

Chapter Fifteen: Between the Books

The vicinity around Harry at the Gryffindor was empty, save for the seat beside him which was occupied by his biological brother. Ron Weasley's words still echoed through their minds, and not even Dumbledore's coaxing words could clear them. Harry could only hope that his escape was drawing nearer. Dumbledore would tire of his resistance, and Harry was certain before long that the students would realize him for what he truly was… Voldemort's assassin. Harry had no desire to visit Azkaban, even if its Dementors were absent.

"Did you sleep last night?" Dorian asked, eyeing the black lines that had formed under Harry's eyes.

Harry blinked and turned in his seat to eye his brother. "No."

"Today you don't have any classes, so perhaps you can take a nap." Dorian said brightly.

Harry shifted his eyes toward the head table where Dumbledore was eating happily, occasionally speaking with Professor McGonagall. He had no remorse. His head was not still ablaze with pain. He did not see the images replayed in his dreams.

"Harry?" Dorian asked somewhat taken aback by the flames that raged in his brother's eyes.

The light vanished from Harry's eyes, replaced with the dull look that had been there before. "What?"

A strange look passed on to Dorian's face. "Nothing."

"You're lying." Harry tilted his head. "I can see it in your eyes."

"I don't want to ruin this."

'He knows.' Harry thought indifferently. "You would let me go?"

Dorian focused his eyes on his plate. "Yes."

"Why would you do this for me?" Harry asked quietly.

Dorian shrugged his shoulders briskly. His face displayed a wide range of emotions. "It's hard to explain."

"Hmm… some things are better left unexplained." Harry stated, and then more softly added. "Thank you."

"Perhaps, one day when this is all over-."

"Perhaps." Harry murmured.

Harry blinked his eyes tiredly, before focusing them on Neville Longbottom. He quickly turned away when images of a boy cowering in a corner came to his mind. His heart thudded deadly in his body as he fought back the images.

"Harry, I have something that I want to give you." Dorian said completely unaware of his brother's turmoil. "I asked mum to send it to me."

Harry was slow to take the small wrapped package from his brother's hand. He knew he should not accept it, but perhaps just this once would be fine. Carefully, he peeled away at the muggle tape that bound the paper, being careful not to tear the paper. Dorian watched this in shock. He was used to ripping into his own packages with vigor. Deftly, Harry folded the wrapping paper neatly before opening the brown box. Inside the small box was a miniature replica of a Nimbus Two Thousand.

"That was my first broomstick. Mom and dad gave me this replica for one of my birthdays." Removing the tiny broomstick, Dorian showed Harry that it was charmed to fly in a circle. "Cool, eh?"

Harry's lips part slightly as gazed at the replica as it flew. "I can't take this. It was given to you by your parents."

Dorian shrugged his shoulders. "They would want you to have. Besides, before long, I will be getting a Firebolt replica from them. I want you to remember me."

Harry made no response. Instead, he grabbed his gift and stuck it in his robe's pocket. "Thank you."

Dorian beamed, and nodded his head.

Turning his head away, Harry noticed that the Grand Hall was empting out. Soon James would be returning, and Harry would have to find away to get his biological father to take him to the library for his rendezvous with Draco. At the Slytherin table, he noticed that the young Malfoy was already missing. Sighing, Harry knew that it would not be hard to convince James to allow him to visit the library since Potter was filled with guilt for what little he knew of what happened while Harry was with Dumbledore.

Just as Harry had thought, James arrived.

"I would like to see Hogwarts' fabled library." He requested, keeping his voice uninterested.

"Sounds like a plan." James said.

"You guys have fun." Dorian paused to make a face. "I have double potions with Snape."

James's expression suddenly became guileful. "Find someway to amuse yourself. Snape is always good for that."

"An image of Snape wearing hot pink high heels, an orange dress, and a flowery hat is coming to mind."

Harry smirked thoughtfully. 'Why not? Just one more time to pretend I'm normal… besides it's Snape.' He thought. "Do something about his hair. It looks like it could use a good washing."

Both Dorian and James grinned.

"Will do!" Dorian called as he began his walk to class.

"Well, the library is this way."

Harry silently followed James. His guide did most of the talking, which was mostly pointing out certain aspects of the school. Harry noticed that James was avoiding the subject of what had occurred last night. Harry knew that Potter had been awakened during the night when he would either wake with a start or continuously toss and turn. That morning the older man's eyes had radiated with grief mingled with remorse.

"And here we are."

The many rows of books awed Harry. His father's own library did not quite compare with Hogwarts'.

"Mr. Potter, how nice to see you, again." Hogwarts' librarian, Madam Pince, stated when she saw the pair. "I can remember all the detentions you and your friends served here. When you weren't messing around a lot was done."

"Madame Pince, seems like only yesterday." James said with a wide smile.

"I'm going to go look, while you talk." Harry said quietly.

James nodded his consent, and Harry took very controlled steps to find the potion section. He noticed immediately that the Potion section was next to the charms section. Draco and he would be talking between the books. A smirk flitted on to his lips. He began to utter the titles or authors of certain books loud enough for Draco to hear him. Harry soon was far from the hearing range of the front desk. There was no way they could see or hear his conversation with Draco, he was certain of it.

"Potions of Great Potency by Ulrich von Wetterstein." Harry mumbled of the title of an old leather-bound textbook.

"Marvolo?" A hushed whisper came from behind the book.

"Who else would be reading through these?" Harry scoffed, as he removed the book. Placing it safely on the floor, he looked up to see a good portion of Draco Malfoy's face. "Please, tell me you have my way out."

"Have you been sleeping? You look like a corpse." Draco observed.

"Always with the compliments?" Harry looked quickly down the aisle way of books. "Dumbledore has destroyed my sleep habits. I need to get out of here!"

Draco looked taken back. "What did he do to you?"

"None of your damn business!" Harry answered harshly. "Now tell me the plan."

"There is this wardrobe in Hogwarts that is connected to one in Borgin and Burkes. Bellatrix is going to lead a small group of Death Eaters through the one there." Draco paused. "We need to know how many Aurors and Order members are guarding you before we decide on how many will come through."

"That is easy." Harry paused slightly, calculating in his head their numbers. "Their ranks have been decreased greatly since my father's attack on London. Most days are a total of twelve, not counting Dumbledore or Potter. James is almost always with me except when I am in classes. Besides him I am usually tailed by four. The other eight are positioned in various locations throughout the school. These locations are usually near where I am going to be during the day."

Draco looked dumbstruck. "I'm impressed."

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "They can't do anything without me being aware of it. I am used to this kind of work."

Draco looked enviously at Harry for a moment. "I will pass this information on to Bellatrix. It might be a month though before we can act."

Harry had to restrain himself from reaching through the opening in the books and throttling the blonde youth. "That is unacceptable." Harry said through clenched teeth.

His friend was astonished at Harry's suddenly paler complexion. "What are they doing to you?"

"Draco," Harry suddenly sounded extremely tired. "Just get me home soon."

"You're not going to be leaving us, are you?"

"No," Harry muttered. "But soon Dumbledore will tire of me, and I can only take so much more of him breaking into my mind."

"We will aim for this Friday. I am sure Bellatrix will be able to persuade the dear shop owners that it is in their best interests to lend us their store and wardrobe. We will get you out of here."

Nodding, Harry briefly checked the aisle once more. "I need to break into Dumbledore's office before I leave."

"You're going to kill him in Hogwarts? Are you crazy?" Draco said incredulously.

"He has my wand in his top right drawer. I plan on taking it back." Harry paused. "Besides it is the brother to my father's wand. It wouldn't do to leave it in Dumbledore's hands."

"Best position yourself near the headmaster's office before the attack."

"I will consider it."

Draco smiled briefly. "I think after this Friday I will have outgrown formal education."

Harry smiled in response. "It will be like we always wanted… you and me working together." Harry paused. "I have two items I need you to tell Bellatrix. One Dumbledore is mine, even if I am unable to kill him during the escape. I will find him eventually. I will not forgive him for what he has done. Secondly-." His voice trailed off.

"Secondly, what?"

Harry turned his face away from Draco and quickly said. "I don't want any of the Potters to die. I don't care about the rest."


"It is nothing. I am loyal to my father… I just do not see any reason for them to die."

"I will inform her-." Draco was stopped before he could finish his sentence by Harry.

"They are coming." Quickly, Harry bent down and returned the potion book to its place.

"Did you find anything interesting?" James asked, as he peered at Potions of Great Potency.

"No, it was rather dry."

"Well, what do you have planned for the rest of the day?"

"I have not been able to see the whole school."

James tilted his head in surprise. "If that is what you want."

Harry nodded his head.

Draco rushed from the library. He could not help but look over his shoulder to make sure that not one of the many Aurors, who followed Marvolo, were not following him as well. Only when he reached his empty dormitory room did he feel secure. Opening his trunk, Draco removed a two-way mirror that his Aunt had bought in Knockturn Alley.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." As Draco whispered the name, his breath caused the surface of the mirror to cloud. He carefully wiped the mirror just in time to see his Aunt's face appear. "Aunt Bella."

"Cut niceties. Were you able to meet with Marvolo or not?"

Draco nodded his head. "We need to get him out by this Friday, before the old imbecile does anything further to him."

Bellatrix's expression sobered greatly. "I have everything ready on my end, except for forming the task force. How is your end?"

"I have the wardrobe fix." Draco stated. "Marvolo has given me the number of his guards, which is twelve. We should be able to handle them."

"It will be a day Dumbledore will not forget."

"Oh, Marvolo says the old fool is his to deal with." Draco paused. "He does not want the Potters to be killed."

Bellatrix look astounded. "Why?"

"He didn't say." Draco eyes went to the door briefly. "He says he is loyal to the Dark Lord."

Bellatrix nodded her head. "Then he is."

Draco silently agreed.

"Tell Marvolo that if he does not wish them to be harmed, he will have to find a means to get them out of the way. The task force will have no time to discern our enemies from bystanders."

"I will tell him."

A twisted smile covered her lips. "You have proved very useful, Draco. The Dark Lord will reward you greatly for the return of his son."

"Will he allow me to work with Marvolo?"

Bellatrix snorted. "If you don't slow Marvolo down, I don't see why not. You see, Draco, how lucky you were to be made Harry's playmate. It will have its perks after this."

"I think I am as eager as Marvolo to leave here."

"After this Friday, I think most students will be eager to leave Hogwarts." Bellatrix smirked. "Dumbledore will be in shame, and Hogwarts will perhaps have to shut there doors for good."