
A Second Chance in Time

Hi, I’m Mark and while I’m not the strongest and neither do I have any unique ability, most of my opportunities being either wasted or given away one way or another, I’m the one that survived the most. Now that I think about it, this life is pretty miserable. I got my ups and downs, but because I rushed at the beginning, I ruined my entire future and the only thing keeping me alive is my ability to adapt and survive. That’s it. No magical abilities. No genius talent. The most unique ability I had was an ability the “survivor” title gave me called “The survivor”. Oh, look, I'm about to be killed aaaaand I'm dead. ... . . Die, they said, you will receive eternal rest they said, but where is the eternal rest?! “Hello and welcome to the Regression and Reincarnation agency. Due to your peculiar achievements, you have been fo- ahem, given the chance to go back in time, as well as three wishes.” –––––––––––––––––– Follow Mark on his journey to change his ending, see his rises and falls and journey with him together in this story through your imagination. ______________________ This is my first book and my native language isn't English, so expect grammar mistakes and so on. You will find no harem in here because webnovel is filled with harem stories and second, I'm absolutely tired and bored of reading harem stories, so I'm making a book myself. Same for swords, they are everywhere, so they got boeing quickly, so MC will NOT be wielding a sword. The closest thing to sword you'll get is a knife. Either way, enjoy my book and if you don't like it, just stop reading, no need to write comments or reviews about how, from your perspective, the story is. _______________

Blank_Joker · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Upgrade through and through

[There is still time, you can plan more, don't worry, there is only 1 hour left]

Then let's see what I want amongst other items

[Skills 'Linguistic Adaptation' and 'Dexterous Body' have been purchased]

Finally, I must say, it didn't take as long as I thought

[I sped up the timer, if I followed your original command, we would still have to wait 3 minutes]

Yeah, not waiting that long

[You can train on months non-stop, but you can't wait for 3 minutes, where is the correlation]

There isn't one in the first place, though there is my life

[Where is it, I don't see it]

Either way, did I finally assimilate both skills, I must say, it was quite painless, did I finally get the pain resistance skill

[Nope, should I start the assimilation now?]


[Ok, get ready]






[Your soul has gotten used to the assimilation of skills, now do you want to do anything, there is still quite a lot of time left]



I think I should get the knowledge on big chests

[Host, think about what you just said]

What, I like big chests

[You are only making this worse]

What is so bad about big chests, their only demerit is that they take up a lot of space.


What, you can store a lot of stuff inside them a-

[Host, don't make me shut you up and now that you are silent, think about what you just said]







I have messed up big time

[If not for what you said after 'I like big chests', I would think that you just did a fetish reveal]


[Apology not accepted]

Sorry *intensifies*


'Sorry' is put on steroids, now it is standing 5mm higher

[Ok, apology accepted]

[Title 'Order Outlaw' has been acquired]

Yay, finally, let me see


System, where is your response?


[Host... I'm not sure how to break this to you, but for this title OP is an insult]



[Yes, I'll show the title]

[Title: The First Order Outlaw

Rank: Unique

Description: A maverick disruptor challenging the status quo with rebellious disregard for norms and rules, reshaping the fabric of society through deliberate acts of defiance: You are an individual who refuses to conform to established systems and structures.

Benefits: whenever you are doing something against the norm, as long as there is even a chance of succeeding, it will receive a 2x/50% boost to it's success, depends on which one will give a bigger success rate/doesn't surpass 95%.

If both options make it go above 95%, then it will receive a partial boost till 95%. Whenever you are doing something out-of-the-norm your luck increases by 70%, will increases by 30%, you are detached from fate whenever someone is trying to manipulate your fate directly so that you die a True Death.

Skills: 'Negative persuasion immunity', 'Rebellious mind', 'Cosmic Law resistance', 'Aura immunity', 'killing intent resistance', 'innovative thoughts', 'efficient actions', 'Unwavering determination', 'Hour of the Prodigy']

Hey system, how many narcotics did I consume till now?

[Enough to see this]

So, like 100 tons or more?

[No, 0 grams]

So, accouple of kilograms, of what then?

[You didn't consume any drugs at all]

So did I finally go insane or is it just a hallucination from the lack of sleep, should I sleep then?

[No. No. You could, but it's up to you]

NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO. A shame. Maybe later

[You don't need to shout out my answer, you are even on the verge of forming 'insanity resistance']

*sniff, sniff* W-, why d-, di-, did you t-, tell me t-, this? T-, to tort-, torture me r-, right, RIGHT? *Blows his imaginary nose with an imaginary handkerchief*

[I'm kidding, you still have 12% till forming that resistance]

Thank God, I still have time to go insane

[Why are you so obsessed with it anyway?]

Because a friend who got cured of insanity told me that it was an amazing feeling to be insane.

[Then I'm opening the skills' descriptions]


[Skill: 'Negative persuasion immunity'

Rank: Unique

Description: You are now immune to persuasions that will make you go astray, or harm you, or make you lose your goal.

Effect: 100% immunity to 'negative persuasions']

[Skill: 'Rebellious mind'

Rank: Unique

Description: You are a pioneer of your path, because you ignore rules and only follow them if it's convenient for you, or they don't impede you in your path.

Effect: whenever you have a unique class or sub-class, you receive 20% more sp and ap. Whenever you are pioneering on a certain path, x2 luck.]

[Skill: 'Cosmic Law resistance'

Rank: Unique

Description: Whenever you face the punishment of breaking a heavenly or any kind of cosmic law, you can just 'brush it off with a 'Fuck You".

Effect: Resistance to all cosmic law's punishments increased by 40%]

[Skill: 'Aura immunity'

Rank: Unique

Description: Many powerful beings will try to stop you in your path by unleashing their aura, weather it is conscious or not, thus you must be immune to them to progress in your path more smoothly

Effect: 100% resistance to all beings whose aura you can't resist]

[Skill: 'killing intent resistance'

Rank: Unique

Description: Killing intent is a thing all beings who killed possess, but some killing intents are powerful enough to kill you. Because of this, Killing Intent Resistance is a must for you.

Effect: 60% resistance to killing intent]

[Skill: 'innovative thoughts'

Rank: Unique

Description: As a pioneer maverick, you must possess an innovative mind to make progress possible for you when you are facing a wall in your progress. Innovation is what pushed humanity to it's heights and so will it push you to yours.

Effect: increase innovative though by 100 times]

[Skill: 'efficient actions'

Rank: Unique

Description: In your path of breaking rules and laws, you shall definitely face more difficulties than you should if you make your actions inefficient. Efficiency is the key in multiple things, like fights, working in an unknown path, breaking rules and so on, so be efficient with your actions and prioritize efficiency over beauty.

Effect: all your actions will instinctively be more efficient]

[Skill: 'Unwavering determination'

Rank: Unique

Description: You will need a strong will in order to not abide to the norm and your determination must be stronger than diamond. This skill grants you that, making your determination an awe-inspiring trait, thus making you be willing to go through hell and back just to complete your goal.

Effect: increase will x2, whenever you are doing that requires extreme determination, will will increase 3x, luck will increase x2.]

[Skill: 'Hour of the Prodigy'

Rank: Unique

Description: Geniuses aren't born, they are made. This skill is the living proof of that. At the cost 2x increase in whatever energy you are using, for an hour you will think like you, but with your all talents at 'peak' level.

Effect: Increase of all talents to 'peak' for the duration of this skill, luck x1.3

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 1 week]

I'm not high am I

[No, you're dead]


Hold your horses




[I'm kidding, you're not high or dead, you're Mark]

I'm tired from your factual jokes

[Hi, I didn't know your name was Tired, should I change it from Mark?]

No, enough with the jokes, how much of this is sealed?

[All the stat increasing effects]

[Don't stress about it, once you become 13, your stat limit will become 100 stat avg. and all your limits will be unsealed]

Thank you for spoiling the surprise

[You're welcome]

I'm not thanking you

[If you don't start treating me like a queen, I'm sealing all of your skills]

Oh highest queen of heaven, please grace this lowly peasant with your gaze, ok now enough playing around, where is the quest?

[What quest, you're going back to your main body after seven days, after which you will be permanently bound to your body]

Fuck, well then, let's use this time the best I can.

[You should first relax, not sleeping may or may not be bad for you]

But the 'sleepless' title should now be fully unsealed

[It is still sealed, it will finally unseal once you are bound to your body]

Then let's use the 'Item Token'

[Ok, 'Item Token' used]
