
A Short Hair Girl Will Not Lose In Romance?

Being part of the "Kami" family means you are a genius . Although Shiriku Kami, is not like his siblings, his siblings are geniuses that doesn't really work hard to be called geniuses in school . Now that Shiriku is finally in Highschool, he's gonna be enrolled in the School where his siblings made the "Kami" Family name famous from being geniuses . This idea would take a toll on Shiriku as he struggles to keep up and not embarrassed his family name on that school . While unexpected romantics shenanigans happened to befall onto him, which hinders him to fully focus on what he should choose.

Rikushin · Realistic
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91 Chs

"Elegance and Tension: Ayaka's Arrival and Fuyumi's Guarded Demeanor"

In the vibrant art classroom, students from both Class 1-A and Class 1-B eagerly gathered, their chatter filling the air with anticipation for the joint session. Among them were Shiriku, Fuyumi, Sachi, Junichi, each with their own level of excitement for the upcoming class.

Suddenly, a voice pierced through the chatter, exclaiming, "Kyaaa!!! It's Ayaka-sama!" The room buzzed with excitement as all eyes turned to Ayaka, who gracefully waved and greeted everyone with a warm smile. Her presence brought a sense of elegance and charm to the room, captivating the attention of everyone around her.

Beside Ayaka stood Aoi, her loyal attendant, who followed her with a poised demeanor. A hushed murmur swept through the students as they observed the duo, murmuring comments like, "Damn... Ayaka and Fuyumi, our ice princess, in the same room. I wonder what this art class is going to be like."

As Ayaka and Aoi made their way further into the room, the atmosphere shifted, infused with a mix of admiration and curiosity. Some students couldn't help but steal glances at Ayaka, captivated by her graceful presence, while others exchanged curious whispers about the dynamic between Ayaka and Fuyumi.

Fuyumi, maintaining her composed demeanor, observed Ayaka's entrance with a subtle nod of acknowledgment. Despite her outward calmness, there was a flicker of intrigue in her eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the significance of Ayaka's presence in the room.

Shiriku, on the other hand, couldn't hide his excitement at the prospect of interacting with Ayaka and Aoi. His eyes lit up with anticipation, and he exchanged excited glances with Sachi and Junichi, silently sharing their enthusiasm for the unique opportunity to be in the presence of such esteemed classmates.




Amidst the buzzing excitement in the art classroom, Sachi couldn't help but voice her admiration for Ayaka. "Wow... She's really beautiful," she remarked, her eyes sparkling with awe. "Even if I'm a girl, I would totally date her. I mean, well, if she asked me, ahahaha, but of course i am straight, straight as a ruler."

Junichi, interjected with a playful grin, "Dream on, Sachi. We're peasants compared to her." His teasing tone elicited a playful pout from Sachi, who held back her annoyance and retorted, "Well, you're right. There's only two people I could think of that could potentially match her, and it's..." Her gaze drifted towards Fuyumi and Shiriku, standing beside each other with contrasting demeanors.

Fuyumi, her arms crossed in a protective stance, kept a watchful eye on Shiriku, who wore a bright smile as he glanced towards Ayaka. As Ayaka noticed Shiriku's presence and began walking towards him, Fuyumi's grip tightened slightly, a subtle indication of her unease.

With graceful steps, Ayaka approached Shiriku and bowed respectfully. "It's nice to see you again, Shiriku," she greeted him with a warm smile. Shiriku returned the gesture with equal respect, replying, "Likewise, Ayaka," his voice filled with genuine admiration.

Ayaka's attention then turned to Fuyumi, who stood beside Shiriku, her demeanor guarded. With a gentle smile, Ayaka greeted her as well. "Well, if it isn't Fuyumi Shimizu," she said warmly. "I hope that we can have an exciting art class together." Despite Fuyumi's silent response, Ayaka maintained her friendly demeanor, radiating warmth and sincerity.

Feeling the tension in the air, Fuyumi sighed and reluctantly reciprocated Ayaka's greeting. "Likewise, Flower Girl Ayaka Kazahana," she replied with a hint of formality. Ayaka's giggle broke the tension, her laughter filling the room with a lighthearted vibe.

As Aoi greeted Shiriku with a warm smile, he reciprocated with a nod, acknowledging her presence in the room. Aoi, with her graceful demeanor, then turned her attention to Fuyumi, offering a respectful greeting. "It is a pleasure to meet the ice princess, Fuyumi-sama," she said with a gentle bow, showing deference to Fuyumi's stoic presence.

Fuyumi, maintaining her usual composed demeanor, responded to Aoi's greeting with a casual shrug, her arms crossed in front of her chest. Her silence spoke volumes, conveying her indifference to formalities and social niceties.

Sensing the subtle tension in the air, Shiriku, stepped in to defuse the situation. "Sorry about Fuyumi, Aoi," he interjected, his tone apologetic yet diplomatic. "She was in the school infirmary this early morning," he explained, hoping to provide context for Fuyumi's reserved behavior.

Aoi's expression softened as she listened to Shiriku's explanation, her understanding demeanor shining through. "Oh, is that what happened?" she remarked, her tone empathetic. "Then I hope for Fuyumi-sama's fast recovery," she added, offering a genuine sentiment of well wishes.

Shiriku, noticing Fuyumi's reluctance to engage in the conversation, subtly nudged her with a gentle gaze, silently encouraging her to acknowledge Aoi's kindness. Fuyumi, begrudgingly yielding to Shiriku's unspoken request, let out a resigned sigh.

"Thank you for the concern," she replied curtly, her tone neutral yet begrudgingly accepting of Aoi's goodwill. Despite her reluctance to engage, Fuyumi couldn't deny the sincerity in Aoi's words, prompting her to offer a brief acknowledgment.



As Junichi and Sachi chimed in on the conversation, Sachi's voice held a tinge of worry as she directed her question to Fuyumi, "Fuyumi, why didn't you tell me that you were in the infirmary this morning?" Her brows furrowed with genuine concern, showing her care for her friend's well-being.

Junichi, turned to Shiriku with a mischievous grin, echoing Sachi's sentiment, "Yeah, Shiriku, why keep us in the dark?" He nudged Shiriku playfully, waiting for an explanation with a curious glint in his eyes.

Caught off guard by their direct questions, Shiriku chuckled nervously, trying to come up with a suitable response. "Well, you see..." he began, but before he could finish, Fuyumi cut in with her straightforwardness, "I told him not to tell you guys. It's not a big deal." Her tone was firm, indicating her desire to keep the matter private.

Sachi, feeling a sense of responsibility as a friend, insisted with a hint of disappointment, "But Fuyumi, it is a big deal to us. We're your friends, we should know if something's wrong." Her voice softened, showing her genuine concern for Fuyumi's well-being.

Meanwhile, Ayaka, intrigued by the conversation, interjected with a curious inquiry, "Oh, who are these energetic two?" Shiriku seized the opportunity to introduce his friends, "Oh, they're my friends, Junichi And Sachi." Ayaka and Aoi greeted them respectfully, exchanging pleasantries with warm smiles and polite nods.

Sachi, feeling the warmth of Ayaka's smile, couldn't help but be charmed by her friendly disposition. Meanwhile, Junichi, feeling playful, leaned in closer to Shiriku and commented, "Wow, Shiriku, Ayaka is really, really the opposite of Fuyumi." His tone carried a hint of amusement as he observed the stark contrast between the two girls.

Shiriku, feeling the weight of Fuyumi's cold stare, simply nodded in agreement with Junichi's observation, his expression betraying a sense of discomfort under Fuyumi's gaze.

Ayaka, sensing the need to redirect the conversation, suggested with enthusiasm, "Well, let's not keep our sensei waiting any longer. Let's start!" Her cheerful tone and decisive statement signaled the beginning of the art class, shifting the focus away from the earlier discussion.

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