facing the menacing entity spoke with an expressionless face. The war behind him raged on, the shockwaves from the clashing of the strongest beings on the planet causing his hair and clothes to flutter. But both he, and Raoul remained unaffected otherwise.

"I admit I do hold selfish intentions. But what about you? Do you wish to tell me your reasons are selfless compared to mine?"

Despite the accusations, Raoul spoke calmly.

"No. Mine are just as selfish, if not worse. I just wish to _______ in the company of those I cherish. If my loved ones weren't threatened by this war I would never have taken action. I wouldn't have held up my sword for the world."

The young man smiled and gazed at the one he was fated to clash against.

"Ha! Hahaha!"

The abomination named Raoul laughed loudly. His laugh resounded across the entire fabric of reality. Most of the warriors on the battlefield were forced to cease their fighting as they gritted their teeth to guard against the bone-shaking shockwave coming from Raoul's laugh.

"That would mean you truly are as selfish as me."

Raoul finally stopped laughing much to everyone's relief.

Surprisingly enough, the young man in front of Raoul wasn't affected in the least by his laugh, despite being the nearest.

"That's right. So this isn't a clash of ideals, King of the Vastators."

The young man spoke as a white hue surged from him.

"It's a clash of selfish desires. Where victory shall be decided by-"

The young man spoke and took on a stance before leaping toward Raoul.

"-Survival of the fittest."

The Vastator lord finished his words for him before embracing the inevitable fight that would decide the fate of the world.

Dude must be fighting the end of the world so he can continue eating pizza and watching anime.

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