
A Shadow of A Lost Dungeon

SUMMARY: In a world where monsters and beasts roam the land, a young man who is trying to live his life peacefully, tries to avoid those problems as a Mercenary. However, his past would soon catch him, while finding secrets of the city he is currently living on. What will he do? Run again like he once did? Or face them head-on? Warning mild swearing may be mentioned. TW: STRONG LANGUAGE, GORE,BLOOD, AND DISCRIMINATION

KeanChoi0 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


If Flint was a gambler, he would easily lose a ton of money on how bad his luck is right now. He never would expected that tonight would lead to something troubling…Or to his point of view…a waste of time. He continues to stare at a group of guys that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, only recognizing the thug he had encountered that morning back at the fountain square.

"Big bro Dorian that's the guy who beat me and my brother earlier."

The thug said while still pointing in Flint's direction like a kid telling their parents about a bully who hurt them. The one that the thug was telling about him was a large muscular man who could easily tower over Flint at 190 centimeters in height. The tall man looked like an experienced huntsman who hunted the biggest animals in the forest as he wore a fur coat that was wrapped around his waist and his rough face with a scar visible on the left cheek, brown colored hair, and eyes as green as the leaves from the trees.

The more Flint analyzes the large man he notices the man is wearing metal-plated brown gloves with a mark of a sun visible on the top of the hand. This only made him worry more as he recognized the symbol. It is associated with the rumored gang organization that rules the underworld of Resurgent.

"That's the guy? How did you even get beat up by a guy like that?"

 The tall man whom Flint believes is named Dorian said in a prideful tone as he only glanced at the masked Mercenary like he was just a small fry to him. However, his prideful aura was not just for show as Flint's instinct kept telling him that man is stronger than the average thug in the street.

Flint kept on staring at the man warry of the next move he would make as the situation was slowly getting worse.

"Wait." Dorian's expression turned into a curious one as he felt he recognized Flint's attire. "Have we met somewhere? You look familiar?"

He asked but was soon cut off when one of the thugs spoke to him.

"That's the rumored Mercenary rookie called Bloodied Mask, who is said can take down monsters with just a stare."

"Oh, maybe that's why I kinda recognize him, oh well." Dorian just shrugged it off then cracked his knuckles as if he was ready for a fight.

That remark made Flint only deadpan underneath the mask about him and the rumors. However, that soon disappeared when he recognized the rest of the thugs who were there.

They were in the 'Wanted Posters' that the guild always put on the board to let Mercenaries earn money for just capturing or killing them. However, the people in front of him right now were those who had escaped capture from knights and mercenaries alike.

The Masked Mercenary was mentally thinking about how he would play this off safely without leading to something troubling. For now, the thugs are considered dangerous not in strength, no, Flint can tell he can beat them or kill them, the problem was their numbers. The thugs were people who had evaded captures, so it was easy to tell they used tactics to confuse and beat their opponents.

Many would always debate over quality and quantity, which always claim it is superior to the other, after all a pack of wolves can even kill a bear if they overwhelmed it. But those is always a gamble in whether the wolves can beat the bear in numbers or the bear would overwhelm them with brute strength.

'This is bad…they outnumbered us. This is going to be hard to handle…maybe I should ask that female Hunter for help.' He thought as the idea of teaming up with the Hunter popped up. This only made him cringe at that plan, but in desperate times came from desperate measures.

He was about to ask the Hunter but immediately stopped when he saw she was shaking nervously. It was not visible to the others who were in a distance, but being close to her, Flint saw her hand was slightly shaking as she gripped the sheath rapier on her waist.

'Don't tell me…"

As Flint stared at the Hunter he deadpanned as he mentally berated his luck once more. By just the movement of her shaking body, he could tell this female Hunter who is known as an individual that can stand toe to toe with even the vicious monsters, was a newcomer or what others would say a newbie with a lack of experience.

He had no time to complain more about his luck as he heard heavy steps coming toward them slowly. Turning his attention once more to the thugs, he saw Dorian walking while the rest of the thugs only stood around with grins plastered on their faces. Flint calmly breathed as he watched the tall man who was the same size as a certain Cow folk walk. 

Maybe it wasn't too late to solve this situation without violence…maybe that thug can agree, after all, he looked like a reasonable man…right?

With those thoughts in mind, Flint also took a few steps calmly toward Dorian until they were a meter closer to each other…the latter over towering him.

"Listen, I think we-"

The supposed reasonable man just sent him flying through the air as his fist impacted the masked Mercenary with unnatural force ignoring Flint's suggestion to just talk it out.


Flint's body impacted the nearby walls causing its concrete to crack by the strong force. Luckily for him, he landed on a pile of crates near it barely lessening the pain…barely.

"Hahaha, I can't believe the drug works!" Dorian screamed in delight as his eyes widened in excitement and his sharp teeth were visible in a wide smile. "Hey, are you still alive?"

The only response the tall man could hear was a groan from Flint who was trying to get up from the punch. Seeing the masked Mercenary still moving, he was about to walk to where the Mercenary was and ignored the silver-haired girl who was now beside him as he walked still focused on Flint.


He suddenly stopped when he felt something sharp pierce through his right arm. Blood dripped to the ground making small drops of red liquid stain the pavement, when he turned to the side he saw the silver-haired girl was now holding a rapier that was piercing his arm.

Usually, others would scream in pain being pierced by a sharp weapon, however, Dorian only stared at the girl with a raised eyebrow as he tried to identify who the girl was and ignored the pain. His face then shifted to a grin as he recognized the emblem that was on her armor. A deep maniacal chuckle let out from the man as he just looked at the girl in glee.

"Kehahaha!! I can't believe my luck, a Hunter here in Resurgent Hahaha!! The best way to test this boost-up." He said before lifting his good arm to punch the girl.

However, Claire Just dodged the attack by jumping backward and landing a few meters from the large man. The Girl was a bit surprised by what happened, she did not expect that type of reaction from the uninvited stranger who had just appeared nonetheless she readied herself into a guard stance waiting for her opponent's next move.

Dorian only shook his head before launching from the ground and attacking the Hunter. "You guys handle the Mercenary while I play with the Hunter." Ordered the rest of the thugs as his fist collided with Claire's rapier and sparks of metal could be seen in each clash.

Back to Flint, he was currently trying to get up from the punch as he staggered in pain. Some of his coat was slightly torn off due to the piles of create he landed on and blood stains in some areas of his clothes were visible.

'That…strength….did he take some enhancement drugs?!!'

'Enhancement drugs' are elixirs obtained from the black market of Resurgent. The drugs are said to have the ability to enhance the physical body of the user, giving them power equal to a Hunter. Although it can enhance the body, the side effects always put the user's life at risk and would eventually destroy their body on the inside, killing them. Due to the side effects, it was considered illegal to use, however, that did not stop the production of the drugs can still be bought at the black market of Resurgent.

Flint was already knowledgeable about the drugs he had already seen a few of them from other Mercenaries who used them in desperate situations. The Mask Mercenary could only scoff at the people who used the drugs.

'Why do people are always desperate to use them…even though they know the effects.' He remembered something in the past while he tried to assess his current predicament. The never-ending screams echoed through his mind as an image of tubes, syringes, and a red bubbling liquid appeared.

 Unfortunately, he had no time to reminisce as he felt a pain in his chest. When he had managed to stand up from the rubble he struggled a little. He scanned his body to better see his injuries. After a few seconds, he noticed he only had minor injuries on his left leg and a small scrape on the arm. The only major ones were a broken rib on his right side and…a broken arm. As if his bad luck were like a set of dominos, he heard footsteps coming in his direction. With a sigh from his mouth, he stared at the group of thugs who were armed with knives and with grins plastered on their faces.

"Can we talk this out?"

He was only met by loud laughs as they just pointed their weapons.

"Too late for that, yer not the first time we handle Mercenaries like ya, and you're not gonna be the last." The thug in front said with a smile that showed his dirty teeth.

"Oh? You know what…" Flint lowered his body and placed his left leg in front in a running-like position. "No more mister nice guy."

With those words, an eerie silence spread through the area as the Mask Mercenary only stared at the thugs who were now seemingly surprised by the sudden change of the air. One by one they could tell the Mercenary in front of them right now was different from others they had faced before. It felt like a beast was watching them waiting for their next move. Unconsciously some of them gulped from the pressure that Flint was exuding right. Despite the warnings from their instinct pride and arrogance took over as the thug who was in front rushed toward the Mercenary blade in hand as its metal shone.

Flint only stayed in his position lying motionless without any expression or body movement and only stared at the man who was running toward him with a knife. Why is that Mercenary not moving? Is he unable to move? That's what he gets for messing with their gang…that was the thug's thought while he ran toward the motionless Mercenary as his pride swelled higher imagining killing yet another Mercenary, he let out a gleeful smile. He was a meter away and was about to stab Flint. Unfortunately…


The last thing the man saw was a blurry silhouette of the Mask Mercenary as time became slow. He was sure he was about to stab the Mercenary…but why…why was he seeing his blood spatter through the cobbled pavement and felt his body lost all strength? It was at that moment the thug realized what happened. It was only a small second but when his knife was about to reach the Mercenary's body, the Mercenary suddenly moved at a speed his eyes could not properly see… the next thing he knew he was now falling to the ground landing on his pool of blood before his sight turned dark.


Screamed the thugs in surprise while their mouths were hanging in shock at how quickly the Mercenary killed one of their companions. However, their shock turned into fury as all of them leaped toward the Mask Mercenary which was stained by blood from their comrade whom he had easily killed. Despite the numerous injuries, Flint only showed a calm and neutral expression as if he viewed his current situation as just a minor problem. Seeing his motionless expression, blinded by rage they hastened their speed and prepared to strike Flint and avenge their dead comrade.




The echoes of blades were heard in a once quiet alleyway. Throughout the seemingly metal-on-metal clashes, one by one the thugs slowly lose their ground as each attempt they make to attack is either easily dodged or blocked by their Opponent with ease even with injuries that would even weaken a veteran knight.

It doesn't matter whether the Mercenary can overpower them, as long they can keep up the Mercenary is bound to get exhausted…right?

A faint light glow suddenly lit up from the eye holes of the smiling theatre mask Flint was wearing. At that moment thugs saw his glowing eyes, it was blue… blue as a gem that shines through the deepest cave. For some reason the thugs who saw his now glowing felt like they were staring at a monster who embodied death itself. None of the thugs ever had encountered any monster throughout their lives, they did not even step out outside the wall of Resurgent. But, seeing Flint's unnatural glowing eyes staring at their soul… they could not help but shiver in fear.

It was only for a moment....but without hesitation, Flint suddenly moved. Before the thugs could even realize it… they were now too late as they coughed out a series of blood and gasped for air before their bodies fell to the ground ending up with the same fate as the first one did.

Only two thugs remained, one was the one from the fountain who was scared at the sight of the rumored Bloodied Mask in action. To shock to his core he did not realize his companion was ordering him something.

"Oi, get a hold of yourself…we need to kill that guy quickly while he's distracted."

"I...I ah…" he looked at Flint once again who was still standing on the corpses of his now-deceased companions. At that moment he made a decision that would change to their current predicament…" I'm out of here!!! Haaa!!!"

The scrawny thug ran off in the opposite direction ignoring the other thug's yell before disappearing to one of the alleyways.

"You coward get back here or el-augh!!..."

 The unfortunate thug could not finish his word as a knife was shoved from the back of his head and could only let out a gurgle while blood was spilling from his mouth. He slowly stared at the glowing eyes which only showed the smiling expression of his theatre mask.

"Next time…be better."


"Ha, dead…I hope you heard that…"

Flint then pulled his knife from the skull of the thug as the glowing light disappeared and only the dark eye sockets from his mask returned. He looks at his body for a moment before realizing he had forgotten the broken ribs and arm he had. With an audible crack of bones, he nonchalantly rearranged his arm and fixed it without even letting out a pained grunt.

'The Ribs gotta be hard to heal.. I'll just do it later.' Flint thought as he let out a sigh before his eyes shifted to the still-fighting Hunter and the abnormally strong thug.

Back to the fight between the Hunter and Dorian… both still keeping up the fight, neither losing focus nor ground. Dorian who showed great strength and speed managed to dodge an incoming attack from Claire who showed great agility and acrobatics for a Hunter.

Despite the power of the Hunter which surpassed the limits and obtained unmeasurable strength and abilities, Dorian still kept going with no sign of stopping and only showed a huge grin.

"HAHAHA!!!" a manic laugh came out from Dorian as he let out a barrage of punches toward Claire making her struggle a little. "Who would've believed, me who is considered the scum of the earth by the people who looked down upon criminals like me, standing toe to toe with a Hunter like you!!! Where is the impressive strength you guys hold? Don't tell me you guys can't handle a meager enhancement drug. HAHAHA!!"

'Arrogant….so damn arrogant.' Flint only looked at the man with annoyance as he watched the ongoing fight. He hated that the man was boasting that he could fight a Hunter just because he had taken a drug that boosted his power. The one thing he hated the most other than the Hunters was an arrogant person who thought they were above the rest. If it were any other day he would have enjoyed killing that guy but… 'I'm too injured to fight and… the aftereffect of 'that' ability I used earlier. I should just leave and go back…well good luck Hunter, bye~' He mentally said.

He turned to the other direction and was about to leave the area and return to his home and relax. However, fate or destiny had different plans as he heard someone hitting the floor before hearing a manic laugh from the arrogant tall thug.

"HAHAHA!! You lose!!"

Flint only slightly turned his head and saw the Female Hunter on the floor while she dropped her rapier beside her. At that moment time slowed and an image of the same silver-haired girl appeared once more, this time the girl was now begging for his help as people covered with hoods took her away. He broke off from that memory when he saw Dorian was about to punch the girl who was similar to that girl back then. Without any thought or notice, his body just moved on its own and ran…not in the direction where he was about to go, but in the direction of the two.


"Ha-augh!!!!?" when Dorian turned his head, he was suddenly kicked through the air and landed on his back far away from the Hunter and the Mercenary.

"Pick on someone your own size…but not me you're taller than me." Flint declared.

This made the Female Hunter widen her eyes in surprise at Flint's sudden appearance' she was more surprised when she saw him covered in blood as her eyes turned to the corpses lying around to the corner of the area.

"I know it's not a pretty sight but can you stand up?" Flint asked sensing the slight surprise coming from the Hunter.

The Hunter only turned to his side and nodded. She stood up took her rapier and prepared a fighting stance once again, this time pointing to the direction of the thug while her right left leg was in front and her left leg was in a standing still. Her armor shone from the moonlight as she stared at the thug beside the Mercenary who was covered in blood in contrast to what she was wearing but also stared at the tall man.

Dorian stood up and held his jaw for a moment from the sudden kick he had taken before looking in the direction of the Hunter and the Mercenary. He was a little surprised seeing the Masked Mercenary still standing despite being covered in blood…but he soon managed to understand once he saw the grunts he had ordered to take care of Flint lying dead on the floor drowning by their blood as sliced marks were visible. This only made Dorian sigh a little not because the Mercenary had just killed his man, no, it was because it would take a lot of work and time to replace them.

Despite those minor setbacks, Dorian was once more surprised when he returned his gaze to Flint. There was a feeling he had met Flint before not him, but the attire he wore. Dressed in darker clothing while wearing a mask that hides their faces and has the air of mystery surrounding them…while covered in blood. At that moment the tall thug recalled a recent memory where a group of masked figures standing at the back of a man who wore a plague mask sitting at a table holding a red bottle.

"OY, Mask Freak!!"

"Hmm?" this made Flint tilt his head in confusion but still kept on guard.

"Did your boss tell you not to go into our territory? Go back outside and tell your boss to Fuck off or else!!"

At that moment Flint froze in shock as his body unconsciously shook in fear. Once more, the countless screams of agony and despair echoed in his mind as he let out a shaking voice. "W-What…?"