
A Shinobi of Paradis

Returning late from Wall Rose, Grisha finds a baby crying on the side of the road that needs help. What happens when said baby has unique abilities?

Drinnor · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

To Training Corps

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The following 6 Chapters are Already Available for Patrons

Chapter 15 (First Day), Chapter 16 (New Power), Chapter 17 (ODM Gear), Chapter 18 (Annie Leonhart), Chapter 19 (Captain Cat Boy!), and Chapter 20 (An Accident) are already available for Patrons.


It had been a week since his father died, and the only things he had left from him were his glasses and his coat.

His death had been hard for everyone, especially their mother, she had sobbed and had wanted to know what had happened, who was responsible, but no one knew anything, the only one who gave them any answers was Keith Shadis who said he found Eren in the forest, near him was what was left of their father.

Eren had taken their father's key, while Naruto had taken the glasses, always keeping them hanging on the hem of his shirt around his neck area. Naruto never really needed to use glasses, but he wanted to keep them.

Three days after his death, they buried him in a green field; Naruto had cried in front of his father's grave the most.

"I will protect my brother, father. I promise you that," Naruto had promised; while his memory was fuzzy, he remembered his father's words.


It had been two months since the death of her second father. She had silently mourned for the man who invited her to his home when she had nowhere else to go, the person who gave her a second family, but the Ackerman girl knew she needed to be there for Eren and Naruto; Armin seemed to have similar thoughts.

MP couldn't find who was responsible for his death, and Naruto was now as silent as a grave; Eren would try to cheer him up, but he would walk away and cry alone. Often, they would find him reading medical books, and he would say that his dream was to become a Doctor and he would help everyone.

After a Month of Grisha's death, Naruto had started changing drastically; he was withdrawn and barely talked, only speaking whenever someone asked him something but not starting any conversation himself. His blue eyes, full of fire, seemed to have died out, only small sparks left.

After the first month, Naruto started training, doing push-ups, and running around until he got exhausted. At first, Mikasa, Eren, and Armin thought nothing of it, but now it has been a month since he started.

They were eating together; Mikasa, perched herself on Eren's right-hand side. As their taste buds danced with each mouthful, Eren's attention was momentarily captured by a delectable slice of freshly baked bread, while Mikasa savored a spoonful of steaming soup that tantalized her senses. 

A harmonious medley of vibrant vegetables, bursting with flavors but devoid of any trace of meat.Meanwhile, Naruto sat engrossed in his own world. He indulged in his peculiar dish known as "stew" while simultaneously diving into the pages of a book on medicine. And by his side, was Carla. 

Despite the tragedy that hit them, Carla still needed to work so they could earn money to survive; Carla would go to work and wouldn't return until late at night, so she spent her free time with her children. The death was still too difficult to accept.

Mikasa noticed that whenever Naruto was reading, he would do so using Grisha's glasses, the only time he ever used them.

They ate in silence until Carla stood up and prepared herself for another day of work; Mikasa was happy to know that Hannes walked her to the job every day so she wouldn't be alone and be attacked by someone. Carla kissed each one of her kids, ruffling the blonde spiky hair of Naruto, who chuckled in amusement, something that brought joy to Eren and Mikasa; it felt good to hear him laugh.

As silence fell over them, enveloping the atmosphere with a tranquil stillness, the bustling sounds of people walking around seemed to fade into the background. Amidst this serene hush, Naruto continued to savor every spoonful of his hearty stew, relishing the harmonious symphony of flavors dancing on his taste buds, while effortlessly flipping the pages of the book.

"I have decided to join Survey Corps," Eren suddenly said once their mother walked away, drawing the attention of his friends; before Mikasa, Naruto, and Armin could say something, Eren continued.

"After two years, I will join the training corps; I will join the Survey Corps after I graduate," Eren finished with a clear confidence in his tone, his eyes showing to both of his friends and brother that he wouldn't back down.

"I will join too, then," Mikasa said immediately.

"Mikasa, I don't need you to babysit me," Eren complained. Mikasa frowned slightly as Naruto put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I will join too; together, we will see the outside world," Armin agreed with him.

"Yes, we will together see the ocean," Eren claimed with confidence; he truly believed they would live to see it together one day.

"Then, I'm joining too," Naruto said right away with a tone that left no room for arguments; as he closed the book he was reading, his words earned confused looks from his friend and siblings.

"Naruto, I thought you wanted to become a Doctor?" Armin questioned right away, with Mikasa and Eren nodding along; they knew that out of all of them, Naruto was the only one who enjoyed helping people the most, and being a doctor was something Naruto wanted to be.

"I do, but I know father wouldn't want my other ability to go to waste," Naruto said with a hint of sadness, as he tried to hide it behind a smile.

"I don't know why I can do what I can do, but it would be selfish of me never to help Humanity, and I want to help people; just look around us," Naruto said as he pointed at the sea of people around them, tents and shelters everywhere, people fighting for a piece of bread everywhere, and children crying because of their empty stomachs.

"Before Wall Maria fell, we already had problems with food limits due to the population only growing inside the walls; now, we only have two walls left. Sooner or later, something will need to be done. If I join the Survey Corps, I can help people using all my abilities, not just one of them," Naruto explained with fire in his eyes, his blue eyes showing the same confidence and determination they were used to seeing. Eren couldn't be happier to see Naruto return a little to his usual self.

"That's right little brother, I will be there to protect your back," Eren agreed as he shook Naruto's hand before giving him a big enough.

"And I will protect you. wouldn't want you to kill all the titans and not leave left for any of us," Naruto japed, earning a chuckle from Eren. Mikasa smiled at the scene; she was overjoyed to see Naruto return to his usual self.

After eating, the four friends were forced to work in fields to secure food for the others and themselves; despite being kids, they still worked without complaining.

One Month Later

Mikasa was working in the fields with Eren, Naruto, and Armin; as she kept working, her eyes briefly glanced at her only family left in the world.

Naruto was working near where she was, working without stopping; in a way, he looked at the work they were doing as helping. On the other hand, Eren found the job a waste of time and often complained that they should do something else.

Naruto's breathing was calm, with sweat rolling down his face; despite being in the fields for hours, they still worked to secure food for everyone.

Eren, Naruto, and Mikasa weren't exactly tired yet. The Ackerman girl knew she could keep working for at least one more hour before calling it a day, and the same seemed to be for Eren and Naruto, who were just a foot away from her, but Armin, on the other hand, was slacking off. His hands were aching; his breathing labored; despite doing this for months now, Armin still wasn't used to working in the fields.

Since Wall Maria was destroyed, Eren, Naruto, and everyone else needed to endure not having enough food on their tables and the insults of the military police. On top of that, they would openly throw insults at the survivors to make them angry and give the Military Police an excuse to beat someone up.

Why couldn't the Titans eat a bit more of them?

Look at these pets; drop them back into their homes. Why should we pay because they couldn't protect their homes...

Since deciding that they would join the Survey Corps, Naruto had started training relentlessly, every morning and every evening. Running around, doing push-ups and sit-ups, while Armin, Eren, and Mikasa fully supported his drive to become stronger and quote 'Stand a Chance against The Titans,' they both knew Naruto was keeping something from them.

After thirty more minutes of working, the signal came that they had finished the work for the day. Armin almost stumbled on his feet; his feet were aching like crazy, feeling heavy suddenly, his throat dry.

"Armin, do you need help?" Eren asked, concerned seeing his friend tired, his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

Armin just shrugged it off; there's no need to get worried over nothing. "All well, Eren, don't worry, I'm just tired," he replied breathlessly, sweat rolling down his forehead into his chin before falling into the mud all around them.

Eren didn't seem convinced but didn't voice it out. Soon, they returned back to the place where they got the food; it was a sunny day, just past mid-day.

Armin was in a big line of people, waiting for his turn, the people around him talking about various things but mainly about the food, getting Shinganshina back, and some about getting revenge on the Titans.

Soon, Armin was given enough food for himself and his friends. However, navigating through the teeming masses proved to be an arduous task, as he inadvertently collided with numerous individuals along the way. Each accidental encounter could have ignited a spark of conflict, but Armin's desire for peace and harmony prevailed as he swiftly distanced himself from any potential altercations.

Due to the food shortage, many people would usually fight for a piece of bread for themselves or their children; that's why multiple Military Policemen always guarded the crowds. Some had batons holding in their hands as a clear sign to the crowd to keep order. While the frightening figure of men with batons did the trick for the majority, there were still too many daily cases of people fighting over food.

Amidst the bustling crowd, a few meters away, a piercing scream pierced the air: "Help, He stole my Child's Food!" The words echoed, capturing the attention of passersby, their gazes instinctively turning towards the distressed woman. Armin, caught in the midst of it all, felt a surge of adrenaline course through his veins. Determined to avoid the chaotic commotion that seemed imminent, he quickened his pace, his footsteps becoming more purposeful as he weaved through the sea of bodies. The thought of being entangled in a potential brawl propelled him forward, urging him to escape the scene. As he finally broke free from the suffocating crowd, relief washed over him. His arms cradled the precious bundle of food.

And Armin was right; only a minute later, over twenty people were fighting with fists and kicks. The military police allowed them to beat each other, enjoying the show of people fighting over food, sometimes cheering for someone to kick or punch someone else, and even making bets on who would lose or whose nose today would break. After fighting and fighting for food, The Military Police finally decided to stop the beating only when things were starting to go too far since death was something unaccepted by their commander.

Armin reached Eren, Naruto, and Mikasa, who were quietly talking with each other, mostly Mikasa, since Eren seemed to be busy thinking with his hand on his chin, in a thinking matter.

"Here, guys," Armin said with a smile, offering them the food that seemed to pull Eren out of his thoughts handing him a loaf of bread. His friend accepted it before biting on it. The blonde was glad his friend wasn't trying to starve himself. Again.

In silence eating, Mikasa was busy eating, and so was Armin; a comfortable silence had fallen over them. Eren glared at the guards for deciding to step in only after they watched a show of people fighting over food.

Naruto's eyes soon noticed a blonde girl waiting in line for her food; she had short blonde hair reaching her shoulders, and her blue eyes were stoic and cold like winter ice. Her face was emotionless as a stone, something Naruto had seen only in a few people; despite coming from Shinganshina, Armin didn't have the same look Mikasa sometimes had. The face of someone who had seen Titans and knew the terror they bring.

Looking over to his friends, Eren decided to discuss something he had heard a few soldiers discussing amongst each other in "secret."

"Armin, have you heard about it?" Eren suddenly asked, drawing the attention of his friends, who stopped eating; Mikasa swallowed a bit before her eyes looked at him.

"I heard from some MP that they will soon solve the food shortage problem." Eren leaned closer, his voice slow and quiet, almost whispering.

Armin arched an eyebrow; he hadn't heard of this but wondered what that plan could be, his mind not coming up with something passable. For a brief moment, he thought they might be thinking of sending untrained people to take back Wall Maria, but Armin quickly dropped that; there was no way they would do that! Would they??

"What do you think that means?" Mikasa asked, her voice thoughtful.

Eren's face turned slightly darker when asked that, as if he knew it wasn't something acceptable.

"I'm not sure, but the way they said it sounded sinister to me. Especially their smirks when they discussed it," Eren replied grimly, biting on his loaf of bread hard, his hands turning fists, his knuckles turning white. Armin could think of only one way to fix the food shortage that would cause that kind of reaction from the Military Police.

Soon, they were done eating, and Naruto started training, with Mikasa Eren watching over him with curiosity written all over their faces.

"Hey Mikasa, Eren, Armin. Why don't you two train as well? You said yourself that you would join the Survey Corps with me; it is better to have a head start," Naruto suggested as sweat dripped from his forehead to the ground.

Mikasa quickly nodded her head; the same went for Eren, and Armin reluctantly nodded. While he wanted to wait until joining the Training Corps, his friend was actually right; training now would give them a small head start.

It didn't take half an hour for Armin to be tired, breathing hard, lying on the ground; right now, he was wondering what possessed him to listen to his friend and train.

Mikasa unsurprisingly had no problem following Naruto's pace; soon, Eren seemed a little tired, but it was nothing he hadn't experienced before. Armin was sitting on the ground, his back leaning against the stone wall, gazing at his friends, noticing the small glances they were giving each other. Eren was more subtle than Mikasa, who did a poor job hiding the fact that she quite liked to have Eren so close to her as they did push-ups.

After three hours of nonstop training, Naruto, Eren, and Mikasa stopped, their faces red with sweat. Naruto stretched out his limbs, his joints feeling stiff. Even after months of training, he still needed to be at the level he hoped to be, but that wasn't important; he still had over a year until the training Corps started. Mikasa felt similar to Naruto, except the pain felt lighter.

That was absolutely not the case for Armin, who felt that his body was on fire, especially his muscles screaming at him, calling him stupid for listening to Naruto and training for three hours straight without stopping.

A few minutes later, they were resting, sitting down on chairs; Naruto and Eren didn't look exhausted anymore, and the same was true for Mikasa, who didn't look fazed from the three hours of training.

Armin, on the other hand, was resting his head on the cold wooden table in front of them, feeling tired.

"I hate you, Naruto," he somehow murmured, earning a worried look from Mikasa and a burst of laughter from Naruto and Eren, who didn't seem sorry in the slightest.

"Don't worry; give it at least a month, and you will get used to it, and it won't be as painful," Naruto said, trying to reassure him, but what he said seemed to have done the opposite.

"One month," Armin repeated the word on his head with a look of horror. He didn't know how he would work in the fields tomorrow. He just hoped he would feel better soon.

Year 847

After a few months working on the field, eventually, with the help of Hannes, they were able to find a home somewhere inside Wall Rose territory easily; Hannes said he used a few connections so they could pay rent and live a good life away from the camps.

One month later, every civilian from Wall Maria, from the age of 18 or older, who was still in condition to fight was ordered to go on an expedition to reclaim Wall Maria from the Titans, but due to not having ODM Gear for everyone, the civilians were handed knives, and axes to fight the Titans.

Naruto and everyone else had known right away they were sending the civilians to be slaughtered like sheep, and the soldiers had come for Carla Yeager due to her being in proper health to fight, but Hannes had paid money to the Military Police who had come to his house to keep quiet about Carla Yeager, and instead the police had reported that Carla was in no condition to fight.

But the same couldn't be done for Armin's grandfather; Naruto had suggested that he could use his medical skills to dislocate one of his legs until the Police checked on him and see that he was in no condition to fight, reluctant at first. Armin had agreed, knowing Naruto would easily heal any wound; sadly, Armin's grandfather had refused.

"But why?" Armin shouted with tears streaming down his face.

"I can't just hide, and let everyone else fight," Armin's grandfather stated as Armin cried even more; he hugged Armin close before handing him the hat that belonged to him.

"Stay with your friends, Armin. I know one day you will find the sea." '

After that day, a month later, only a hundred people returned. Armin had decided to live in the new house with them until they entered the Training Corps.

Due to his knowledge of medicine, Naruto had started working a year before the Training Corps started to earn money and pay back Hannes for saving their mother.

Hannes had told Naruto right away that he didn't need to pay anything and that he was too young to work, but Naruto had not listened and still started working. He would often use his abilities secretly whenever someone wasn't looking, and that resulted in Naruto earning a small name in the hospital he was working on.

And two years after the fall of Wall Maria, Eren, Naruto, Mikasa, and Armin found themselves in the Training Corps.

"Everyone attention," a voice boomed in the air like thunder, making all the cadets straighten up, looking forward, not daring to utter a word.

The voice belonged to a man who slowly approached the group of the new cadets. Instructor Shadis was a tall and intimidating man. He was bald, with prominent wrinkles on his forehead and dark circles around his eyes. He had a small beard growing from under his chin. He was wearing the standard instructor's uniform for the Training Corps, consisting of black boots, grey pants, a dark grey button-up shirt, and finally, his brown jacket with the Training Corps insignia on both shoulders and over his left breast.

"Listen here, maggots, my name is Keith Shadis. You are here to be trained to become soldiers. Unfortunately for you, I'm your instructor for the next three years. I will be the one to decide if you are ready to fight the Titans or if you're only Titan Food," he shouted, his voice booming throughout the whole field.

Naruto had grown up and changed the last two years, in the long line of cadets, Naruto's blue eyes looked up at the sky, the glasses still hanging on the hem of his shirt.

Father, I hope you're watching over me...

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