
A Shadow: The Unrestrained Stalker Girl

Synopsis: (Point to be Noted : the total number of chapters of this book will be less than 100) A self-centered girl named Luna has an unalterable-obsessional crush on a guy named Brandon who is almost 10 years older than her. But the guy never treats her romantically. On top of that he thinks of her as a kid. Apparently Luna married his friend from the same highschool named Arthur to get closer to Brandon. Because Brandon is Arthur's father's younger brother. As Arthur was Brandon's only nephew and the only family member, Easter took the advantage to at least stay around Brandon. At first she just wanted to see Brandon's face everyday with an innocent heart and didn't care about the relationship status(her uncle-in-law) between them. But slowly her growing emotions turn more condensed towards Brandon instead of building it up for her husband Arthur. On the other hand, Arthur only marry her because of his unusual attraction for her. But Arthur's earlier lust towards Luna turned into a pure love with the changing circumstances. And no one knows what Brandon feels!! Everyone's feelings started to collide again and again centering Brandon. But unexpectedly Brandon's feelings or thoughts drowned them in a deep maze of mystery. And thus, a sprint between morality and loyalty is being depicted through the story. A story that can be just a simple love story or can leave behind the definition of love and reach beyond it. A love that solidifies with worship or an worship that sculptures an extreme level of human emotions. A dramatic plot based on psychology and some imaginary characters with a realistic characteristics..where lust will have a friction with affection.. At the end who will win the race and who will conquer the love.... Is getting love or conquering it, the same thing. Love that can turn a winner into a loser and a loser into a winner.... An extreme point of self-love that will leave behind the self and turn over towards someone else . Loving the reflection is also a form of love or is it a selfish love.... Or just another version of vanity..... Let's find out through this story that demonstrates the struggle of a girl on her way of achieving love...... What will she get !!..... What will she learn !! Will she cross the limit or create a new limitation? And at the end, love will change her or she'll change the interpretation of love...... will she defeat her emotions or those feelings will defeat the amour propre…….who will get addicted first?THE PREDATOR OR THE PREY!! BUT WHO IS THE REAL PREDATOR?And who will worship love more than worshiping the self? So let's experience a blindfolded journey of love in the dark. ( Because it's not a love story of heros but a tale of inclination between villains) Genre: Romantic- thriller Warning: it's a negative version x (so ignore it if it's cross the limit of your moral values)

AriaArsha86 · Urban
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68 Chs

CHAPTER -34 ( the wall that is standing between us may crumble into dust)

Luna hurriedly ran over the charging plug and turned off the continuous buzzing sound of the alarm.

Thankfully Brandon is in an unbreakable deep sleep to make him wake by just an alarm sound.

But Luna can't take any further risk to stay inside the room anymore.

She placed the file in the study with her fast pass and then checked the surroundings for the last time as well as glancing over Brandon.

Picking up the wedding ring from the door gap, Luna left the room and went downstairs within one breath in between wearing the ring on her finger again.

She sighed out of relief after finding herself away from any dangerous consequences.

Luna started searching for Miss Rossi. And she found her in the kitchen,making coffee by herself even though there are plenty of helping hands.

"Miss Rossi…." Luna spoke out her name while panting and drifting as she literally ran from Brandon's room to the kitchen.

Miss Rossi rotated her face towards Luna with a gentle smile.

" Bran asked me to tell you to wake him up around 5:30. He's sleeping in his room and it's already crossed the time limit. Sorry, I forgot to tell you earlier." Luna said after normalizing her breath along with voice.

Miss Rossi didn't panic a little bit, seeing Luna's extra anxious expression.

"It's okay my lady. I'm about to go upstairs. In fact I was making coffee for him and I'm almost done preparing it. You can rest assured." Miss Rossi slowly stirred the long silver spoon into a porcelain mug while talking in a warm melting voice.

"No…. You should wake him up right at this moment according to his order. Leave everything and come with me…." Luna dragged Miss Rossi out of the kitchen and took her to the Ist floor so that she could accompany her to Brandon's room.

Miss Rossi didn't mind Luna's behavior and only visualized her motherly care as she followed her.




As soon as Miss Rossi opened the door with the hidden passcode, Luna entered the room,leaving her behind.

Then she turned her face back and awkwardly looked at Miss Rossi.

"May I wake him up instead you…?." She asked with a shy attire on her eyes.

"Yeah, sure. You don't really need my permission, my lady." Miss Rossi nodded.

"Then I..." Luna turned her head towards Brandon as she sat on the bed, beside him.

With scruples in her tone, Luna called out Brandon's name.

"Bran….!! WAKE UP, BRAN…??!!"

But Brandon didn't open his eyes let alone awaking from his sleep.

Luna looked back towards Miss Rossi to show her hesitancy and uneasiness.

Miss Rossi kept standing patiently without any reluctance.

Luna pushed one of Brandon's arms,


She shouted out loud.

Then she started pulling his arms and called out his name again and again.

"Why don't you wake up when I'm calling you…..?" Luna took her mouth nearer to Brandon's ears and shouted.


"Who the hell on earth is making noise like this?" The thread of Brandon's sleep finally broke as he mumbled with an irritation while yawning.

"It's me …." Luna whispered to his ears.

Brandon overturned his body and partially opened his eyes.

"WOHhhhhh...." Brandon let out a moderate scream as he suddenly discovered Luna so close to his side just after opening his eyes.

He quickly rolled over the other corner of the bed.

"Luna….Why are you here??" Brandon asked, rubbing his eyes while sitting up on the bed.

"I came here with Miss Rossi…To wake you up." Luna replied, chuckling.

"Why did you guys break my sleep so soon… MY DAMN HEAD IS ACHING SO TERRIBLY….." Brandon mattered while grabbing the front part of his head with both of his hands.

"But it is you who said to call you by this time, didn't you?" Luna widened her eyes.

"Yeah… But it's spinning so absurdly…I guess I've made a wrong calculation…. Let me go back to sleep again. Bye." Saying in the most possible fast speed, Brandon was about to go back inside the blanket but Luna clasped his arms.

"No, you can't just sleep all day leaving me all alone by myself." Luna tightened her grips around his arms.

"What do you mean?" Brandon narrowed his eyeballs.

Luna awkwardly looked at him.

"I mean you had two pills. This is too much for a Human body to consume at a time. So no matter how much you sleep you'll still feel dizzy and heavy. So I would suggest you not to sleep all day like this." She explained.

"She's Absolutely right ,young master, you shouldn't sleep any longer. I'm sorry I was making coffee a while ago. But before I could complete it, my lady forcefully took me here. I'll go and hurriedly make you a strong coffee. It'll help you feel better." Miss Rossi added after Luna, maintaining her politeness.

"Miss Rossi, please add another cup for me as well. And bring them to the garden." Luna ordered turning her head.

Then she again looked at Brandon.

" Is that okay Bran? The fresh air from green leaves and flowers will clear your mind."

Brandon strengthlessly shook his head without any words as a sign that he gave the permission.

"How do you like to take your coffee, my lady?" Miss Rossi asked before heading towards the door.

"Just the same as Bran. Strong black coffee with medium sugar." Luna described.

"I'll take my leave then." Miss Rossi bowed her head and left with an uncomfortable gesture on her face.





"Okay, Luna. Go wait for me in the garden area. I'll be there after I freshen up in a while." Brandon stood up from the bed.

Luna started folding the blanket that Brandon was covering on himself a few moments ago.

"I've a better idea." Luna said in a soft voice.

"What's that?" Brandon asked, raising his eyelids.

"Why don't you take a full bath instead. You will feel more light. And then we can enjoy our coffee in the garden. Thus you'll be energetic enough to go to the office and focus on your work. " Luna nervously suggested to him with her unnecessary care.

Brandon thought for a second, staring at her with his sleepy eyes.

" Good idea ..." He open-mindedly accepted Luna's suggestion and proceeded towards the bathroom,picking up the towel.

But he couldn't enter the bathroom as he noticed Luna was still following him.

"What ?" Brandon astonishingly stood in front of the bathroom's door, blocking Luna.

"What is what??" Luna innocently raised her head as her gaze fell on Brandon's eyes.

"Do you need to use the restroom?" Brandon asked with a tipsy voice.

"No…." Luna refused .

"Then why are you following me? Aren't you leaving?!!"

"No, I'm not following you. I was just wondering if you need any extra clothes as you're going to take a shower!! If you want I can take out a spare set of outfits from the cupboard for you!!!" Luna walked towards the cupboard while talking.

But Brandon held back her hands.

"No thanks. I'll just wear them when I come out after the shower." He gently smiled.

"You~YOU MEAN YOU'LL COME OUT NAKED?" She said with her shaking voice, raising the eyebrows.

Brandon slightly laughed at Luna's silly question. His half sleeping nerves awakened completely.

"Stop feeding your wild imaginations….. please don't even try to use your brain in front of me…." Brandon hardly could suppress his laugh but still didn't miss the chance to tease her.

"Then I guess you'll come out wearing this towel only, won't you?…." Luna again made eye contact with Brandon.

She started sweating profusely as a war broke out inside the heart against her instinct.

"What else should I wear….. You're talking too much nonsense…. " Brandon yawned while talking.

Seeing the beaded sweats on her forehead, Brandon took the towel and warmly swiped off her face with it.

"You… with only a towel.… nothing else but a towel….I MEAN THIS TOWEL that you rubbed on my face just now!!." Luna repeated her words while creating the image of Brandon wrapping a towel around his waist in her brain. But no matter how much perseverance she put into her creativity, she couldn't generate a clear visual of Brandon in any corner of her brain.

"Oh… girl…. You sound like a professional pervert. Stop with these stupid jokes and give me a break . Now go…." Brandon pushed her outside his room and then closed the door.

"But I..." Luna couldn't say anything else as she discovered herself outside of Brandon's room with a thick closed door between them.





She kept leaning against the wall, fully attaching her body.

In a hope that she might be able to hear the sounds of Brandon's bath or at least the sounds of pouring water. BUT UNFORTUNATELY NOTHING CAN BE HEARD THROUGH THIS EXUBERANT SOUNDPROOF WALLS.

It would be better if she could crash these walls. She kept cursing the walls that they may crumble.

But in the next moment she braced herself as she got ashamed of her thoughts. Yet she didn't move a little bit from that spot and waited for Brandon so that they could go together to the garden.

She kept biting her nails all along the waiting period standing on the corner.

To be continued...