
A Shadow's Reincarnation

On a certain train sat a certain boy, with average looks. He had his eyes closed as he dozed off while hugging his bag. Earphones were plugged into his ears, silently listening to the music. Just then, the heavy bass music he was listening to suddenly became heavenly zither music that contained the truths of the Heavenly Dao. The boy’s heartbeat followed the loose rhythm of the heavenly tune for a straight minute before having been jolted awake. When the boy's eyelids fluttered open, it was as if the people on the train heard angels weeping and devils laughing. The Heavens shook in fear whereas the Underworld rumbled with joy. As for this boy’s origin, not even the gods & devils dare find out. _____________________________________ Disclaimers: - Ai pic till I can afford to commission an artist. - This is the 2nd continuation of my Magic Martial World series. - It's paused until I finish my diploma this June 2024. _____________________________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/R7nmUAqm

Simp_Chaos · Eastern
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81 Chs


Tokorozawa City

A week passed since Blake's memories of his past life had awakened.

He had already become Tokorozawa's Grandmaster, a literal dragon soaring the skies. His current strength, even though it was not even a millionth of his original strength, was already feared by many.

He was now currently studying in his own house.

The governor of Tokorozawa City was kind enough to provide the Grandmaster his own house even though Blake was only a student. If you're wondering about where Blake's parents were, well, they're both out of town working, only sending money at the end of every month.

Kind of sad, if you think about it, Blake was living alone for most of his life, he doesn't even remember what his parents look like.

Blake finally finished up revising 5 years of education, on which he mostly slept through before he had fully awakened. Blake lightly tapped his stomach before tracing the Spiritual Energy up to his eyes. This was the way Magic cultivators would gain the most basic Spirit Eyes.

Spirit Eyes itself has 3 stages, first one being the ability to see Spiritual Energy, the second stage was Miracle Eyes which lets the user see all illness within anyone's body, which is quite helpful when your meridians get either blocked or shattered.

The third and final stage would be Heavenly Eyes. It lets the user clearly see Heavenly Energy, making it easier for the user to absorb & cultivate Heavenly Energy.

To get Heavenly Eyes, the user's cultivation must be at least Magic or Martial God and their understanding and perception of the Heavenly Dao must be insanely high.

Else the sudden change in their body when heavenly energy replaces their original spiritual energy will make them experience pain beyond the help of heaven itself.

Blake sat on his couch and turned on his TV. There wasn't really anything to watch, so he just went back to cultivating. His house was near a natural lake which was rich in spiritual energy, so cultivation there progressed smoothly.

After 5 minutes or so, he went into a state of absolute Zen.

World energy around him was absorbed rapidly which was purified into Martial qi then into mana before it flowed to every part of his body, nourishing his soul as well.

For Blake, it was natural for him to cultivate smoothly, because he was given the Blessing of Chaos as a reincarnation gift from his master, the True God of Death and Creation, Chaos.

After about 6 hours of quiet meditation, he was at the door of the next breakthrough. He was ready to reach Magic Practitioner I, rank 1.

Of course, Blake knew it wasn't easy to just jump to the next grand realm, and it was even harder for Magic cultivators because they normally have weaker constitutions than Martial cultivators.

Blake knew it was useless for him to cultivate, so he got up and went to the nearby park.

Tokorozawa Public Park

'Well, the World Energy seems to be denser here...Too bad I don't have any pills or even mere herbs for the breakthrough.' Blake sighed even harder.

As Blake walked around, he saw a group of teenagers, about 16 in age, surrounding a middle schooler. Blake knew it wasn't his right to interfere but his past sense of justice overtook his denial. Blake stood there, his two selves conflicting with one another, to help or to ignore?

As Blake wasted more time strolling around, the ruffians were closing in on the defenseless middle schooler.

"Give me your money, kid! Else, you know what's going to happen..." the shorty threatened as he faked a punch towards the middle schooler.

"Look guys, I don't have any money on me, I swear! Can't you just let me go?" the kid trembled in fear, thinking that it was all his dad's fault, blaming his father for being unable to pick him up from school, forcing him to walk home and encountering this bad luck scenario.

The ruffians were obviously not stupid, they knew the kid was loaded, because he was the son of Hiragi Maro, Chief Director of Hiragi Enterprise. This was a rare opportunity for the ruffians to earn some extra cash, not to mention there were no bodyguards with him either.

As they threatened the Hiragi kid even more, they found out that the Hiragi was an absolute coward, asking him for 500000 yen or to be punched would be no question for him.

However, the boy knew something which the ruffians didn't, the Hiragi kid actually knows that his father would never be so careless, so if he was going to get hurt, his secret bodyguards would jump out and rescue him, or so he thought.

As Blake approached the ruffians, he suddenly sensed 5 other vital signals approaching him, and they showed signs of hostility too.

Since Blake was out in the open, he could be attacked from any angle.

He cursed himself for not breaking through quicker, because all 5 signals showed that they were people who were at the Gold Core stage.

If it was 1 or 2 Gold Core experts, he could maybe take them down. But now it was 5 Gold Core experts?? Hell nah, he ain't fighting that many! And where did they even come from?

Last he checked, he was the strongest person in his city...

Blake increased his pace as he speed walked towards the ruffians.

The 5 enemy signals also increased their speed towards Blake. Soon though, Blake decided to just dash in from the side and not care about the 5 other enemies for now.

"So, you really are telling the truth? Huh? Answer me boy!" the ripped body guy in the middle shouted fiercely, it looked like that was the ruffian leader. He had enough of this useless, naïve and cowardly kid, he raised his hand, curled it into a fist and punched the boy with all his might.

At that moment, his entire arm shattered. It was so sudden that he could not understand what just happened, all he knew was his entire arm hurt like hell.

He screamed in agony as Blake suddenly appeared in front of him. His eyes were full of bloodlust as he stared into the eyes of the ruffian leader.

The aura he let out at the time told the surrounding people that it was going to be hell soon.

Blake didn't need to say a word, but the gang of ruffians knew what's up. They all bowed down in apology and ran for their lives.

Seeing how that was over, Blake turned around to see if the boy was hurt.

The Hiragi kid was grateful and afraid at the same time, he was grateful that a strong person appeared before him when he was in need, however, the strong person's aura told the Hiragi kid it was best to not be rude to him.

"Thank you very much senior for saving me!" This was the first time the Hiragi kid has ever bowed a perfect 90 degrees to a stranger before, and he's only about a year older than him. 'What a monster!' He thought.

"Hahaha, no problem kid!" Blake smiled indifferently as he patted the kid's head. "Next time, try to go home with your friends to avoid encountering ruffians such as them, okay?"

The Hiragi kid nodded.

"Good, now run along," he told the kid.

After the kid waved him goodbye, the kid scurried home.

Now came the troublesome part.

Blake stood face to face with 5 Golden Core experts. Each one was an expert at the peak of Core Formation realm.

Now, if Blake had reached the early phase of Magic Practitioner, even if a Nascent Soul expert had come, he wouldn't have a problem incapacitating him. But since he's only at the peak of Soldier realm, even defeating 3 peak Golden Core experts will be considered hard for Blake.

The strength gap between Soldier and Magic Practitioner was insanely big actually, that's why Blake has to end this battle quickly and continue to improve his strength.

Blake knew that if he didn't kill them now, they would chase him forever.

So...what to do then?? He stood there racking his brain as all 5 Golden Core experts closed their distance bit by bit.

As one expert got really close to Blake, he immediately fell face first onto the ground and died.

The other 4 were so taken aback by the quick death of their comrade that they immediately became cautious and dared not look down on Blake anymore.

The attack was executed so fast and clean that they didn't even have time to unsheathe their weapons. At that moment, another one's head was sliced clean from his neck.

But to their surprise, Blake was still standing in the same place, not even moving an inch.

Strange, they thought...Yet, if he didn't move at all, how did the other two die?? Was there a hidden master that was secretly protecting Blake?

"Tch, listen here kid. We were sent by the Derako family to teach you a lesson in hopes you know who's the bigger man in Japan. But, since you're exceptionally strong, why don't you join the Derako family instead??" one of the experts spoke.

Blake spoke as he looked coldly at the experts..."Join the Derako family?? Who's that? And why should I join them?" After he finished talking, Blake released his bloodlust to a surrounding radius of 10 meters.

Everybody around him, including the experts, all immediately felt fear from Blake.

They knew Blake was not exceptionally strong, but he was somehow able to mimic a true master's aura. The experts all looked at Blake, dumbfounded at his strength. They all knew they were gonna die, they just didn't know when.

Blake began to walk towards the frightened experts with a smile that was not a smile.

On one hand, he hardened the World Energy into a long and sharp halberd; on the other hand, it looked like he was just flailing it around.

But in reality, he was actually releasing a series of hand seals for setting up a mobile battle array.

Since I'm reuploading this entire novel from the very start, I might as well slowly release chaps, right? Ofc, I'm not going to let my old/new readers wait for 1 chap/week again.

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