
A Sex System’s User

A tale of a horny teen reborn in a cultivation world equipped with a sex system. what sort of chaos will he cause? Warning: This is just a wish-fulfillment novel mainly focusing on the harem, people looking for something serious know the way out. Also, for those guys who are about to spam bull in comments or reviews, know that I am doing this for my own satisfaction in my own free time and I also am not the type of person to give much fucks. If you like it, good for you, if not, I don’t care. *No fixed update schedule. I will update once or twice a week.* *Cover’s not mine*

Purely_Crazy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 10

Bumpy roads, dusty dry air, and vast wasteland as long as you can see. The warm weather irritating him further. Leis has already been traveling for a week now.

"Old driver, you still haven't finished the story. So did you get to slap that bitch?" In a moving carriage, Leis leaned against the seat inside and prattled.

Wiping his sweat, the old driver said, "haha...that's the suspense. But as a spoiler I will inform you, they don't call me Jerry the-slapper for nothing."

"So you did slap her. Well, I guess she deserved it."

"What? how did you guess!"

"..." Leis ignored the grumpy old man who already has one foot in the grave and closed his eyes. He had trouble sleeping these days after he got used to the comfortable bed in the orphanage. Fortunately, he had bought a small-sized mattress.

The sun had set already.

After an hour, he woke up to a disturbance.

"What's up old driver, why did you stop? And what's this noise?"

"We are stopping at the small town nearby 'Seven Hills' for some time," peeking from the raised curtains, the old driver continued mysteriously, " I assume you can understand what's the noise."

A line appeared between Leis' brows.

Seven Hills, a famous forest in the southern part of Crurus Country. Known for the high number of casualties it produces every year. It is unknown how it happens, but somehow whenever you are within a 50km range of outer perimeter of the forests, you could hear tintinnabulation. Many groups or adventures tried to solve the mystery but because of the presence of high-tier Internal Changes Realm beasts, they weren't successful.

Leis was also interested in finding out what's happening inside the forest but why should he risk his life for something vague? It's not worth it.

He was roaming around the outer area of the town, but there wasn't much to explore. The architecture of the building was mostly like France in the 1500s.

There were some food stalls, inns, clothes stalls, and some brothels. This outer area served as a resting ground for adventures who were going in or out of the forest. Since it was the only town nearby, the price of everything was off the charts. As a result, the town was quite prosperous.

But there was one problem. There were no rules here. At least in the outer area. Someone getting killed in broad daylight, or bandits raid were a common occurrence. So it was considered a very unsecured town.

Even though it was midnight, it was bustling with people. Since the old driver disappeared to some brothel, he knew he has at least a couple of hours.

Suddenly he heard a familiar galloping sound.

"Dreders? A noble?"

Dreders were only used by wealthy people, mostly nobles. Commoners and poor generally used Bloolopus. They were much weaker, shorter, and easy to maintain.

His eyebrows lifted when he saw ten people riding independent dreders, they were dressed luxuriously. As they passed by him, he saw their appearance. There were seven guards amongst them, fully equipped with armors. Other than them, there was a young man who had an amiable smile plastered in his face. In front were two women. Since they were veiled, he couldn't discern their facial features but by looking at their body shapes, they went young, probably in their early 20s or late teens.

One look at the green-haired woman at the front and her status were clear.

Celus Barallet

Race - Human

Age - 18

Status - Normal

Cultivation Level - 7th Level Body Strengthening Realm

"Barallet? Isn't that one of the four main families."

He likewise operated his appraisal on everyone on the group. Other than one guard all of them were in the late Body Strengthening Realm, the other was in 2nd Level Internal Changes Realm.

In the process of checking everyone, his eyes fixed on one person. Seeing that person's stat, a glint passed through his eyes.

"A rat."

Even though he knew there was a conspiracy going on, he had no reason to help them. So he decided not to intervene...at least not for now.

Leaning against a nearby tree, he watched the scene unfold.

After finding out there were some nobles here, commoners quickly paved the way. They were awfully familiar with nobles' mindset and powers, they absolutely disdain coming in contact with commoners. Even though there were clear sets of rules, it never stopped their tyranny even in Capital, much less here, a lawless land.

"Young Miss Barallet, I am sorry not welcoming you quickly. Your sudden visit caught me off guard." A fat man of short stature along with some guards ran up to the green-haired woman and kneeled.

The woman was still sitting on top of dreder. Nodding her head, she replied.

"It's nothing. We will just be staying here for some time, don't bother with us." Her voice was authoritative and rather cold.

"But young miss, we have prepared a lodging already. I hope you will give us a chance to show hospitality-"

"Mayor, I insist that you listen to my dear sister. We are in a hurry." The young man who was behind those two girls interrupted. His friendly voice creating a sense of harmony and peace.

The green-haired woman looked at the young man but didn't say anything.

"If young master insists." The mayor nodded his head.

"Tin! Tin! Tin! Tin!"

He was about to turn back when the alarm bell suddenly started ringing.

A commotion broke out.

"Bandits are coming!"

"Hurry up and run away!"

Some commoners and adventures who were new here began screaming while the people who were already used to these situations quickly either shut themselves in or readied for fight.

"Bandit raid? Isn't the timing too convenient? Is it a coincidence or..." Leis looked towards the group of people. He wasn't scared, contrarily he wanted to see how other's fight.

"Sister, now I think we should listen to the mayor and find residence until they are done." Although his face was still amiable, the young man's voice now contained urgency.

"No. We can't delay any longer. If you want to flee, do so yourself." The green-haired woman snorted.


"No buts. We are quickly cleaning up these bandits and are entering seven hills right after."

"...as you wish."

From their conversation, Leis understood that the green-haired woman held more authority than that young man. Even though the young man's facial feature distorted, it was only for a moment, before it was reverted.

And so they waited.

Leis climbed up one of the building and sat on the roof, gaining clear access to view. Although some people from the group of the noble looked towards him, they didn't pay much attention.

Almost everyone was gone, the streets silent, windows shut, and the door locked. The bustling town emptied within minutes.

The silent reigned for some time before blaring battle cries started taking over. The faint silhouette of a small group started appearing in the view.

They sat on top of ground lizards, beasts rather quick on their feet. They were almost as tall as dreders. Equipped with long rough blades and bone armors, the fifteen to twenty men stopped in front of the noble family group.

"We weren't informed that there was going to be beauty here and moreover a noble one. Looks like our raid today is going to be a memorable day." A man with crooked tooth said while scanning the figure of the green-haired woman. His tongue licking his lips in anticipation.

The woman however showed no reaction whatsoever to his taunt.

Leis internally praised that woman for being strong-minded.

"Your lascivious nature is showing again little brother." The man at the front chortled. His heavy laugh was unpleasant to hear.

Abruptly his expression stiffened. He took out his sword swiftly and parried the incoming wave of the sword.

"Tsk. No warning huh. Ever arrogant nobles."

It was the guard at 2nd Level Internal Changes Realm.

Seeing the attack blocked with rather ease, the brows of the green-haired woman underneath her veil furrowed.

"Young Miss, he is in the same realm as me." The guard who was strongest among their group as well as the one who attacked earlier jumped back to his ride and spoke slowly.

"I see. Looks like it's going to be a tough fight," she continued after taking out her sword, it was also shining green, "but you can take care of him, right?"

The guard's eyes flashed, he replied resolutely, "definitely!"