
A Set Of Twins Journey Through The Multiverse

What would you do if you were given a chance to go through different worlds of creation? For these set of twins they chose to have an adventure they will never forget [English is not my first language and this is my first story i hope you can enjoy my first work if you dont then tell me whats wrong i will try to improve im still in High school tho] -Imaginary Novel

Imaginary_Novel · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1 - Awakening, Job Offerings, Weapon Selection In One

In a space filled with lights of varying colors, with planets and stars, the souls of the Twins appeared in this space.

'What is this place' was Riyu's thought process after looking around the place with his mind trying to find a reason to what is the space, they are currently in. With Arai looking amazed with countless stars twinkling and different planets orbiting around them.

Until they heard sounds behind them that resembled swirling, they looked behind them and saw, a entity with its head of a vortex without a medium swirling it, with it wearing what looks to be a cloak that have countless stars twinkling with it.

'What is that' was what Riyu thought when he saw the entity, before he could say anything out loud his sister was running towards the entity hoping to get answers to her questions, she had regarding this space. before her fist was raised the entity moved and had made the stars on his clock creating a bubble surrounding Arai,

'How interesting' the entity spoke with its tone being very ancient as he eyed on Arai and on Riyu before he placed the bubble with Arai inside next to her brother before making the bubble pop and Arai on the floor.

Before Arai could run again to the entity, her brother stopped her before she could do anything that could endanger both of them 'Stop trying to attack the entity are you trying to get us killed?' Riyu asked his sister 'I'm trying to get answers from the entity if I beat it to submission, we might get to have our questions answered' Arai responded to her brother.

-A Few Minutes Later-

After Arai had calmed down thanks to Riyu's logical reasoning, they both looked at the entity again after they had a argument on why Arai should not do that again, Riyu told his sister that he should be the one asking the questions to the entity enveloped with the stars.

'So where are we and who are you?' asked Riyu to the entity, 'You are currently in my domain that I use to observe the countless galaxies that I am in charge, be it ancient or recently created I'm the observer for them and balance, on to who I am, I'm the observer of the countless universes or maybe you can call me the amalgamation of creation that oversees cleansing, the start of the world and the end of it that is what I am' the being now known as The Observer told Riyu where he and his twin were and his identity.

'Why am I and my sister here?' Riyu asked again to The Observer while trying to comprehend the information he had received from it ' Both of you are here due to your desire to continue living while your sister's desire to have adventure, both of it was so strong that it made me find the source and saw both of you on your final breath, so I chose to intervene and plucked your souls from the river of reincarnation so that both of you could do as you wish without fearing anything that could've killed you' was what The Observer told Riyu.

After returning to his sister Riyu was still in denial with the situation, they were currently in his sister wanted to know what the entity had told him, so Riyu told Arai where they were, who it was and why they are currently in here after he told her she was amazed after her questions were answered, 'So that person is someone that observes the whole universe and we are currently here due to our desires?' Arai asked if she was right, 'Pretty much' Riyu said after pretty much accepting his fate since he could not think of any, logical reason.

After their conversation The Observer suddenly went to where they were and offered a proposition, 'I can let you two travel to the countless worlds I'm observing and give both of you some wishes since your god has many favors, he owes me I can also give both of you a weapon, but you have to find a weapon that calls for you since they are also alive and chooses there owner, but you need to work for me and travel to some corrupted worlds to cleanse them from some disaster be it other transmigrators that your god has sent or a powerful evil that has appeared, And you have to balance the worlds you're in if there is only heroes in that world you have to be villains and vice versa so will you accept?' after he said those words, he snapped his fingers and what appeared was two contracts that said all the conditions he stated also some extra information that included what line of work they would do.

-Riyu P.O.V-

What the hell me and my sister just died and after having an emotional rollercoaster by being told that God does exist and that we are able to go to different worlds and we were also having work to be heroes and villains to also cleanse corrupted worlds my mind is still trying to recover half of my mental state after the being known as Observer dropped a goddam bomb shell that we are also getting wishes I'm still trying to be logical but how the hell does this work.

-Arai P.O.V-

Wow can't believe we are going to have an AMAZING ADVENTURE while also being heroes but I`m angry we have to be villains I don't want to hurt innocent people but ohhhh, I will look so coooool with weapons I just can`t wait to get my hands on a weapon and wishes i can wish for anything I want what should I wish for even there's countless possibilities?

-3rd P.O.V And A Few Minutes Later-

After the Twins discussed about the contract details, they both turned to Observer and told their answers 'We both accept the terms and conditions' they both said at the same time signing with their names and signatures after that Observer was happy and told them to wait while it finalizes the weapon room and getting his favors from their god and also gave them some documents surrounding the worlds they can travel to and gave details regarding them for their first travel.

-A Few Hours Later-

While the Twins were waiting, they looked through the documents The Observer gave them and read them one by one looking for details and gimmicks regarding that specific world after reading their 20th world file they heard Observer appear before them telling them the weapon room is set, the twins were nervous since they might not be able to hear the weapon calling them and might have to use one of their wishes just to have a good weapon to use, 'These weapons are soul bound so if you die they die with you that's the rule of soul bounded weapons also you have to train with them they are also growth weapons too' The Observer told the twins when they were at the front of the weapon room.

After The Observer held on to the handle of the doors guarding the weapons the doors lit up with lines going across them with lettering out of this world lighting up, with the stars out swirling ever so more dangerously and cries from the planets were heard and winds coming in the room dispersing when the door opened the twins covered their ears and closed their eyes so that they would not bleed but after a little while they uncovered their ears and opened their eyes what they saw made their eyes widen in surprise, the room was covered in marble with stars next to them, silver and gold lines were across the room of weapons, they saw tapestry that told stories of heroics from people long dead, they saw gold plates up next to the tapestry that had different weapons below them from Swords, Daggers, Bows, Spears they saw different weapons lining across this grand room and text that showed their special properties and their names while they were admiring the various weapons they still did not hear any of the weapons calling to them.

-Riyu P.O.V-

I still can't hear any voice from the weapons, but I will still hope since I need this for a starter weapon if not I have to waste a wish for a weapon that is not soul bound that was until I heard my sister being oh so joyous saying she got a weapon calling onto her and I turned I saw the weapon my sister is holding with the plate stating its name and capabilities its design was a sword that had a black handle with blue lines on the side of the handle with its blade being a claymore don't ask me how it fits with the handle I was going to be sulking after I saw the sword my sister was hold be absorbed into her after the display that was until I heard a voice call to me, the voice was giving the feeling of loneliness and wisdom I turned around and there saw a scythe its blade white with black lines interweaving with silver down to its handle with text of a language unknown going down to its ends, I went to the scythe and took hold of it with its name engraving itself to my mind and its singular plate in my other hand stating its name.

-Observer P.O.V-

Oh, the girl and the boy have been chosen by those I never in my whole existence would choose I looked and saw the sword within the soul of the girl roaring in a battle frenzy with the girl and the boy the path opened up for him both have potential even greater than I had first started on my lonely journey for adventure what will they achieve, will the girl be lost in a battle craze from the sword or will the boy will be emotionless and continue onward as the scythe was created, I looked at the figures of my new employees and their partners having fallen asleep after the process

Hai what do you think of this chapter??

Is it short or long i hope you enjoy it also im very happy i got 500 views already i never thought i would get to that so thank you!!


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