
A Short Hair Girl Will Not Lose In Romance?


Rikushin · Realistic
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90 Chs

"Be The Genuine You: The Mall

Present Time:

As Ayaka concluded her tale about her connection with Lelouch Kageno, her words trailed off, hinting at the underlying emotions she was trying to keep hidden. Despite her attempts to maintain composure, a subtle quiver in her voice betrayed her inner turmoil. She offered Shiriku a tentative smile, her eyes seeking his approval as she expressed gratitude for his patience and understanding.

However, Shiriku, sensing the weight of her words and the hesitance in her demeanor, interrupted her flow of thanks with a firm declaration. His voice was strong, his words laden with the passion and intensity that had been simmering beneath his calm exterior.

"You know what? Who cares? Speak your mind fully. Show your father and that guy, Lelouch or whatever his name is, your real, genuine self. Be emotional, be strong, be everything that you are," he declared, his eyes locked with Ayaka's, his gaze unwavering. The garden, usually filled with the gentle rustling of leaves and distant murmurs of students, seemed to grow silent, as if the world itself paused to listen.

Shiriku continued, his voice growing in intensity as he spoke, "Be the person you want to be, not who you think you should be or who you're told to be. Be genuinely you, whatever that looks like, and don't hold back, because there is never too much or too little. You are the perfect amount of you." His words hung in the air, each one resonating with a truth that couldn't be ignored.

Ayaka stood there, her eyes wide as she absorbed Shiriku's impassioned speech. The breeze in the garden gently swayed the cherry blossoms, their petals cascading down in a delicate shower around them. Despite the beauty of the setting, the moment carried a gravity that seemed to shift the atmosphere, as if a new chapter was unfolding.

Shiriku, sensing the need to drive his point home, took a step closer to Ayaka, his expression earnest. "So why not be genuinely you, Ayaka Kazahana?" he asked, his tone a mix of encouragement and urgency. His words echoed in the stillness, each one urging Ayaka to break free from the constraints that had bound her for so long.

As Shiriku's words hung in the air, a gentle breeze swept through the garden, stirring the delicate petals of the cherry blossoms above. The wind caught Ayaka's short, beautiful hair, causing it to dance lightly around her face. She gazed at Shiriku with a soft smile, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and uncertainty. "Thank you, Shiriku-sama. Thank you for believing in me, but..." she began, her voice trailing off as her expression shifted to one of hesitation.

Before Ayaka could finish her sentence, Shiriku stepped forward, placing both hands on her shoulders in a comforting gesture. The unexpected touch caught her off guard, but the warmth and reassurance it conveyed surprised her. His voice, filled with determination and assurance, cut through the lingering uncertainty. "No buts! I'm telling you this because I have a plan," he declared, his tone leaving no room for doubt.

Ayaka hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with questions. "Umm... Shiriku-sama, what plan?" she asked, her curiosity piqued by the intensity in his voice. The gentle rustling of the cherry blossoms seemed to mirror her inner turmoil, each leaf whispering promises of change.

Shiriku took a deep breath, his expression unwavering as he delivered his bold plan. "Tell your father that your son-in-law wants to have dinner," he stated, his face utterly serious. The boldness of the suggestion was enough to startle Ayaka, yet the confidence in Shiriku's words hinted at something greater than just a simple dinner invitation.

Ayaka's initial surprise quickly gave way to laughter. The notion seemed so audacious, so unexpected, that she couldn't help but burst into giggles. "You really are extraordinary, Shiriku-sama," she remarked, her genuine smile lighting up the garden. The heaviness that had hung over her earlier seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of lightness that filled the air. Nodding, Ayaka signaled her willingness to follow through with the plan.

Shiriku, realizing the possible confusion his words could cause, quickly corrected himself with a lighthearted tone. "Pretend... Pretend son-in-law, haha," he said, his own laughter joining Ayaka's. The shared moment of levity broke the tension that had been building, and for a brief moment, everything felt right.

Nearby, Aoi, who had been discreetly observing the exchange, couldn't help but smile. The sight of Ayaka and Shiriku laughing together, their spirits lifted, warmed her heart. She thought to herself, "It looks like you're right, Ayaka-sama. You're right to pick Shiriku-sama." The gentle breeze continued to carry the sound of laughter through the garden, the cherry blossoms swaying as if in agreement, each petal celebrating the newfound hope that Shiriku's bold plan had ignited.



Time 4PM: Location Shoe Lacker Room

As Shiriku was about to leave the shoe locker room, Sachi burst in with her usual cheerful energy, her voice ringing out, "Hey Shiriku, good thing I found you before you left!"

Shiriku turned to greet her, a warm smile on his lips. "Oh, hey Sachi. Why aren't you with Fuyumi?" he asked, curious about her solo appearance.

Sachi's face lit up as she explained, "Fuyumi got busy with some class rep stuff, and Junichi's at the gym watching basketball." She paused, tilting her head to the side with a knowing look. "What about you, Shiriku? You seem like there's something you want to share."

Shiriku shrugged casually. "I'm heading out early today. Shiroe had something to do," he replied, not wanting to delve into the details of his last mission with Ayaka. To shift the focus, he asked, "And what about you, Sachi? You seem like there's something on your mind."

Sachi's grin took on a mischievous edge as she recalled a memory. "Remember that time I helped you with an assignment, and you said you owe me?" she asked, her eyes glinting with playful intent. Shiriku nodded, sensing where this was heading. "Well," Sachi continued, "I'm cashing in on that favor. Tomorrow, come to the mall with me. It's Saturday, and I want to buy something. Fuyumi declined, saying she's busy."

Shiriku raised an eyebrow but agreed readily, "Hmm, okay. Tomorrow at 10 AM? I'll be there." He gave her a nod.



Location: Mall .

In the bustling mall at 9:55 AM, Shiriku stood, checking his phone, awaiting Sachi. As he looked up, a person approached, and they both exclaimed simultaneously, "You're not Sachi!"

The following day, in the bustling mall, the crowd was already in full swing by 9:55 AM. Shiriku stood near the entrance, checking his phone for any messages from Sachi. He glanced around, trying to spot her among the throngs of shoppers. The noise of chatter and distant music filled the air, adding to the mall's lively atmosphere.

As he looked up from his phone, he noticed someone approaching from the opposite direction. Their eyes met, and both of them spoke at once, their voices overlapping in surprise, "You're not Sachi!".