

Shiv was a 22 yr old otaku with a medicore life.... He suddenly gets hit by a truck and goes to void where he meets rob and gets his 2 wishes for not doing anything and thus saving the world then he gets reincarnated in the world of second coming of gluttony but with a twist since this is seol jihu's first life Our MC is born with a tenseigan a lightning lightning devil fruit and fateless soul... First world TSCOG (Early life before cannon) Second World Naruto

mythoscribe · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

When Yu rin met Jae Eun

Seonhwa and Yuhui were sad they knew they went overboard with Sae jin and they wanted to say sorry but he was unreachable neither he came to school nor his phone was reachable.

They were thinking what to do now so they called each other but when they came to know about what the other one did their guilt increased but there was nothing they could do.

Dokja knocked Sae jin' door and said

" You have already postponed my outing for a month do you want to waste my the day off that I was able to take with a lot of effort. "

After some silence the door opened and Sae jin came

"I will be down in half an hour " Dokja nodded and went down.

He was thinking how to teach Sae jin to fight with his problems rather than run away from the problems.

His son was very mature for his age and was a genius his mobile phone design and apps that he made caused his company to be no1 in Asia and top 10 in the world.

But he was not very strong emotionally, Due to Sae jin's maturity Jun wasn't able to teach a lot of things. But at a time like these Sae jin felt like a child showing his vulnerable side which Dokja as a father had to teach and help him fight with his problems.

Half an hour later Sae jin came in a white round neck T-shirt and black jeans with black sneakers.

Dokja looked at the handsome young man in front of him and felt proud.

'That's my son handsome enough to put the models to shame without any makeup and genius enough to put many to shame' thought Dokja

Dokja nodded and left with Sae jin....Jun and Yu rin watched the father son duo going out..

Just then the doorbell camera rang Yu rin looked at the young girl about 18 year old anxiously pressing the ring button

"Ah the lass from the finance minister's party if I remember correctly she is Sae Jin's assistant and friend" Said Jun

"Let her in" said Jun to the guards outside through the phone on the doorbell camera

"Yu rin looked at Jun and raised her eyebrow".

Jun sighed and proceded to tell her how Sae jin saved her and her mother causing Yu rin to frown she felt that this girl was using Sae jin.

Jae Eun came in the room at a very fast pace and saw Jun and Yu rin

" Please sit " said Yu rin curtly

Jae Eun nodded and sat down looking around the seemingly castle like mansion

"Who are you? "

Jae Eun felt very nervous she took a deep breath and replied

" I am Jae Eun and I am Sae Jin's friend we have to hurry maam Sae jin is in trouble"

Yu rin and Jin's expression changed and they asked hurriedly to what happened

"Sae jin called me 5 weeks ago that he will be unreachable for quite some time and now his phones isn't working we have to hurry ma'am someone might have kidnapped him " said Jae Eun hurriedly her voice was anxious desperate and pleading.

Yu rin looked at the girl and smiled she had misjudged the girl she was too innocent and also very beautiful.

She looked very cute when she was flustered so Yu rin decided to tease the girl

Yu rin stood up

"I thought he was with his friends and that's why he wasn't picking up its been 5 weeks now"

"When did you last meet him? " asked Yu rin in a anxious tone.

"It was just the day before the call" said Jae Eun trying to calm herself

"What happened that day tell me every thing I want to truth now and I want every detail"

Jae Eun got scared and proceded to tell her everything that happened on that day.

Yu rin who was listening felt the girl was quite gullible and innocent she liked her more.

"Sae jin isn't missing he just locked himself in his room for a month and now he is out with his father. "

"Whaaa.... why" asked Jae Eun

"His friend in the story is Sae jin himself " said Yu rin

Jae Eun understood what was troubling Sae jin that day and why he was very eagerly wanted help from her...

She slumped her shoulders thinking Sae jin already liked someone and not only one but two

Yu rin and Jun who were watching the girl smiled wryly.

"Do you like him...? "asked Yu rin

" Whaaa.... " Jae Eun's whole face turned red but she nodded

" You know Sae Jin was rejected and now he is sad and depressed you should cheer him and go out with him maybe he will move on and you may end up together "

Jae Eun looked up her facial expression changed from sad to happy elf in a second causing Jun and Yu rin to chuckle. After talking to Jae Eun for about an hour the innocent girl told everything about herself to Yu rin

"Jae Eun may I ask where you live" asked Yu rin suddenly

"I live in Sae jin's flat" said Jae Eun innocently

Yu rin who heard her mumbled " and he has not told me anything yet" and broke the stick in her hand

"Would you like to move in with us, You see the rooms here are pretty much empty and Sae jin could always use some company" said Yu rin and went to her apartment ready to move out.

" You know you are even deciding his relationships for him" said Jun solemnly

"You know him dad the way he is now I don't want him to sink any deeper as much as I believe Dokja to be able to get him out I am not letting go of any ray of hope I can find" said Yu rin

Jun nodded and didn't say anything more

In a room two people are talking to each other

"Are you sure camp can finish the Kim family" said a man in a black suit

"Yes we have a lot of suicide bombers but we expect the half of the payment upfront" said another guy with cut marks over his face

" The Kim may be rich but thier influence in the government is reducing drastically and now they are just a fat fish on a chopping board if we don't move someone else will" said the guy with the cut

"Fine give me a few weeks to prepare the money" said the man in the suit and walked away.