
Another Bombshell

Narrator's POV.

A little moment, her (Bailey) phone started ringing, it was Barrister Williams, her father's lawyer, she hesitated for a while before answering, she didn't want to hear any bad news for the rest of the day.

However she summoned her bravery and picked the call.

"Hello Bailey, your father's wealth and properties were truly duped and robbed off him. Everything you said about those fraudsters were true, they only lied and forged evidence that your father used all his properties as collateral for a huge loan in which he failed to pay and return before his death, none of that is true.

They only wanted to snatch your father's properties and I must say, your father's properties are really worth the attempt, However sadly there is no concrete evidence we can use now." The lawyer broke the news sadly without exchanging pleasantries.

Bailey was out of words, she couldn't say a word, she was just listening.

"You really saw that well, even though you were just a little girl, and the Austin family could really have something to do with the fraud as you said since the family's sudden wealth is also suspicious, but I'd like to advise you to exercise patience since we've no evidence for now" The lawyer added.

Bailey, in desperation and sadness of not being able to do anything tried to reply, "Yeah.. ok.. that's right.. of course.. I should, thank you so much lawyer!."

"So you said Keleb, your fiance has promised you to give you a huge sum of money, right??" The lawyer asked in happy voice.

"Actually…he .. he didn't.. Noo, I don't think so, we shall talk about that later, thank you so much lawyer" she replied suddenly.

She stood up, left the club premises and headed home, everything still seemed like a dream to him.

She decided to trek to her private small home, while thinking about everything that had happened to him in the past few moments.

When she thought about Keleb, she was visibly angry, "just.. how.. could.. HE.. of all people do that, I really did love him wholeheartedly" she said in sober while kicking the street end.

Unexpectedly a stranger in a black Mercedes with tinted glass stopped by his side, " you want a lift, guy? " The stranger said whilst whining down the driver side glass.

" Never bother, thanks " Bailey turned him down politely because he thought the man looked strange.

" Not asking you to pay, girl " The Man tried to convince her.

Bailey frowned. " Just go away please! " she shouted.

" Okay then " The Man said and drove away.

Bailey started wondering whilst continuing walking, " what's the meaning of all these again? Who is that man now? And what exactly did he want? I guess I need to be more careful from now on.. " she said to himself, and started walking very fast.

She reached her home in no time, however as she was about to open his front door to enter his house, a cool guy approached him as if he'd been waiting for her or tailing her.

" Hello, sorry are you miss Bailey? " The man asked.

Bailey wasn't sure of what she should do, she was exhausted already, she was just staring for a moment, " should I just ignore this man and enter " she couldn't decide.

" Sorry? " The man said whilst waving his hand trying to catch Bailey's attention who was already lost in thought.

" Ah.. yeah, sorry, yes I am. How may I help you? I don't think I know you, " she replied hesitantly.

The man went straight to the point saying, " Well I'm Lawyer Lucas from Barrister Williams, your family lawyer, he sent me here on his behalf. He wants you to sign these documents for you to finally take over your father's properties. "

" From Barrister Williams?, I just talked with him a few minutes ago, and he didn't say anything about sending you here, moreover how can he send you here at this time, for what? " Bailey objected.

" Well maybe that skipped his mind, because he told me to come here as fast as possible to collect your signature and fingerprints before some bad guys approach you with their tricks and deceptions. Additionally I'd advise you to be more careful from now on because those fraudsters can be sometimes dangerous". Mr Lucas said whilst bringing out a document.

" Yeah I guess that's true because many weird things have been happening lately, even just now as I was coming home a total stranger stopped by me in a black car with tinted glass asking me to hop in that he'd like to give me a ride without charging me. But fortunately I felt suspicious and asked him to leave. You won't believe that even though I asked him to leave he was still trying to convince me to enter his car, that made me believe more that something fishy was going on ", Bailey affirmed.

Mr Lucas looked a bit happy, " I knew it, things like that are expected to happen, who knows how many people were in the tinted car, what if they were trying to kidnap you..?. Well thank God that you didn't enter the car ". He said thankfully.

" It'll be good if you can fill out the forms, sign up the documents and end it all once and for all so that you can be free from those tricky fraudsters and rest. " Mr Lucas added.

Even though Bailey had had trust in Mr Lucas, she was still having a bad feeling about signing the documents, and thought of calling her lawyer to confirm, " please wait a minute, I'd like to ask my lawyer to confirm…, I'm sorry, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that I wouldn't like to take any action without the consent of my lawyer. " she remarked while bringing out his phone from his pocket.

" Ok no problem, it's completely understandable, in fact, I'd also like you to do that, please go on " Mr Lucas said whilst looking up then he started whistling.

Bailey tried to call Barrister Williams, his family lawyer but the call wasn't answered. She tried it again but it wasn't answered again.

Then suddenly his eyes caught something in Mr Lucas's dress, she could see a tip of a dagger in his jacket.

Bailey could sense that something is wrong, " she isn't answering my calls, please help me to try calling him on your phone " she said.

" Oh why wouldn't he pick up your call, he can't be asleep so fast, because when he called and asked me to come here he said he was at a bar drinking over a chat with a partner of his. He said whilst bringing out his phone from his jacket.

Bailey was surprised and was wondering, " Barrister Williams at a bar? Drinking over a chat? I'm sure Barrister Williams won't do that, everyone knows that he doesn't go to a bar, he dislikes that, it has never been his habit so why now ? ".

While she was wondering, his eyes caught something, a tip of a snake tattoo showed evidently on Mr Lucas's wrist as he was bringing out his phone from his jacket, " this isn't a lawyer, it's all lies " she said to himself.

" But unfortunately, my phone fell into the water immediately as I ended the call because I was at a beach. I won't be able to call him on my phone now " Mr Lucas said after bringing out his phone.

" Has he ever had his number? He doesn't even know that Barrister Williams doesn't go to bars " Bailey wondered and decided to continue pretending that he believes him while thinking about what he should do.

" Oh, that's bad. Let's just get on with it. Show me the documents please. " she said.

Mr Lucas immediately handed over the documents to her and she started going through the documents carefully, but the documents seemed to be true and original

But strangely, she could detect that each and everyone of the documents are two pieces of paper that's gummed together. she looked more carefully and noticed that she could see some different words and sentences underneath the words that are evidently typed on the documents.

It seemed that some different documents with different information were gummed behind the supposed original files.

Bailey was shocked and surprised to see this, "I don't even know how many people came here with this man, the others are probably hiding. They probably came this night hoping that I won't be able to detect this because of the darkness. It wouldn't be a nice idea to oppose or combat them now, what if they harass or wound me" she thought.

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