
A Shadow of A Lost Dungeon

SUMMARY: In a world where monsters and beasts roam the land, a young man who is trying to live his life peacefully, tries to avoid those problems as a Mercenary. However, his past would soon catch him, while finding secrets of the city he is currently living on. What will he do? Run again like he once did? Or face them head-on? Warning mild swearing may be mentioned. TW: STRONG LANGUAGE, GORE,BLOOD, AND DISCRIMINATION

KeanChoi0 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


It had taken me the whole afternoon to manage to find the shop I was looking for. I know I should've turned to my usual route, but due to what happened with the two thugs and the girl, I have no choice but to change direction to avoid the guards there…..I'm not going to risk myself being imprisoned …nope, not again.

Now I'm currently standing in front of an old-looking brick house with a sign of an anvil and a hammer. When I was about to reach the handle, sounds of metals being hammered down could be heard as I entered.

The one who was hammering the melted iron stopped and stood up upon hearing the chime of the door. It was a woman with dark skin, and grayish puffy hair, and was wearing a leather apron, a gray T-shirt with visible black marks from the charcoals near the furnace, and black pants. Her muscular physique and tall height easily towered over me. If it were a regular person, they would run away quickly upon seeing her intimidating face.

"Well, good to see you again, Flint, what do you want?" She smiled upon realizing it was me who entered her shop.

"The regular repairs as always," I said, as I opened my bag revealing my broken armor.

"Oh, Wow….that's broken, it would cost you extra you know."

Seeing her smirk upon saying that, I sigh underneath before taking out a pouch full of silver and copper coins. The clinking sound erupted when I threw it toward her and managed to catch it.

"Is that enough?"

"Yes, just lay your armor on my counter while I reheat the furnace."

She gestured to the counter on her back next to the furnace where she was hammering the iron earlier. I nodded and walked to the counter while she went to the furnace.

"I heard there's Hunters here in Resurgent, what do you plan to do?"

Her sudden question caught me off guard as she kept fixing the furnace. I can only let out a loud tired sigh while looking at the ceiling, remembering the past. She knows how I feel about Hunters and their selfishness so I can't just say: "I don't care as long they don't cause any trouble", that would just be putting a Band-Aid in an infected wound.

"I…don't know, but if they do something suspicious….I would not hesitate to kill them all." I respond with a cold tone.

She only scratched her head upon hearing my answer as she stood up and looked at me with a neutral expression.

"You know….there's good Hunters out there, right?" She said with warmness in her tone.

I only scoff at that word, "Not to be rude, Miss Nora, but a good Hunter…is a dead Hunter."

She let out only a tired sigh before checking my armor and the damage. She rubbed her chin as her eyes analyzed all the broken parts before looking at me with a confused look.

"Did you wrestle a bear or something? These claw marks are bigger than your head." She said as she held the chest plate armor.

The chest plate looked like it would crumble down at any moment due to the severe damage it had taken from my last mission. If the armor weren't taking all the blow, I would have not been standing here right now. However, the one that caused that damage was another problem.

"Let's see, vambraces are broken, your chest plate is completely wrecked, your boots, and leggings have seen better days. I can re-forge them, but you going to need new gauntlets."

"I'll pass, how long does it take to finish?" I said denying about needing new gauntlets. I'm not going to waste my money on a pair of gauntlets when I already have my leather ones.

She only chuckled before scratching her cheek and hummed, "Maybe tomorrow or so. Is it okay for you?"


"But seriously, you should take care of your equipment, a broken object is as useless as a dead man after all."

With those words, I shuddered upon hearing something similar long ago.

"Leave him be, His just a useless pawn and a dead corpse."

Even though I escaped from that, I still remembered it all as if it only happened yesterday. The countless screams, the pool of tears, and the endless flow of blood that drips from my weapon as I slaughtered them all without care. The guilt that I ignored, thinking it was the greater good, latching to me now like chains as I continued living.

Never broke free from that as I still question myself….is it still worth it to live on like this? Knowing what I have done? Do I deserve it?

"Hey, Earth to Flint? You have been quiet for a while."

Shaking off from my thoughts, I looked at Nora who was looking at me with concern.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine….see you tomorrow," I said, however, my voice was stuttering.

Avoiding any further questions from her, I quickly leave the door ignoring her voice to wait.

After a few steps away from the shop I was now walking through the cobbled pavement of the street as I noticed the sun start to go down slowly as many people ranging from kids to adults enjoyed talking and playing with each other. Their faces show no concern nor fear, just blissful expressions plastered on them.

Can I even have that pleasure? No, but I'm satisfied to see others enjoying their life. Right, I don't care what I am or who I am, as long there is no suffering, I'm satisfied….

"Are you really satisfied with this?"

I abruptly stopped my movement when I felt a sudden cold chill throughout my body as I heard someone's voice. Looking around, only the citizens who were busy walking and minding their own business and not looking at me could be seen.

What was that voice? It was different…yet familiar at the same time….as if I know who uttered those words but forget who…

"Don't forget…who you are..."

Quickly looking at the dimly dark alleyway that was on my side, an air of mystery filled the place. Before I could think, my body automatically moved and went to the alley. Nothing was strange in the area aside from the darkness, some broken windows could be seen, and some piles of trash. Why did I even bother? Maybe I should get back.

"Running away again?"

Okay, now I'm irritated with this…where is that voice coming from?!!!

"Wow, forgetting your voice now are you?"

Looking at myself from a reflection of a broken window, I widen my eyes in surprise at seeing…me…not me now, but me from 'that' time. A reflection of me with a half-broken bloodied mask that showed my lifeless eye stared at me.

"We both know…what we are, why we are here…and…why...we…kill…. right?" the reflection said with neutrality in its face.

"Shut up…."

"We are made to kill, nothing more and nothing less."

"Shut up…"

"It is our nature, are reason to live."

"Shut up."

"Why are you try-"

"SHUT UP!!!"


The shuttering of glass reverberates throughout the air as blood drips from my right arm. Bits of glass fell from the ground as I stared at the shuttered window.


I know I can't escape who I am, but I can ignore it, no matter what…I will not be that guy ever again. Looking at the sky I noticed the sun was nowhere to be found, only the orange color that was slowly turning to night. Maybe I should return home before someone would investigate in this alley.

I quickly left the alleyway as I heard some pairs of footsteps coming from the darker part of the alley. As I blended in through the crowds as I went while I covered my injured hand with a handkerchief, I pondered about what I would say to her if she learned about this…..I'm going to get an earful from this…aren't I?


At the same time when Flint left, back at the alley. The owners of the pairs of steps that the masked Mercenary heard were revealed as two people with both shining armors that have the unique symbol of a circle and four triangles surrounding it.

The two pairs looked at one another as they scanned through the alley. When they heard the sounds of shuttering glass, they quickly ran in the direction seeing if they could help or assist someone in need. However, when they managed to find the area where the sound came from, they were already too late, and only the broken window with some bloodstain was left.

One of the pair kneeled and stared at the blood stain, trying to figure out what happened in the alley.

"Judging from the broken glass, it was only one person here who caused it. I'm guessing he had run into some trouble but managed to escape." A deep but calm voice said.

The one who was kneeling stared at her partner before standing up.

She pointed to the broken window and blood trails leading to the streets. She then uses her hand to make a fist and punch the air before using her fingers to mimic a person walking.

Her partner nodded before opening his mouth. "Yeah, whoever that person is, they just walked away in a hurry after punching a window for some reason."

The girl then gestured her right thumb outside the alley before pointing to the sky. Seeing what his partner trying to gesture, he nodded before following her to the outside of the alley.

"We should go, it's getting late. Orin and Thea are waiting for us."

The pair soon left the alleyway and went their ways as the sky completely turned dark and stars began to show themselves. As they left, both did not know their fate would meet the one whom they never expected to meet.


Many lights started to glow from different buildings as many shops that weren't opened during the daytime began opening and people went in and out of the building with joy on their faces.

Up above a two-story building, the masked Mercenary watched the night view of the city as he leaned toward his window. His injured hand was now bandaged up, and was now on the road to recovery…hooray…it only took a certain someone to scold him before helping him to clean off the blood.

"You know… just watching the city from the window is giving you a creepy vibe."

That said person is currently lying around on his bed while holding a book, and a lamp is placed beside the bed giving a small light around the dark room.

"Leona…why are you here?"

"Hmmm…hanging around." She replied while eating an apple, not giving any eye contact, and continued reading the book in her hand.

"Aren't you supposed to do your work?"

A lazy sigh came out of her mouth before rolling around the bed like a puppy. "Eh, don't want to. I just want to sleep, hehe"

'Why is she like this…' he let out a loud sigh before going to one of the closets taking out a black leather trench coat and putting it on.

"Going out so soon? You just got here."

"I'm going out to eat, do you want to come with me?"

"Oh, that's a grea-"

Before she could finish her word, a loud angry yell reverberated throughout the building.


This made the blond woman shiver in fear before jumping out of bed.

"You owe me dinner next time, got it."

"Yeah- yeah. Hurry up before Mr. Lock punishes you."

Both exited the room and went down. Before the masked Mercenary left he chuckled a little seeing Leona being punished by an old bearded man. He silently sent a prayer in Leona's direction after opening the door and leaving the building, this only led to Leona staring at him with a pouted look and then returning to her job handling the building.

'Well, let's see if the Guild is busy tonight.' That was his last thought before disappearing through the crowd as he went in the direction of the Guild.


Outside of the Guild building, Flint stared at the open lights in the windows and slowly reached the door. When he entered, he was greeted by loud cheerful yells and laughs as many customers wearing regular clothes to metal and leather armors mingled with one another.

With joyful expressions on their faces, they talk and eat some delicious food, while some only silently drink their second or three glasses of alcohol but still with a small smile on them. Every night, the Guild always becomes lively as people enjoy and let out some stress from either Mercenary work or other work. Some were now dancing and singing with different rhythms that mixed throughout the building.

"Flint, good to see you man."

When Flint turned to where the voice came from, he saw a towering tall man wearing an oversized armor plate that fit the guy's body. Other than the giant axe that was on his back, two large bull horns can be seen on his head that contradict his human face. 

The Man was a subspecies of beast folks called 'Cow folks', they are widely known for having pairs of horns on their head. Due to its males' genetically large heights which are two times the size of a regular human, they are sometimes mistaken as one of the monsters called 'Minotaur', with similar build and horns. However, the important thing to notice their difference is their human-like faces to the regular cow faces that show on the monsters.

Despite their large appearance, most Cow folks are friendly to other races and often use their bodies in farming and among other stuff.

"I see you finished your mission, how it did go, Harry?"

The Cow folk named Harry grinned. "It was successful, but there were some setbacks, hehe."

"Well, at least it's successful."

"How about you, didn't you also take a mission?" Harry asked, recalling yesterday's event before leaving the city.

This only led to Flint scratching his head and sighing. "Well…I failed, some weird monster attacked me. Luckily I did kill it with some small injuries, but my armor was wrecked."

"Oh, sorry to hear that." Harry looked at me with worry before gesturing Flint to the counter. "We should take a seat at the counter before we block other people's way."

Flint looked around seeing the Guild slowly filled with people before nodding and following Harry to one of the seats placed on the counter. There they were greeted by Walter who was serving another customer who was sitting at the counter.

"Well Flint and Harry, what can I get for you."

Walter greeted with a cheerful tone while mixing a drink for one of the customers. Both Mercenaries seated and began to look at one of the menus. After a moment, Harry looked at the bartender and opened his mouth.

"I'll take an Ale and some salad, you Flint?"

The masked Mercenary scratched his chin for a moment before giving the menu back to Walter.

"I'll take an Apple juice and mushroom pasta."

"Alright, then I'll have your orders in a moment."

The bartender then left and went to the kitchen leaving both Mercenaries on their own business. Both two talk about different topics from their missions to news and rumors about what is currently happening in the city.

"So Flint…I'm meaning to ask this."

"Ask away."

"About Hunters being here in Resurgent. Many people have mix feeling about them being here, like some of us who you know….encountered one of them few time. What will you do?"

The masked Mercenary looked at the Cow folk for a moment before shifting his gaze to the ceiling and think for a moment. He had encounter different Hunters from different cities and only could say one thing they had in common their selfish, egoistic, and greedy bastards down to the very bone. He then return his eyes to Harry.

"Well, let's see first why they are here then I'll act." He answered with a called voice. This led to the Cow fold to shiver lightly hearing his friend's serious voice.

"Have people ever told you…that you're kinda creepy when you're serious." He half-jokingly said.

Flint hearing that couldn't help but chuckle at that remark. Both continue talking until Walter appeared in front of them and gave their food. Upon getting what they have ordered, Walter looked at them with seriousness place in their face like a father warning their child not to cause trouble.

'I expect all of you to behave tonight, especially you." He then pointed his finger to Flint who only looked at the old bartender with a questioning gaze.


"Because, some group reserved a table for four and would eat here tonight."

This only led both Mercenaries tilt their head in confusion. Walter who let out a sigh shook his head before opening his mouth.

"You will see."

At that word. The loud cheers and yells stopped and was replaces by a heavy atmosphere. Only the opening of the door could be heard, many eyes wandered their gaze to the four people who had entered with an air strength and power.

Back to Flint, sensing the familiar air he could not helped but grit his teeth as he silently calm himself as he stares at the newcomers. Many gulp could be heard as they felt a strong pressure surround the four people who entered.

Gazing back at Harry, the masked Mercenary saw his friend who was smiling a moment ago shifted to a more serious and cautious expression. Flint then scanned the place and noticed that majority of the people who were Mercenaries, mostly those who often leave the city for a mission looked at the four people with the same expressions on their faces.

For a moment, he could hear what the others were thinking as they looked at them with mix emotions of anger and fear.

'Bastard Hunters.'