
A Setback Beauty

"Just one I Love You...I'll fight for you." As CC slowly let her guard down, she just woke up one day that she starts chasing this stranger. She's not used of being the second best but she settled for it....for him. However, can she sacrifice her dignity and image loved by everyone in exchange for this man's heart that turned back to someone? And now she's torn between truth and pretense. Will she be her true self for this man because she wants to be loved for who she really is or she'll stay being CC that people love?

Yoj_Lolita · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


I PARKED my Audi in front of the shop. I just came from Astoria Dines and had my lunch with Mrs. Danzell.

She's offering her investment in Gallego Garden, and I accepted it. There's nothing wrong with trying. Besides, I'm tracking her past investments with other small businesses and she's a good investor. She's a good business partner; that's what I hear from her former business partners. I guess I just need to trust and try her.

After getting out of my car, I stopped in front of the shop. I fixed my eyes on its exterior design—from the brick wall, through the glass window up to the signboard displayed above the sliding door. Written on a pot-shaped wooden board is "Gallego Pottery and Ceramics".

I couldn't help but smile. I started this shop when I was just an apprentice at Casa de Gallego. Driven by my passion for arts, I built it, of course, with the help of my supportive grandfather. He even challenged me, saying that I must keep this shop until I get married. I accepted it and even promised that that was my goal to keep this place. That's still what I'm holding on to, even though this shop does not make much money. Few people appreciate pottery-making.

Through the shop's glass window, I saw Jill talking to two customers. She smiled widely when she looked outside and saw me standing in front of the shop. She waved at me, which I immediately reciprocated before she went back to talking to the customer.

I stepped into the sliding door. I even ran into Jill's two customers on their way out of the shop.

"Welcome back, Ms. Clarity!" Jill greeted me enthusiastically as I entered the shop. Some of my trainees, who were also there, followed her.

"Good afternoon, guys. How are you all doing?" I greeted them back with a warm smile. I missed them since I didn't see them for almost three weeks.

"You're finally here, Ms. Clari. It's been a long time since you came here." said one of my junior trainees, who pouted his lips. The other trainees in his age did the same after I looked at them one by one. They were all wearing hairnets and aprons.

I gave them a small smile. "I'm sorry, guys if I meet you again just now. It's just that there's a lot of things I need to take care of at the resort these past weeks.

I walked towards the shelf where aprons and storage were hung. I tied my hair and wore a hairnet. I also removed my wristwatch and hid it in my apron's front pocket.

"It's okay, Ms. Clari. We understand that you are busy at the resort."

"Thank you for understanding, guys. And thank you also for behaving, even though Sister Jill was the only one with you these past few weeks. I'm certain you didn't give her a headache." I grinned.

"No, not at all!" They giggled in chorus.

"Trying to show off, huh? As if you all weren't pesky at all during our activities while Ms. Clari isn't here." Jill, who's standing next to me, commented as she shook her head.

I laughed at what I heard, then I turned to my trainees. "Since I've been gone for a long time, we'll be having an activity today. Let's see what designs you learned from Instructor Jill."

We closed the shop first before we went to the backdoor since just next to this shop is the pottery studio. It's a two-story building where we do the workshops. On the first floor, we do the molding of clay pots while on the second floor; we do the designing and painting of them.

Designs were dependent on my trainees, even customers. They can create their own designs and paint them according to their interest. I let them do what they want, letting them be more innovative and creative.

"How's your exam?" I asked Raki on the other line.

It's our break after the first activity. I called her to ask how she's doing and to check if she took the exam well.

I heard her deep sigh. "It's almost tough, sister. It's a good thing I did review..."

I arched an eyebrow. "You should be, Racquelyn. You promised me that you won't fail any subject this semester."

"I haven't forgotten that, sister. But I swear, it's really a grueling exam. It's like we've been given the most final exam of our life." I know she's pouting her lips at the moment as she complains.

"It's tough, but at least you survived." I sat on a wooden chair inside the studio.

"Of course, sister! Because I'm smart." She proudly replied.

"Yes. You're the only smart one who earned a line of 7 in her grade." I grinned, though she's not seeing it.

"Tsk! It's only one time and I don't plan to do it again." 

"Well...it's better to be done than to be said." I lectured.

After our break, we proceeded to our next activity. It's an activity by pair. They have to create their own Mandala design on ceramic plates.

Since I was the only one without a partner because Jill accompanied a trainee who ran out of partners, I was the one who instructed them on what they should do. I gave them advice on what color and shape they can use.

I ended our last activity at 5:00 pm. We completed three activities without realizing it. I'm wearing a big smile as we head back to the shop. I'll be lying if I say that I didn't enjoy those activities, even though I only participated a little.

"When will you be back here next, Ms. Clari?

I faced the trainee who approached me. "I haven't even left yet, you're asking me that right away." I grinned amusingly as I wore my wristwatch.

He scratched his head. "Well, it might take a long time for you to come here again. We'll miss you again." His cheeks reddened.

I chuckled at his reaction. "I can't tell you yet but I'll come here when I don't have much to do at the resort. Okay?" I answered as I gently tried to dishevel his hair, even though it wouldn't be disheveled since he's wearing a hairnet.

His cheeks reddened more from what I did. "Just don't take too long to come, huh," he muttered innocently.

 "I'll try, Rhett." I gave him an assurance smile, especially when he scratched his left ear.

I left the shop at 5:30 and got back to the resort at 6:20. Janna was sorting her things in her cubicle when I arrived outside of my office.

"Ms. Clari, I thought you already went home." She uttered in surprise when she saw me.

"No. I just came from the shop." I glanced at my wristwatch. "Sorry if I asked you to extend. I just need to check those reports later.

"It's okay, Ms. Clari. I don't have anything to do at home either."

I nodded. "Please print the reports you finished, then you can go home."

"Copy that, Ma'am. I'll just bring it to you inside."

I stepped inside the office. I went straight to the office desk and put my bag there.

Just a few minutes later, I heard a soft knock from the ajar door so I glanced over there. Janna peeped out from there.

"Ms. Clari. Here are the reports you requested." Her heels were making noise as she approached my desk where I was sitting.

I took the printed documents from her. "Thank you for these, Janna. You may go home now."

Janna excused herself before she went outside the office. I took a deep sigh as soon as she disappeared from my sight. I rested my arms on the table as I buried my face on it. I feel exhausted. I made myself busy for the whole day like my usual daily routine, but nonetheless, right now it feels like I'm not unaccustomed to it.


"Oh! You're back."

I straightened up when I heard Star's voice in front of me. Furrowing my brows, I raised my eyes to her. "What is it this time, Star?"

Giving me a sardonic smile, she crossed her arms. "Given that you spent three hours waiting for me for my welcome party, two hours for Mrs. Danzell, one hour for your lunch...how about the rest workhours, Calleiah? May I know where did you spend those hours since I can't see you around the resort since lunch?"

I stared at her coldly. "When did you become an investigator? I didn't know that you even took courses related to that."

"Are you really asking me or you're just being sarcastic?"

"I'm asking you, actually." I gave her a blank expression.

"I'm not acting as an investigator. I'm just curious where the resort's General Manager went."

"Why are you asking?"

Star smiled devilishly. "I told you, Calleiah...I'm keeping my eye on you. I'm watching you every now and then. Just one wrong move and I'll drag you down to your position. I'm still one of the owners here, not just a manager." 

I leaned forward on my desk and clasped my hands on it. "I went to Gallego Pottery and Ceramics."

Her lips twitched. "So you're still keeping that useless shop, huh?"

"Yes. And if you have time, you can go there. It's open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm." I smiled nonchalantly.

"No way! I won't spend any of my precious time in your cheap shop!"

"It's alright. But you're free to go there anytime." I gave her a faint smile. I don't want to entertain her immaturity because when I do that, it's like I picked up a rock to hit my head.

* * * 

MY FOREHEAD CREASED when Aina's name popped up on my phone screen. I took a sip of coffee from my tumbler before answering her call.

"What is it, Ains?" I greeted.

 "Where are you?" Aina briefly replied.

"I'm here at a coffee shop."

"Craving for black roasted coffee and chocolate cake?"

"Yeah." I picked up the fork from the side of the plate and scooped a piece of cake. I took a bite of cake while listening to Aina.

"I see...are you going home?"

"Yes." I replied.

I was on my way home from the mansion earlier, but when I passed by this coffee shop, something prompted me to turn my car in front of it. My tongue suddenly craved the bitter aftertaste of black coffee plus the chocolate cake.

After a few seconds, I heard Aina's deep sigh. "I heard what happened to you that night."

My face became serious as my grip on the fork also tightened. "Who told you?"

"Raki told me. She said she saw you with a wound on your shoulder the next day..."

My forehead wrinkled when she trailed off. "Ains?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm really sorry for what happened, CC. It's my fault why that happened to you. If only I hadn't gotten drunk then..." her voice brittled, a reason for me to reply immediately.

"It's okay, Ains. No one likes what happened, it's just an unfortunate incident." I assured her. I don't want her to feel guilty about something she didn't want to happen. That was one of my frightful nights, and she had nothing to do with it. 

Aina sighed once more before she spoke. "It's really good that someone helped you; otherwise, something worse may have happened to you."

I swallowed a lump in my throat when Kade came into my mind. Although I got upset at what he did, it doesn't change the fact that he saved me that night. And now I want to scold myself because I haven't officially thanked him yet!

Aina's giggle pulled me back to my senses. "You've just found your Superman, CC. That guy's timing is really good, huh?"

My brows slowly knitted. "W-What are you talking about?"

"Duh! Clarity!" Her previously brittle voice has now become enthusiastic. Even though I wasn't in front of her, I knew she's rolling her eyes right now. "I'm talking about that man—Kade, who often hangs around where you are. Did you just let that man court y—"

"I didn't." I abruptly denied. 

"Come on, CC. Tell the truth, I'm your friend, right? Why do they say they often see you two together?"

"Those are just rumors!"

I immediately covered my mouth when a few customers inside the shop turned to my table because of the sudden raising of my voice.

"Really, CC? Well...I hear he drove you home from your cousin's welcome party. He even carried you up to your room." I heard Aina's amused giggles on the other line. "I know you, CC...no man can do that if you really don't like what he's doing."

I shut my eyes tightly and took a deep breath. "Of course I didn't like it!"

"But he had done it, right?"

I leaned my elbow on the table and lightly hit my forehead. "I didn't know. I was asleep at that time." I firmly explained in a low voice.

"Really? Are you really asleep or just pretending to be?"

I let her hear my violent breathing. If she wasn't my friend, I would have abruptly hung up on her. She's having fun putting me in this kind of conversation, which I really hate the most! 

"Oh! You sounded a little upset. Did I just pull the trigger? Hmm, CC?" She teased persistently.

My face dimmed. "Will you please stop, Ains? If you called just to annoy me, please stop. I'm not in a mood to entertain this kind of conversation."

Instead of ceasing, I just heard her cackle on the other line. "You know, CC, that your intimidation won't work for me anymore. Why don't you just admit it to yourself that you're slowly getting attracted to that man. I mean…he's good-looking; he has this well-defined angled jaw, tanned skin, and physically fit masculine body—"

"Aina." I said it firmly, with a hint of warning in my voice. "I'm going to end this call now. Just talk to me when you have something nice to say that won't annoy my ears. Bye!" I didn't give her a chance to talk back, I immediately hung up.

I breathed ragingly. I really can't believe what she just said. For a woman who just came from the breakup, she's the most annoying!

I rose from my seat and grabbed the tumbler still filled with coffee because I didn't finish it right away. I paid for it, so it would be a waste to just leave it.

Ignoring those eyes glancing at me, I quickly walked out of the shop. I just nodded at the waiter, who greeted me at the exit door after he opened the door for me.

"What took you so long inside?"

I almost dropped the tumbler I'm holding when a pair of thick, raised eyebrows greeted me when I finally got out of the shop!