

Shiv was a 22 yr old otaku with a medicore life.... He suddenly gets hit by a truck and goes to void where he meets rob and gets his 2 wishes for not doing anything and thus saving the world then he gets reincarnated in the world of second coming of gluttony but with a twist since this is seol jihu's first life Our MC is born with a tenseigan a lightning lightning devil fruit and fateless soul... First world TSCOG (Early life before cannon) Second World Naruto

_thunderer_ · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

After date talk

Sae jin forced back the lump in his throat.

He felt very lucky. For a second he thought he should lie to Seonhwa but he hurriedly shook his head.

He wanted to have relationship with both Seonhwa and Yuhui but he didn't want the basis of the relationship to be a lie.

One could say Sae jin could just use mind control and stuff to make both Yuhui and Seonhwa belive that harem wasn't bad but then moments such as now won't have any meaning Seonhwa and Yuhui who truly care very much for him wouldn't be there just two programmable bodies that Sae jin could program to his liking.

It's in human nature if you did this once why not do this twice.

So Sae jin refrained from such corrupting thoughts.

He looked towards her sighing he decided to tell her the truth

"I-I fucked up" Sae jin internally berating himself.

"That I can see , I want to know how " said Seonhwa chuckling.

"Well on the date with Yuhui I kinda said I like both you and Yuhui and want to date both of you at the same time " Sae jin said and peeked at Seonhwa who was eerily quiet.

"Are you fucking serious?" asked Seonhwa angrily

Sae jin remained quiet but nodded

"Yes, I want to date you both and live together with you both I promise I will make you both the happiest women in the world"

"Hah....how can one become the happiest women in the world when she doesn't even have the undivided attention of the one she loves,how can sharing the only thing every women on the planet has for herself make me the happiest" said Seonhwa angrily.

"Seonhwa listen to me you know I love you so much that I can die for you "

"Yes and you can die for her too so if you really die for her then who will be there for me then" screamed Seonhwa

" What about marriage Yuhui will become your wife since she is from a powerful family while I live in the world in the dark only to become a woman with no identity no husband to show the world "

"No I don't accept this even if I love you to no end you are asking too much of a sacrifice from me Sae jin"

"Maybe your indecisiveness today has made you loose me "

"Goodbye" said Seonhwa and walked away leaving a silent Sae jin standing there.

He silently stood there while a clone followed Seonhwa till she reached home it dispersed itself.

Sae jin stood there not knowing what to do he wanted to run away from everything cope up inside a small house not being disturbed by anyone.

But he didn't want his parents to be sad so he went home this time hiding everything in his heart he had dinner with them and went to sleep.

In the house the trio of Dokja Jun and Yu rin saw this and felt bad they could see through him easily.

But they didn't say anything since he had to get through this by himself and if he couldn't it was decided that dokja and Sae jin will have a talk.

Next day Sae jin went to school and everybody could notice something different his Sunny disposition had weakend his aura didn't gave the same warmth that it gave away before.

Sae jin went to talk with Yuhui but she outright ignored him and started talking with Ijin who was near her. Sae jin knew she was doing this make him jealous and teaching him a lesson on how it felt to her and it was working well since Sae jin became very sad and left dejectedly.

Yuhui glanced at retreating Sae jin and felt bitter but she ignored it.

Sae jin wanted nothing more than the school to end so he can go back with Yuhui where he can mend their relationship even if it was a little bit.

But much to his surprise she had left early according to Ijin she left hurriedly after the final bell rang.

Sae jin ran in Yuhui's direction only to see her car leaving and Yuhui looked at him and turned her head.

Sae jin the went home got fresh and left for Seonhwa's but he found out she was out for shopping with Seol Jihu who was the son of an acquaintance of Seo Do-young.

He talked with Yoo Seunghae a little and found out she went to nearby supermarket.

Sae jin knew Seonhwa had a habit of doing grocery shopping when she was sad or frustrated.

He went to shopping mall quickly where he saw Yeonhwa and Seol Jihu talking he went to them but was rejected by her too as if it was planned by both Seonhwa and Yuhui together.

He was very angry but decided to leave since Seonhwa wasn't even looking at him.

Sae jin felt very bitter and mad at himself he was tempted to make both of them forget everything so that everything could be normal between the three of them but in the end decided against it.

Sae jin went home ate with his parents and left to his room at which the Kim household trio smiled wryly.

Next morning Sae jin went to Jae Eun since he promised to meet Jae hee they first went to get some flower and fruits and finally reached the hospital where Jae hee noticed something off about Sae jin but thought maybe it was his work and didn't pry into it too much.

Jae Hee looked at Sae jin and stroked his hair said "You should take a break back when I was young if something troubled me I would talk to my best friend who would always have answers to my problem. If a person is in a situation where he or she can't find an answer an outside perspective sometimes does wonders you should try it. "

Sae jin smiled and thanked Jae hee and left together with Jae Eun thinking about what do and who to talk to in the future.