
A Short Hair Girl Will Not Lose In Romance?

Being part of the "Kami" family means you are a genius . Although Shiriku Kami, is not like his siblings, his siblings are geniuses that doesn't really work hard to be called geniuses in school . Now that Shiriku is finally in Highschool, he's gonna be enrolled in the School where his siblings made the "Kami" Family name famous from being geniuses . This idea would take a toll on Shiriku as he struggles to keep up and not embarrassed his family name on that school . While unexpected romantics shenanigans happened to befall onto him, which hinders him to fully focus on what he should choose.

Rikushin · Realistic
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91 Chs

"Lunchtime Conversations: Library"

During lunchtime in the bustling cafeteria, Shiriku, Fuyumi, Sachi, and Junichi sat together, engaged in lively conversation as they enjoyed their meals. Amidst the chatter and laughter, Shiriku cleared his throat, prompting Sachi to pay attention.

"Ehem, ahh Sachi, the thing that you said earlier, can you maybe fix that?" Shiriku inquired, his tone slightly hesitant as he broached the subject. Sachi furrowed her brows in confusion, not immediately grasping what he meant.

"What thing?" Sachi asked, tilting her head inquisitively as she sought clarification from Shiriku. Sensing her confusion, Junichi chimed in, his curiosity piqued.

"Huh? What are you guys talking about?" Junichi interjected, his gaze shifting between Shiriku and Sachi in search of an explanation. Meanwhile, Fuyumi remained silent, observing the exchange with a calm demeanor.

Shiriku took a moment to gather his thoughts before elaborating. "The girlfriend thing..." he explained, his words laced with a hint of embarrassment. Junichi's curiosity only deepened at Shiriku's explanation.

"Huh? What girlfriend thing?" Junichi repeated, his confusion evident as he sought clarification. Sachi's expression shifted as realization dawned upon her.

"Oh, you were late, so you probably don't know. Recently, when Shiriku arrived at the school, he couldn't walk past the crowd forming," Sachi explained, her tone tinged with understanding. Junichi's interest was piqued as he leaned in, eager to hear more.

"Huh? What crowd? Did something happen?" Junichi inquired, his curiosity getting the better of him. Shiriku nodded in confirmation, his expression somber as he recounted the earlier events.

"Yup, Fuyumi here got a love confession from a 2nd-year senpai, but that guy was rejected, and he fell to the ground," Shiriku revealed, his voice carrying a note of sympathy for the rejected senpai. Junichi's eyebrows shot up in surprise as he processed the information.

"Ohhh, that sucks. So, what connects this to the girlfriend thing?" Junichi pressed for further clarification, his curiosity piqued by the mention of a girlfriend. Sachi leaned forward, eager to provide an explanation.

"Well, as I said, when Shiriku arrived at the school, he couldn't really walk through among the crowds, so I helped him," Sachi clarified, her voice tinged with a hint of amusement.




"Helped him by doing what?" Junichi questioned, his curiosity reaching its peak as he awaited Sachi's response.Shiriku's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he recounted the incident. "By saying she's my girlfriend, and that made the girls that surrounded me go away, and for us to go in front so that I could see Fuyumi rejecting the senpai," he explained sheepishly, his gaze shifting nervously between his friends.

Junichi burst into laughter at Shiriku's explanation, his amusement evident as he struggled to contain his mirth. "Really?" he chuckled, his laughter echoing through the cafeteria. Shiriku let out a resigned sigh, nodding in confirmation. "Yup," he admitted, a hint of chagrin coloring his tone.

Meanwhile, Fuyumi interjected, her voice calm yet tinged with curiosity. "Well, that's interesting," she remarked, her eyes narrowing slightly as she fixed Shiriku with a cold, intense gaze. Shiriku squirmed under her scrutiny, feeling the weight of her gaze upon him.

"What? Why do you look like you're mad at me, like I'm your two-timer boyfriend?" Shiriku blurted out, his words tumbling out in a rush as he sought to defend himself. Fuyumi's lips curved into a smirk as she observed Shiriku's flustered reaction, her gaze softening slightly as she sensed his genuine confusion.

"Huh? What makes you say that?" Fuyumi responded, her tone teasing as she maintained her playful facade. Shiriku shrugged, attempting to brush off the awkward tension that hung between them. "Well, Sachi, I hope this gets fixed today, since I don't wanna go home being teased by Shiroe," he muttered, his voice tinged with a hint of apprehension.

Sachi nodded in agreement, her expression determined as she reassured Shiriku. "Okie dokie (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)," she replied cheerfully, offering him a reassuring smile. The four friends continued to eat and chatter for the next five minutes, the atmosphere lightening as they engaged in lighthearted conversation and laughter.




Suddenly, Ayaka and Aoi approached their table, drawing the attention of the group. "Oh, Shiriku, today's the day. I hope you didn't forget," Ayaka exclaimed, her voice warm and inviting as she offered a friendly smile. Shiriku's face lit up with excitement as he responded cheerfully, "Yes, I didn't forget, Ayaka. Later this afternoon at 4 PM."

Ayaka smiled warmly at everyone at the table before turning to leave, her steps light and confident as she made her way across the cafeteria. Meanwhile, Aoi bowed respectfully to the four friends before following Ayaka, her movements graceful and deliberate as she exited the cafeteria.

Sachi's curiosity was piqued as she leaned forward, her eyes alight with interest. "Huh? What are you doing with Ayaka this afternoon?" she inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Shiriku shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his gaze flickering momentarily as he searched for a suitable explanation. "Oh, just going to the library," he replied casually, his tone nonchalant as he attempted to deflect any further inquiries.

Internally, Shiriku's thoughts raced as he grappled with the truth. "I really couldn't tell them that I asked her to tutor me," he mused, a hint of embarrassment creeping into his thoughts. With a mental sigh, he decided on a more palatable explanation. "Ayaka asked me to tutor her in some subjects," he improvised, his words flowing smoothly as he sought to maintain the facade.

Sachi's eyes widened in admiration at Shiriku's response, her expression filled with admiration. "Wow! That's so cool," she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

Junichi chimed in with a teasing remark, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, what can we expect? You're a Kami after all," he remarked, his tone light and teasing. Shiriku chuckled in response, a hint of bashfulness coloring his laughter as he acknowledged their playful banter.

However, Fuyumi remained noticeably silent, her expression unreadable as she listened to the conversation. Despite her outward composure, a sense of unease gnawed at her, her thoughts consumed by the idea of Shiriku and Ayaka alone in the library. Although she had been aware of this arrangement since last Monday, the prospect still unsettled her, her mind plagued by a sense of discomfort at the thought of Shiriku spending time with Ayaka without her presence.

As the conversation continued, Fuyumi's gaze remained fixed on Shiriku, her expression troubled as she contemplated the implications of his "tutoring" session with Ayaka. Despite her efforts to mask her feelings, her inner turmoil was evident in the furrow of her brow and the slight downturn of her lips.




"Want us to tag along?" she asked casually, her smirk betraying a hint of mischief. Fuyumi's unexpected offer caught Shiriku off guard, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of panic as he searched for a response.

Internally, Shiriku's mind raced with uncertainty as he tried to decipher Fuyumi's intentions. "What is this girl doing? Is she trying to expose me to Sachi and Junichi?" he wondered, his thoughts a jumble of confusion and apprehension. He met Fuyumi's gaze, finding her expression full of amusement, her smirk only widening in response to his bewilderment.

Meanwhile, Sachi's enthusiasm was palpable as she eagerly embraced the idea. "Yes! That'll be great! You could tutor Ayaka and also hang out a little in the library, right!?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement as she turned to Junichi for confirmation.

Junichi nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting Sachi's enthusiasm. "Yup, that'll be a great time," he affirmed, his tone enthusiastic as he voiced his approval.

Caught in the midst of the unfolding scenario, Shiriku found himself at a loss for words. He glanced between Fuyumi and his friends, feeling the weight of their expectant gazes bearing down on him. Fuyumi's smirk only grew wider, her eyes alight with amusement as she reveled in his discomfort.

Desperate for a solution, Shiriku's mind raced as he struggled to find a way out of the predicament. "Look at this girl's face, she's clearly enjoying every minute of this," he thought to himself, a mixture of frustration and resignation settling over him as he realized the extent of Fuyumi's amusement at his expense.




As Shiriku turned his attention towards Sachi and Junichi, their eager anticipation hung in the air, awaiting his response. Internally, Shiriku continued to mull over his options, his mind racing with possibilities as he plotted his next move. With a sudden smirk, he redirected his gaze towards Fuyumi, catching her off guard with his newfound confidence.

Fuyumi's confusion was palpable as she observed Shiriku's sudden shift in demeanor. "What are you thinking now, Shiriku Kami?" she mused to herself, her brow furrowing slightly as she tried to decipher his intentions.

Seizing the moment, Shiriku took hold of Sachi and Junichi's arms, his expression a mix of faux sadness and underlying amusement. "I'm sorry, guys, but Ayaka specifically said it's just the two of us and her attentive Aoi, I think," he explained, his voice tinged with feigned regret as he delivered the news.

While Shiriku outwardly portrayed a sense of disappointment, inwardly, he couldn't contain his smirk as he glanced at Fuyumi, noting her annoyed demeanor and cold gaze directed towards him. "Hehe, I've won again, Fuyumi," he thought triumphantly, relishing in his small victory.

Fuyumi, however, remained unfazed by Shiriku's antics, offering a nonchalant "hmph" before returning her focus to her meal. Her demeanor remained composed, betraying none of the frustration bubbling beneath the surface.

Meanwhile, Sachi responded to Shiriku's explanation with a disappointed sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly in disappointment. "Aww, bummer (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)," she lamented, her tone tinged with disappointment as she accepted the turn of events.

Junichi's response was casual, shrugging off the situation with an air of indifference. "Well, if that's what she wants," he remarked nonchalantly, his gaze fixed on his phone as he scrolled through a collection of cat videos.

With Sachi's curiosity piqued, she leaned in closer to Junichi, her eyes sparkling with interest. "Hey, what are you looking at?" she inquired, her tone filled with genuine curiosity.

Junichi didn't hesitate to share, turning his phone towards Sachi to reveal the amusing feline antics captured on screen. Sachi's face lit up with delight as she watched, her expression morphing into one of pure adoration. "Let me see, let me see!" she exclaimed eagerly, leaning further into Junichi's shoulder for a better view.

As the pair continued to watch the playful antics of the cats on Junichi's phone, Sachi couldn't help but gush over their adorable antics. "Aww, they're adorable," she cooed, her voice filled with genuine affection for the furry creatures.

Junichi grinned in agreement, sharing Sachi's enthusiasm for the adorable animals on screen. "Right?!" he replied, his tone mirroring her excitement as they continued to enjoy the lighthearted entertainment together.




As Shiriku chuckled to himself, he couldn't help but admire how easily Sachi and Junichi had moved on from the library topic, finding solace in the lighthearted distraction of cat videos. "Well, it seems it didn't bother them that much," he mused internally, appreciating their ability to swiftly change the subject.

However, amidst the jovial atmosphere, Shiriku couldn't shake off the icy glare from Fuyumi, who remained focused on her food. "There she goes again, with her ice gaze," Shiriku thought, recognizing Fuyumi's reputation as the "ice princess" among their peers. Despite her cold demeanor, Shiriku couldn't help but grin mischievously at Fuyumi, taunting her with his playful expression.

Fuyumi, interpreting Shiriku's grin as a form of mockery, decided to retaliate by discreetly stepping on Shiriku's foot. "Ouch," Shiriku winced momentarily, but quickly brushed it off, maintaining his smirk as he met Fuyumi's gaze.

Unbeknownst to Shiriku, Fuyumi's thoughts were filled with anticipation for their eventual alone time in the library. "Don't worry, my Shiriku Kami," she thought to herself with a sly grin, relishing the prospect of spending time alone with him. Her sudden change in mood caught Shiriku off guard, his nerves evident as he chuckled nervously in response.

Despite the tension between them, Shiriku and Fuyumi continued to exchange playful banter, their interactions filled with subtle hints of affection and rivalry. As they laughed off the moment, the underlying tension between them only served to heighten the anticipation for their next encounter.

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