
A Short Hair Girl Will Not Lose In Romance?

Being part of the "Kami" family means you are a genius . Although Shiriku Kami, is not like his siblings, his siblings are geniuses that doesn't really work hard to be called geniuses in school . Now that Shiriku is finally in Highschool, he's gonna be enrolled in the School where his siblings made the "Kami" Family name famous from being geniuses . This idea would take a toll on Shiriku as he struggles to keep up and not embarrassed his family name on that school . While unexpected romantics shenanigans happened to befall onto him, which hinders him to fully focus on what he should choose.

Rikushin · Realistic
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91 Chs

"You've Wronged Me: Enemies"

As Shiriku walked across the school campus, the late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the pavement. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees, creating a soothing ambiance. He made his way towards a bench nestled beneath the shade of a large tree, seeking a moment of solitude to gather his thoughts.

Just as he was about to sit down, a voice called out from behind him, causing him to turn around in surprise. It was Fuyumi, her expression a mix of disappointment and seriousness as she approached him with determined strides.

Shiriku's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he regarded Fuyumi, his expression unreadable as he waited for her to speak. His silence hung heavy in the air, the tension palpable between them.

Fuyumi came to a stop in front of Shiriku, her eyes locking with his as she began to speak. "Shiriku," she started, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency, "we need to talk."

Shiriku remained silent, his gaze unwavering as he listened to Fuyumi's words. His posture was tense, his hands clenched into fists at his sides as he waited for her to continue.

Fuyumi took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to say. "I... I need to apologize," she said, her voice faltering slightly as she struggled to find the right words. "I realize now that what I said the other day was out of line, and I hurt you in the process."

Shiriku's expression softened ever so slightly at Fuyumi's apology, but he remained silent, his eyes still fixed on her as he waited for her to elaborate.

Fuyumi took a step closer to Shiriku, her gaze pleading as she continued to speak. "I was wrong to say those things about you, especially in front of Ayaka," she admitted, her voice tinged with remorse. "I let my own insecurities cloud my judgment, and I'm truly sorry for how it affected you."

Shiriku's jaw clenched slightly as he listened to Fuyumi's words, his emotions roiling beneath the surface. He remained silent, his gaze still fixed on Fuyumi as he processed her apology.

Fuyumi sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly as she glanced away from Shiriku. "I understand if you don't forgive me," she said softly, her tone filled with resignation. "But I needed to apologize, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me someday."

Shiriku remained silent, his expression inscrutable as he continued to watch Fuyumi. The wind whispered through the trees, carrying with it the weight of their unspoken words as they stood in silence, the air heavy with unresolved tension.




As Fuyumi averted her eyes from Shiriku, he felt a surge of frustration building within him. He couldn't bear the silence any longer, and with a determined expression, he spoke up.

"Fuyumi," Shiriku began, his voice firm yet tinged with sadness, "look at me."

Fuyumi hesitated for a moment before reluctantly meeting Shiriku's gaze. Her eyes were filled with a mixture of sadness and discomfort as she waited for him to speak.

Shiriku took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "Ever since we met on the first day of school, I could sense that you harbored some sort of resentment towards me," he stated, his tone tinged with regret. "But despite that, we've been open with each other for the past two months. We've gone from being enemies to friends, and I thought we had finally reached a point of understanding."

He paused for a moment, his gaze unwavering as he looked at Fuyumi. "You know, Fuyumi, when I first came to this school, Sachi was the first friend I made. She's always been the cheerful, outgoing girl who can brighten up anyone's day," he explained, his voice softening slightly as he spoke of his friendship with Sachi. "And then there's Junichi, my second friend here. He's always been there to lend a listening ear or offer a word of advice whenever I needed it."

Shiriku's expression darkened slightly as he turned his attention back to Fuyumi. "But you, Fuyumi," he continued, his voice tinged with frustration, "you're different. I find it difficult to understand you. One day, we're friends, and the next, it's like we're enemies again."

He shook his head in disbelief, his tone growing more incredulous with each word. "I don't understand why you say those hurtful words, especially when Ayaka was asking me to pretend to be her boyfriend," he admitted, his voice tinged with hurt. "Honestly, I don't see the problem. We're friends, and I'm always willing to help a friend in need. But when you started saying that I'm not good enough, it made me question everything."

Shiriku's voice faltered slightly as he spoke, his emotions bubbling to the surface. "I was considering turning down Ayaka's offer, but then I realized that maybe accepting it would show you that you're wrong. That you're really, really wrong."

As Shiriku finished speaking, Fuyumi's expression remained impassive, her silence speaking volumes. Her face betrayed a mixture of sadness and regret for the pain her words had caused Shiriku. She hung her head slightly, unable to meet his gaze as she grappled with the weight of his words.




As Shiriku's words hung in the air, Fuyumi felt her heart sink with each passing moment. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision as she struggled to process the weight of his accusations.

Shiriku's expression remained stoic as he continued, his voice heavy with emotion. "Maybe the two of us aren't cut out to be friends after all," he said, his words laced with resignation. "Maybe we should be enemies too, like how my big brother Shiroe and your big sister Kujou are enemies."

Fuyumi's tears began to fall freely now, her shoulders trembling with each sob as she listened to Shiriku's words. She felt a surge of guilt and regret wash over her, realizing the pain she had caused him with her thoughtless actions.

"I'm sorry, Shiriku," Fuyumi whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I don't want us to be enemies like our siblings."

Shiriku's gaze softened slightly as he watched Fuyumi struggle to compose herself. He reached out a hand, hesitating for a moment before gently resting it on her shoulder, offering a silent gesture of comfort.

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