
A Short Hair Girl Will Not Lose In Romance?

Being part of the "Kami" family means you are a genius . Although Shiriku Kami, is not like his siblings, his siblings are geniuses that doesn't really work hard to be called geniuses in school . Now that Shiriku is finally in Highschool, he's gonna be enrolled in the School where his siblings made the "Kami" Family name famous from being geniuses . This idea would take a toll on Shiriku as he struggles to keep up and not embarrassed his family name on that school . While unexpected romantics shenanigans happened to befall onto him, which hinders him to fully focus on what he should choose.

Rikushin · Realistic
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91 Chs

"A Breath of Fresh Air: Ayaka's Warmth"

After a leisurely stroll of about 7 minutes, Shiriku found himself not outside his brother's classroom, but rather on the terrace of the second floor in the first-year building. As he gazed at the view, a voice floated from behind him, saying, "Oh... It's nice to see you again."

Puzzled, Shiriku turned around to find Ayaka Kazahana. Her short hair gently waved with the wind as she smiled at him. Surprised, Shiriku greeted her, "Oh, Ayaka Kazahana!"

Ayaka chuckled, "Just Ayaka. I already told you, you could call me Ayaka." Shiriku joined in the laughter, "Oh, right, hahaha..."

Curiosity getting the better of him, Shiriku asked, "So, uhh, what brings you here at this time?" Ayaka responded with a soft smile, "Oh, I just wanted to feel some fresh air." The warmth in her expression added to the serene atmosphere of the terrace.

Shiriku couldn't help but appreciate Ayaka's presence, and as he looked at her, he unintentionally remarked, "The two of you have a really different vibe." Ayaka, taken aback, and Shiriku, realizing the potential misunderstanding, burst into laughter. "Oh, ahahaha, what I meant was your vibe is really nice and warm," he clarified, trying to ease the moment.

Ayaka chuckled, her eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and amusement. "Thank you, Shiriku," she replied, As Shiriku and Ayaka continued their conversation on the terrace, the atmosphere shifted into a wholesome exchange. Ayaka's warm smile remained, and Shiriku felt a sense of comfort in her presence.

Shiriku, still chuckling, said, "Well, I guess the terrace has become a refuge for those seeking fresh air and good vibes, huh?" He gestured to the surrounding view with a playful grin.

Ayaka nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Absolutely. It's a nice escape from the hustle and bustle of the classrooms. Plus, the view is quite soothing," she remarked, her hand casually sweeping over the railing as if to emphasize the point.

Shiriku leaned against the railing, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "True, true. It's like a different world up here." He then turned his attention back to Ayaka, a playful glint in his eyes. "So, what brings you to this serene hideaway today, aside from the fresh air?"

Ayaka giggled, her laughter harmonizing with the gentle breeze. "Well, maybe I was secretly hoping to run into someone interesting." She winked at Shiriku, adding a teasing tone to her words.

Shiriku feigned surprise, placing a hand on his chest. "Oh, am I the interesting someone you were hoping for?" He couldn't help but match Ayaka's playful tone, his eyes crinkling with amusement.

Ayaka laughed again, her laughter contagious. "Caught me," she admitted, her hand gently tapping Shiriku's arm. "But really, it's always nice to chat with you. You have this way of making things lighter."

Shiriku grinned, appreciating the compliment. "Likewise, Ayaka. Your presence just brings a different kind of warmth to the conversation." He gestured towards her with a sweeping motion, emphasizing the positive energy she radiated.

As they shared more stories and exchanged laughter, Shiriku found himself genuinely enjoying the wholesome conversation. As the laughter subsided, a moment of quiet lingered between Shiriku and Ayaka on the terrace. Shiriku, however, found his mind racing with thoughts. He contemplated whether to ask Ayaka for help with his studies, considering the stark difference in her approach compared to Fuyumi.

Lost in his overthinking, Shiriku's gaze wandered over the serene landscape. Ayaka, noticing the shift in his demeanor, gently placed a hand on his shoulder, breaking the silence. "Everything okay, Shiriku?" she asked, concern evident in her warm eyes.

Shiriku, momentarily taken aback, smiled nervously. "Yeah, yeah, just thinking about something," he replied, attempting to brush off his internal turmoil.

Ayaka, sensing his hesitation, tilted her head slightly. "You know, if there's anything on your mind, you can share it. We're friends, after all right?." Her words were accompanied by a reassuring smile, inviting openness.

Shiriku appreciated Ayaka's genuine concern. Taking a deep breath, he decided to be honest. "Well, the thing is... You know I'm a "Kami" but I've been struggling a bit with a lesson, and I was wondering if you could, you know, help me out?" He glanced at Ayaka, his expression a mix of hope and uncertainty.

Ayaka's eyes widened in surprise, but a moment later, she broke into a bright smile. "Of course, Shiriku! I'd be happy to help you. We can go through the material together." Her warm acceptance lifted the weight off Shiriku's shoulders, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief.

"Really? That's fantastic!" Shiriku exclaimed, his gratitude evident in his expressive tone. He extended his hand for a friendly handshake, sealing their tutoring arrangement.

Ayaka laughed, shaking his hand. "Absolutely. And don't worry i won't be rough with you!" Her energetic gesture added an optimistic vibe to the moment.

As they settled back into the conversation, Shiriku found himself comparing Ayaka and Fuyumi. In his mind, Ayaka's aura felt different—lighter, more comforting. He appreciated the warmth and kindness she brought to their interaction.

Ayaka and Shiriku continued their conversation. Ayaka, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, leaned in a bit closer and asked, "So, when would you like our tutoring session to happen, Shiriku?"

Shiriku, caught up in the engaging exchange, replied with a thoughtful expression, "Hmm, how about Friday? It's usually a bit quieter, and I can focus better." He accompanied his words with a casual shrug, as if to convey a relaxed approach to their study plans.

Ayaka nodded, her short hair gently swaying with the breeze. "Friday sounds perfect. We can meet at the library around 4 PM. Does that work for you?" Her considerate tone reflected her genuine intent to make the tutoring sessions convenient for Shiriku.

Shiriku grinned, appreciating Ayaka's flexibility. "Yeah, that works for me. Looking forward to it!" He punctuated his words with an enthusiastic thumbs-up, adding a touch of playfulness to the agreement.

Suddenly, their lively interaction was interrupted by a respectful voice calling out, "Ayaka-sama." Both Ayaka and Shiriku turned to see a girl approaching. Ayaka smiled warmly and said, "Ah, Aoi. Perfect timing. Let me introduce you to Shiriku."

The girl, Aoi Watanabe, bowed respectfully and greeted, "Shiriku-sama." Shiriku, taken aback by the formal address, quickly interjected, "Oh, no need for the 'sama.' Just Shiriku is fine."

Ayaka chuckled, "Aoi can be quite casual, Aoi. We grew up together, after all." She turned to Shiriku, explaining, "Aoi is not just a friend; she's also my attentive. We've been close since childhood, and she works for the Kazahana family as well."

Shiriku, processing this new information, greeted Aoi with a friendly nod. "Nice to meet you, Aoi."

Aoi reciprocated the greeting with a small smile. "Likewise, Shiriku-sama." The formality lingered in her address, emphasizing the distinct roles they held.

Aoi leaned towards Ayaka and whispered, "Ayaka-sama, we should get going soon." Ayaka, catching the cue, nodded and turned to Shiriku with a regretful expression. "Shiriku, it's been wonderful, but Aoi are heading out first."

Shiriku, though slightly disappointed, understood. "No problem at all. We'll catch up soon, Ayaka."




Location Cafeteria

Shiriku strolled into the bustling cafeteria, the aroma of various dishes filling the air. Spotting Junichi, Sachi, and Fuyumi at a corner table, he made his way over, his expression brightening with a warm smile. "Hey, guys! Mind if I join you?"

Junichi, with a friendly grin, gestured to the empty seat, "Of course, Shiriku! Pull up a chair."

Sachi, in her usual energetic manner, chimed in, "Yeah, join us! We were just discussing what to get for lunch."

As Shiriku settled into the seat, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the forthcoming tutoring session with Ayaka. However, he kept the news to himself, not wanting to steal the spotlight from the current conversation. Fuyumi, who had a spoon halfway to her mouth, paused mid-bite, her eyes locking onto Shiriku with a dominating smirk and a hint of curiosity.

Fuyumi, putting on an air of nonchalance, asked with a sly grin, "So, Shiriku, anything interesting happen recently?"

Shiriku, maintaining his composure, responded with a casual tone, "Oh, you know, the usual. Just had a nice chat with someone on the terrace. Nothing too exciting."

Fuyumi, undeterred, leaned in slightly, her eyes narrowing in a playful manner. "Really? You seem unusually chipper today. Did something—or someone—spice up your day?" Her teasing tone and expressive gestures hinted at her eagerness to uncover the details.

Shiriku, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, deflected, "Well, I did have a good morning??. Maybe the cafeteria food is just exceptionally enticing today." He chuckled, attempting to divert Fuyumi's attention from prying into his recent encounter.

Fuyumi, unfazed, continued her playful interrogation, twirling a strand of hair between her fingers. "Hmm, I wonder if it has anything to do with a certain someone on the terrace." Her gaze remained fixed on Shiriku, the dominating smirk now accompanied by a subtle challenge.

Shiriku, maintaining a cool demeanor, quipped, "Fuyumi, you have quite the imagination. I'm just in a good mood, that's all." He deliberately kept the details vague, adding an air of mystery to his response.

Fuyumi, taking the hint, decided to drop the subject temporarily. She resumed eating, but her lingering gaze suggested that she wasn't entirely convinced by Shiriku's nonchalant explanation.

As the lunchtime banter continued, the dynamics at the table played out with Junichi offering suggestions for lunch, Sachi sharing amusing anecdotes, and Fuyumi, though momentarily diverted, keeping a watchful eye on Shiriku. The cafeteria buzzed with laughter and conversation, masking the subtle tensions and unspoken connections that continued to weave through the lives of these intriguing characters.

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